Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 113: Get me out of this city

Because Lin Wei and He Chengfei designed traps to frame Ye Chui, these leaves could endure, but what made Ye Cui angry and unbearable was that He Chengfei played with the emotions of a girl so arbitrarily, even ignoring each other ’s life and treating the other as Chess pieces come to fight against yourself, this scum is simply not worthy of living in the world, he must repent and apologize, but not to himself, but to the girl who was deceived by him, so Ye Cui coldly ordered him: "Yes Kneel down and confess what you have done! "

He Chengfei's body continued to tremble, glancing at Qi Qi lying on the bed a little embarrassedly. At this moment he didn't have much repentance, just thinking about how to solve this matter, kneeling down to a seriously ill girl? He hesitated, but after some struggle and hesitation in his heart, he made a choice. He turned to the bed and knelt slowly.

He Chengfei said intermittently, with a deep humiliation in the words from the beginning, but then he seemed to really realize how inferior the beast he was doing, and his voice began to be mixed with a little remorse.

Qi Qi, who was in a coma on the hospital bed, suddenly moved her fingers.

It's a pity that He Chengfei didn't see this little movement.

Ye Cui didn't see it either. He just looked at the figure of He Chengfei kneeling in front of the bed coldly, hoping that Qi Qi could hear He Chengfei's confession.

When these words were finished, He Chengfei turned around and looked hard at Ye Chu: "Is that all right?".

"Yes." Ye Cui nodded, He Chengfei's nerves relaxed, but following Ye Chui's words made him nervous again, Ye Cui said: "Now you can feel free to surrender yourself."

"You ... you ..." He Chengfei jumped from the ground. Face covered with anger and rage, "You lied to me!"

"I didn't say that I would let you go after you kneel and confess, you scum deserves to be punished by law!"

Ye Cui's icy voice rang loudly, and the anger in his heart couldn't appease. He rushed over and grabbed He Chengfei's collar, and squeezed him hard against the wall beside the bed: "She likes you so much. She, you thought that just a few words of confession would offset your mistake? Impossible! There is no such good thing in the world! "

He Chengfei's blood-stained face was exceptionally pale, and his voice trembled and said, "No ... no, I can't surrender myself ... this matter would be over if I was known in my life ..."

"There is no discussion about this matter!" Ye Cui said coldly, clenching his fists. I really wanted to punch He Chengfei's face fiercely, but at this time a hand suddenly grabbed his arm, causing Ye Chui's movement to stop suddenly.

Qi Qi woke up.

She was still a little weak, holding Ye Chuan's arm tightly with one hand, and a pale face covered with a pleading expression: "Don't ... please don't ..."

"Are you awake?" Ye Cui said with some surprise. The originally angry mood calmed down. He saw Qi Qi seemed to be struggling to sit up from the bed, and hurriedly took a pillow and placed it under her. At that time, her hand continued to grasp Ye Chuan's arm. After she regained some strength, she continued to say to Ye Chui: "You don't want to beat him ..."

"You are the one who harms you now." Ye Cui Shen Sheng said, "The bamboo shoots and fried meat you eat is poisoned by him. He will poison you to kill me in order to frame me!"

"I ... I just heard it."

Qi Qi's eyes shed a line of tears. With a complicated look, he turned to look at He Chengfei. Just before today, she was just a happy girl who fell into a sweet and happy relationship, but now she has to experience a cruel betrayal that she hadn't expected, Ye Chui couldn't imagine this girl. What a grief in my heart now. But she was still holding Ye Chui's wrist tightly, and continued to Ye Chui with a bit of stubbornness: "Can you let him go?".

"What do you say?" Ye Chui could not believe his ears, knowing that this man was cheating himself from beginning to end. She even designed to trap his life just to fight other people. After he did something that was not as good as a beast, she even begged Ye Chui to forgive him? Ye Cui looked at Qi Qi and said to her seriously, "You still look awake, why not sleep a little longer?"


Obviously Ye Chui's words with a little joking tone had no intention of shaking Qi Qi. She was still holding Ye Chui's arm tightly, a stubbornness was exposed on her pale face, and there was grievance, and her eyes were filled again. Tears came out.

"Even if I let him go, but if your parents knew the truth, they wouldn't let He Chengfei ... For my restaurant, I can't hide your food poisoning." Ye Chuitan After speaking, Qi Qi said calmly.

