Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 115: Can only say that you can cause trouble

Yuan Jun was completely scared, so he came to wish his business a prosperous business, and then talked a lot of words, which roughly meant that he would never mess with Ye Chui again, and He is handing over to the school and is preparing to stop contracting the school cafeteria. Even his son Zhao Hongyu will transfer to other schools. He hopes that Ye Chui forgive him for closing the school to squeeze out Ye Chui. This fearful expression It's as if Ye Chui has been treated as a bully that is unforgivable ...

Ye Chui was very speechless about this, but he didn't want to do anything that was necessary. Since Zhao Hongyu had already done this job, he immediately said that he would never mind what Zhao Yingjie had done before. Satisfied left the hotel.

The time is approaching noon, but there are fewer guests in the hotel than in the past. Think about it. There has been a food poisoning incident in the hotel. Even though Qi Qi has clarified the matter this morning, the bad influence has already been caused. Some customers were discouraged, but Ye Cui was not worried. He knew that it would not be long before the guests would return.

At this time, Ye Chui, who originally thought he would never come back, appeared outside the hotel. In front of Tian Xiaodu, Han Yuyan and others, he was always a look with a story and a downcast look. Ye Chui greeted: "Boss, the restaurant seems to be fine, I will come back to work."

Slightly surprised to see Xing Sen Ye Cui, he stood up and said: "You help me prepare the fast food truck first." With that said, he and Xing Sen left the restaurant and turned to look at the street on the outside. In Xing Sen, weirdly continued, "I originally thought you would not come back."

"You work so tired, you think I think." In front of Ye Chui, Xing Sen probably knew that there was no need to hide. I restored the prototype and stretched a lazy waist. "You can do it. I thought I was going to have trouble with this thing, and I was almost scolded to death by the man-in-law ... The matter is resolved. "

"The Golden Cake helped me a lot. He introduced you to me, and thank you for speaking." Ye Cui looked at Xing Sen and tentatively asked, "However, can you tell me who you are?" "

Xin Sen hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said, "There is no need to hide ... Don't be surprised if you hear it. In fact, I am the legendary gourmet criminal police."

Ye Cui nodded calmly: "It really is like this."

"What is it really like this?" Xing Sen was very unhappy with Ye Chui's reaction, "How come you are not surprised at all?"

"Please. I'm just a chef, and not an important person with a distinguished identity. People with official backgrounds suddenly appeared to protect me. This is obviously related to the food. Guess what is strange about you as a food police." Ye Chui Rolled his eyes and said.

Gourmet Criminal Police is a special department set up in this era, and it is also a product that appeared in response to the Gourmet Age. It sounds like the name of Gourmet Criminal Police has a somewhat "cute" temperament, but in fact this is an extraordinary action Departments, although they have the slogan "Save Food" that sounds empty and anime, but what they do is much more important and serious.

"Sometimes I really doubt whether you are a teenager. Your mind seems to be more mature than the average adult." Xing Sen said with a sigh, which made Ye Chui's heart burst. Fortunately, Xing Sen was only Randomly expressed some emotions. He didn't pursue the issue deeply. He looked at Ye Chui and continued, "I'm afraid I will keep staring at you in a short time."

"Why?" Ye Chui said nervously, "Do I have any danger?"

"You are indeed a bit dangerous." Xing Sen nodded. "I'm pretty sure now, that group of vegetarians has already stared at you."

"Vegetarian?" Ye Chui strangely said.

"Vegetarian Order." Xing Sen said the name.

Unlike the Gourmet Criminal Police, the vegetarian group does not belong to the well-known existence, and the criminal expression of Pensen is also a little dignified. He continued to explain to Ye Chui: "The vegetarian group is a guy who is extremely fanatical about vegetarianism. . The significance of the existence of gourmet criminal police is actually closely related to this vegetarian group ... "

As we all know, the vegetarian movement 80 years ago. It caused a huge disaster to the world. This movement was caused by a crazy rich vegetarian businessman. And after this disaster. The inheritor of the vegetarian was not extinct. A group of crazy admirers guided by his will formed a vegetarian sect. They regarded vegetarianism as their belief.

Faith is the most wonderful and unpredictable thing. It is like a pious Buddhist who is ordained for life. The boring life that ordinary people can't bear, but for them, it is because they have faith.

Although this belief in vegetarianism is inexplicably incomprehensible to many people, it is because the vegetarian movement has attracted a group of heartfelt followers. They believe that there is no difference between humans and other animals on the earth. Equality, if any animal in this world is guilty, it is human beings themselves-so they never taboo to kill people for their self-righteous "noble purpose".

