"Character panel."

Lin Ye let out a low voice and summoned a golden panel.

After the system was activated, Lin Ye rarely called up the panel, and today he mainly tested the results.


: Lin Ye [Identity]: White Bone

[Realm]: Awakening Eight-Star Mid-Stage

[Talent]: Infinite Devouring, Lord of Enslavement, Country of Mist, Eagle Eye, Flame Immunity, Soul Impact, Self-Healing [

Weapon]: Xuan Bing Bone Knife, Blood Demon Warframe, Lightning Strike Wooden Bow

Character Panel Information A few more lines, Lin Ye looked at the last talent, which was obtained after devouring the demon tree.

[Self-healing: Consuming a certain degree of soul power can heal the injured body, the more serious the injury, the more soul is consumed, and even a small probability will occur an advance. ] After

reading the introduction, Lin Ye was overjoyed.

He actually got the talent of the demon tree for self-healing, which was definitely an unexpected gift

, but he had seen the horror of this talent, and the thousands of broken tree roots were healed in just a few seconds.

The talent of self-healing also has a small probability of progression!

"The effect of self-healing talent is already against the sky, if another step progression occurs, can it be compared to the immortal body in myths and legends?"

Lin Ye's expression was extremely solemn, and the gilt silver flame burning in his eyes revealed his state of excitement at the moment!


Lin Ye, who had given birth to divine consciousness, seemed to have sensed something, and a violent rush rushed towards a large crack.

Among the piles of decaying corpses, there was a hazy halo.

It is a hundred times larger than the light of fireflies, faintly revealing the shape of a human being.

The halo also sensed that Lin Ye had discovered it, and immediately turned into a streamer, wanting to escape the devastated land.

How could Lin Ye give it a chance, stretched out his white bone right palm and touched it gently, and the blood demon battle armor immediately split into dozens of dark red blood lines with the thickness of the mobile phone data line.

It turned into a cage and imprisoned the hazy halo.

The simple cage formed by dozens of blood lines could not even be restrained by a one-star ferocious beast.

But enough is enough.

The hazy halo didn't even have an entity, and it couldn't move instantly after being imprisoned by the blood cage.

Lin Ye took two steps in front of him, and the little white tiger also curiously gathered around.

Faintly encircled in the hazy halo, an illusory figure only the size of a palm.

Like the elves in Western fantasy novels, the small facial features are like exquisite jade, and after magnifying a hundred times, she is definitely a beautiful woman who captivates the country!

It reveals a little foot as smooth as jade, as clear as mutton fat jade, shimmering with a little luster, delicate and soft.


The elf's expression seemed to be very nervous, and from time to time he glanced up at Lin Ye and the little white tiger.

"Soul body?"

Lin Ye clearly sensed that the villain in front of him was a pure soul, but a very special life.

The enslaved white bone servants are not pure soul bodies, and they will gradually die out after losing the white bone body.

Now Lin Ye won't.

Even if the body of white bone is destroyed, the soul can exist independently and can be resurrected by attaching to a physical body.

There is also no information about the soul body in the memory of the Sun God, either the God Casting Group has not encountered it, or the secrecy level of the soul body exceeds the authority of the God Casting Group.

Lin Ye didn't ponder for long, and he didn't want to continue wasting time, so he simply used the Lord of Enslavement directly.

Since it is the soul of the deceased that is enslaved, then there is no flesh and blood, only the soul can be effective.


Humans are different from animals.

As long as the three blue-scaled eagles identified Lin Ye as their master, they would not have the idea of betrayal if they were killed.

Humans are different.

Two sides and three cuts, complex thinking, extreme hypocrisy.

Lin Ye didn't believe what a human said, it was convenient and time-saving to enslave a servant, and he guaranteed that there would be no false words.

His current level of soul is not what it used to be, and enslaveing a small human soul is naturally effortless.

Not for a while.

The girl's eyes in the hazy halo kept changing, from muddy to clear again, but in the eyes that looked at Lin Ye, it became a loyalty that would never be betrayed.

Lin Ye also learned the cause and consequence, and knew the origin of the soul body in front of him.

The girl's name is Liu Yiyi, she is exactly sixteen years old this year, and she comes from a small village.

About a month before the reiki revival, Liu Yiyi carried a bamboo basket into Kunlun to pick herbs in order to earn money to operate on her mother, but she did not expect to be brought here by a landslide.

After getting lost, he couldn't find his bearings at all, and survived for most of the month, and finally died here.

At the last moment of his life, he ushered in the revival of Reiki, and the nearest century-old locust tree changed, and Liu Yiyi's soul was parasitized on a tree root due to misfortune.

Trees can nourish the soul, nothing more.

Liu Yiyi's soul parasitizes on a tree root, and every time the demon tree devours the soul, she can also get a little nutrient.

Until Lin Ye killed the demon tree, Liu Yiyi was forced to appear.


Liu Yiyi's crisp voice like a copper bell came out from the hazy aperture.

Now she is completely loyal to the humanoid creature in front of her, and she feels safe just by leaning on her side, and Lin Ye is everything she has in the world.

"How does it feel?"

Lin Ye looked at the palm-sized Liu Yiyi and asked.

Knowing what Liu Yiyi did, Lin Ye was not too bored, but felt very pitiful.

A sixteen-year-old girl is the age when she enjoys being loved by her parents.

Entering Kunlun, where beasts are infested alone, I don't know how much courage to muster up.

I don't know if Liu Yiyi, who has lost the parasitism of the roots, will keep weakening her soul and completely disappear from the world.

"I'm so sleepy~"

"Master, you have something that attracts me to Yiyi, as long as I live in it, I can continuously replenish my energy."

Liu Yiyi's voice was very good, and she lowered her head slightly and whispered.

"What appeals to you... Is this it?

Lin Ye just thought about it for a while, and then summoned the lightning strike wooden bow.

The whole is nearly three or four meters long, and the whole body is black and dull, giving people a feeling of age, revealing a sense of simplicity and vicissitudes.

Since the tree can nourish the soul, the effect of his own lightning strike wooden bow must exceed that of the demon tree.

The demon tree is only a hundred years old, and the lightning strike wooden bow is more than a thousand years!


Liu Yiyi saw the lightning strike woodworker, her eyes were like small stars, and she blinked very dazzlingly.


With Lin Ye's encouragement, she turned into a stream of light and burrowed into the lightning strike wooden bow.

Sure enough, it worked.

Liu Yiyi seemed to have a connection with the lightning strike wooden bow, and the illusory body suddenly solidified a little, and the graceful figure was exposed to Lin Ye's sight.

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