After saying that, Liu Mang took a look at the Double-Winged Tiger King with interest.

Then he swallowed the whole Black Water Cold Snake into his bloody mouth.

Seeing Liu Mang eating quietly and relishing the food.

The Double-Winged Tiger King couldn't help but get a little excited.

But he didn't dare to follow Liu Mang and eat with him.

After all, Liu Mang's words sounded kind, but there was a high probability that he was teasing him. Of course, even if he wasn't teasing him, he would never let him share the prey!

What a joke!

This guy has been pretending to be dead and fishing for so long!

How could he share his prey?

He almost became his prey!

Thinking of this, the Double-Winged Tiger King was very unwilling, but he had no choice.

At this time, after Liu Mang swallowed one of the Black Water Cold Snakes, the system's voice rang out:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a Black Water Frost Snake in the middle stage of the Giant Beast Realm and successfully obtained 2 million evolution points!】


Ten minutes later,

Liu Mang swallowed the second black water snake.

At the same time, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a Black Water Frost Snake in the middle stage of the Giant Beast Realm and successfully obtained 2 million evolution points!】


Not bad! Very good!

Eight million evolution points for four giant beasts!

Now he still has a black panther king that he hasn't eaten yet!

Thinking of this, Liu Mang twisted his huge body again and came to the body of the black panther king, then raised his huge snake head and laughed:"If you don't eat it, I will eat it all!"

After hearing Liu Mang's ridicule, the double-winged tiger king stared at Liu Mang with sinister eyes, and finally turned away without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mang suddenly felt a little regretful. It seems that he can't kill this giant beast double-winged tiger king!

With this thought, Liu Mang immediately opened his bloody mouth, began to wrap around the body of the black panther king, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

At the same time.

The giant beast leopard hiding in the distance and the local dog who wanted to be a yellow bird were all stunned at the scene in front of them.

They never expected that the final winner would be the ancient Titan python that had been lying on the ground pretending to be a corpse!

What made them feel even more outrageous was that this guy was really insidious!

After killing the two brothers of the Black Water Cold Snake, he had been pretending to be dead and fishing until now.

As a result, after these giant beast kings had finished fighting, this guy jumped out to clean up the mess, and also sneakily attacked and killed a wind god pterosaur.

"Why does this guy's voice sound so familiar to me?"

At this moment, the Giant Beast Realm Leopard stared gloomily at the ancient Titanoboa that was eating its cousin's corpse in the woods. For some reason, it always felt inexplicably familiar, as if it had seen it somewhere before.

As for the other dog hiding in the ambush, it was also full of surprise.

It had thought of many results, but it never thought that the final winner would be the ancient Titanoboa lying on the ground pretending to be a corpse.

"Awesome! It's really amazing!"

"It seems that after killing the black water snake, this guy has been pretending to be the corpse and fishing."

"This guy is really patient! He also knows the nature of animals very well."

"Although I didn't gain much this time, I learned a new trick, which is also a broadening of my horizons!"

For a moment, Tu Gou was also filled with emotion.

There are so many geniuses and heroes in the Ten Thousand Beasts Continent!

But it is precisely because of this that this world will be more exciting!

Tu Gou, who has a very good mentality, set his sights on the Double-Winged Tiger King.

This ancient Titan Python is so ferocious, and the size difference between the two sides is so big.

It is definitely not able to beat it for the time being. On the contrary, the Double-Winged Tiger King with injured wings is easier to hunt.

However, thinking of his own strength, it is really difficult to kill the Double-Winged Tiger King!

Thinking of this, Tu Gou suddenly saw the giant beast leopard hiding not far away, and immediately had an idea


At the same time,

Liu Mang, who had just eaten the Black Panther King, heard the voice of the system in his mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a black panther in the middle stage of the giant beast realm and successfully obtained 2 million evolution points!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a giant beast realm mid-stage black panther, current task progress 14/20! 】

After hearing the system's voice.

Liu Mang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This time he hunted three giant beast realm creatures and ate five giant beast realm creatures! He got as many as 10 million evolution points alone!

It can be said that the harvest is really very good!

It really exceeds the harvest last time.

In a good mood, Liu Mang prepared to go back and see if the hippo king returned to the mountain. If nothing unexpected happens in the next few days.

He will choose to stay in the cave nest in the water most of the time.

In short, he will not leave the Overlord Mountain, lest the hippo king and the female white rhinoceros king, after tricking the prey over, can't find him.

Thinking of this, Liu Mang twisted his huge body and came to the river, and then prepared to return to the old nest along the same route.

To be honest, Liu Mang didn't want to go back the same way. After all, he would pass by the territory of the Azure Bull Python. After rejecting this guy's kindness last time, who knows if he will change his mind and chase him?

Although he has the speed skill, Liu Mang is not afraid of being chased, unless the opponent's speed is faster than him.

But at least for now, except for flying in the sky, Liu Mang has not seen any land creature that can easily be faster than him.

Even the Black Panther King and the Leopard King, or the Black Water Cold Snake, are slower than him. It doesn't look obvious, but the difference is actually not small.

An hour later.

Liu Mang, who was traveling as he pleased, was traveling leisurely on the surface of the river, but suddenly he inadvertently caught the breath of several giant beasts. It attracted his attention!

"Is there something wrong?"

Liu Mang was immediately puzzled.���At most, one or two giant beasts could smell their aura on a mountain.

But on this mountain, he could detect the aura of no less than ten giant beasts!

At this moment, a shocking roar suddenly came from the dark forest.

Then came a series of angry roars from different creatures!

This terrifying roar completely echoed among the mountains. It was obviously not emitted by mutant creatures, but by giant beasts. Liu Mang was sure of it almost instantly! Something really happened on this mountain!

And it's probably not a small matter!

Otherwise, this mountain wouldn't be filled with the strong aura of more than ten giant beasts!

"It seems like something really happened inside the mountain?"

"Did a battle break out on the hill?"

"But aren't there too many of these giant beasts?"

Liu Mang was confused and hesitated for a long time.

He finally decided to go and see the situation quietly.

Anyway, if he couldn't win, he could run away.

If a war really broke out, he could take the opportunity to gain some benefits!

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