"I will tell them that I accidentally ate something bad, and they will not doubt it." Qi Qi continued to beg, and tears remained from the corners of her eyes. She also shed tears before because she was sad, but now She was crying because she was begging Ye Chui, but now she seemed to have a lot more tears-it seemed that she regarded the protection of He Chengfei as more important than He Chengfei deceiving her to use her to frame her.

Ye Chui's mood was inexplicably irritable. He didn't think there was a scumbag like He Chengfei in the world, nor did he think that there were even innocent girls like Qi Qi in the world. Maybe she would feel stupid when she recalled what happened in a few years It's ridiculous, but now, her relationship with He Chengfei is very precious and she deserves everything to protect.

Seeing Ye Chui's silence, Qi Qi hurriedly continued: "Did I cause you a lot of trouble? I promise I will find a way to compensate you ... I will tell you that I fainted at dinner in your restaurant. For my own reasons, it has nothing to do with your restaurant ... Please, do n’t be embarrassed, He Chengfei ... "

Listening to Qi Qi's words, He Chengfei's face was very complicated. At least at this moment he was full of self-blame. He also looked at Ye Chui with a praying eye. He had never been so scared and frightened like this moment. He was a giant. Wide and small, even if Qi Qi really had an accident, even if the actions he did were discovered, his family can still protect his comprehensiveness, but he is very afraid of facing those things, he hopes this matter can be exposed in this way ...

"Okay ..." After a moment of silence, Ye Chui said.

When he came tonight, he was filled with anger, and he was determined not to let He Chengfei eat good fruit. Even if he can escape the prison, Ye Chui will find ways to calculate this account with him in the future. No one can stop him, but now he knows there is another person, that is Qi Qi.

She was the first victim in this matter. Since she was in tears and asked Ye Chui to forgive her, what other reason did Ye Chui continue to embarrass? He Chengfei?

Hearing Ye Chui's words, a smile of joy appeared on Qi Qi's face, and finally released his hand holding Ye Chui: "Thank you."

"I hope you can send a statement as soon as possible to tell you that your hospitalization has nothing to do with my hotel." Ye Chui said in a deep voice. After Qi Qi nodded and agreed, he looked at He Chengfei and continued with a cold voice. , "My restaurant will be reopened tomorrow, and the seal of the Health Bureau will be torn off before noon!"

"Okay, okay, I will definitely resolve this matter as soon as possible ..." He Chengfei nodded busy and agreed.

Looking at him, Ye Chui couldn't say the disgust in his heart, and really wanted to punch a punch on his face ... So, he raised his arm and used his greatest strength to punch He Chengfei's face On the door.

He Chengfei screamed in his mouth and staggered back a few steps, buttocks squatted on the ground, his height was actually higher than that of Ye Chuan, and his physique was stronger, but at this time he collapsed on the ground and panicked. Looking at Ye Cui, the unexplainable embarrassment, and even a trace of anger can't be seen, leaving only complete cowardice and fear, stripping his appearance, he is just a cowardly villain who is useless.

"Get out of this city for me, don't let me see you again!" Ye Cui left this icy sentence and turned and left the ward.

He Chengfei gasped for a few breaths, grabbed the edge of the bed and stood up straight, looking at Qi Qi on the bed. He did n’t know how to face this girl. He was with Qi Qi before and wanted to use her, but Just heard of her maintenance of herself, under the effect of some wonderful psychology, he found that he really liked her at this moment, he wanted to say thank you, wanted to tell her that he would treat her well in the future: "Qi Qi ... "

"Let's go." Qi Qi closed his eyes and turned his head to the side, "I don't want to see you anymore. UU Reading"

"..." He Chengfei's body trembled again. He wanted to say something, but after all he didn't say a word, hesitated for a moment, and turned and walked out of the ward.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, his face changed a lot, so he ran like crazy to the room at the end of the corridor: there was a camera in the intensive care unit to facilitate the monitoring of the patient ’s condition at all times. The hospital staff in charge of monitoring is watching it, so he must smooth this matter as soon as possible, and must not let others know what happened in the ward just now!

Ran all the way to the room, pushed open the door of the room, He Chengfei's nervous face relaxed, no one in the room, he finally felt relieved.

However, at the moment outside the hospital, a figure wearing a nurse costume was drilling into a red car, holding a USB flash drive in her hand, with a sneer-like sneer on her glamorous face: "Interesting, it was originally just to Ye I was interested and wanted to watch a good show, but the result made me see such an interesting scene ... This He Chengfei is very useful for our next action against the yacht carnival! "

This woman is exactly how it is. (To be continued ...)

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