In fact, over the years, the vegetarian group has gradually defined it as terrorism. It is a group of extremists who pursue vegetarianism!

Eighty years ago, after the vegetarian movement, the animals were poisonous, and during the eighty years, most of the meat recipes were lost. This is because the vegetarian sect is helping, that is, they have caused the loss of countless classic meat recipes. Even in the eighty years, people have been able to make vaccines for vegetarians, but they all failed because of the destruction of the vegetarian diet.

The lifting of the meat ban two years ago was a big victory for the vegetarian group.

In recent years, the power of the vegetarian group has been much worse than in the past, but they are still active in the dark, and secretly looking for a target to start, just like Ye Chui-Ye Chui has recently become popular, making many people suspect that he has ancient Recipes may lead to a full recovery of meat dishes in the future, which is absolutely not allowed by the vegetarian group, so it will be hard to target him.

"After Wu Haimei ’s birthday party, we suspected that you might be stared at by these gangs of vegetarians, so I was arranged above to you. This was originally just an ordinary three-month" protection "task, but I did n’t expect This group of vegetarians really found you. "Xing Sen sighed after explaining.

"Does He Chengfei have anything to do with the vegetarian school?" Ye Chui asked.

Xing Sen shook his head. He looked at Ye Chui strangely: "According to my estimation, Yin Feifei and He Chengfei are completely different things. But they both found you at the same time ... I can only say that you are too troublesome."

Ye Chu: "..."

"We have been investigating this Yin Feifei. The woman's identity is not simple. Maybe there is someone behind him, but we dare not act rashly now." Xing Sen continued, "I have said before, the current vegetarian The sect is defined as terrorism. We must understand who is around her, and they are bound to be uprooted ... That ’s right. Ye Chui, I saw you were involved before I told you these words. , I hope you do n’t divulge it to others. "

"Relax, I will keep secrets." Ye Chui nodded, and then said seriously, "But I hope you can guarantee the safety of those around me."

"You can rest assured." Xing Sen smiled confidently. "I do this. I do the most professional work in latent and protective work."

"Yeah." Ye Chuihe smiled. "Then, in order to prevent you from being exposed, please hurry up and leave the stall. It's almost noon. It will definitely be busy for you, by the way, since you are executing Task. Then your department will definitely have a subsidy, right? We might as well be exempt from our salary? "

Sentient Forest: "..."


The man who was bought and poisoned by He Chengfei is still detained by the golden cake, and he will be controlled by the golden cake for a long time. This is Ye Chui's card against He Chengfei.

And because Ye Chui told He Chengfei to let him get out of Xizhou City, he was busy leaving Xizhou City recently. The transfer procedure at the school was going through. The luggage moved from Yanjing was also being arranged for consignment at night. When He Chengfei finally had some leisure time. He came to a bar alone with a sad face, and sat on the bar silently drinking boring. I wondered if I would go and see Qi Qi before leaving ...

And this time a graceful figure sat beside him, it was a beautiful woman. Wearing a red one-piece short skirt, it makes people **** and tempted. In the past, seeing such a woman, He Chengfei must have the mood to invite her to drink a glass of wine, but now he certainly has no plan, and still has a red face There was a hint of dullness, and he turned to leave.

"Mr. He." The beautiful woman, that is, if she suddenly said, "Are you going to leave so soon?"

He Chengfei looked at each other strangely: "Do you know me?"

"Yan Jing's young man, how come I don't know?" If she smiled charmingly, she suddenly thought of something, her face suddenly appeared, turned out the phone from the bag, and started playing against He Chengfei. The video, "Is this video awesome? I watched it many times. How can you admit that you look wrong?"

"..." He Chengfei's face showed great terror, because the video played exactly what happened in Qi Qi's ward last night! At that time, he hurried to the surveillance room, but found that there was no one there, but he was glad to delete those surveillance videos in a hurry, but ... how could this woman have it? He Chengfei couldn't help trembling, "You ... how do you have this video, who is it?"

If he did not answer He Chengfei, UU reading www.uukanshu. com just smiled and said: "If this video is circulated, Qi Zhiming will definitely not let you go, and you kneel to Qi Qi and admit that you are wrong with Ye Chui's picture, it will definitely make many people. Interested, are you right? "

"You ...... What are you doing?" He Chengfei asked with cold sweat on his head.

"Actually, our goals are similar, and we all want Ye Cui to taste some lessons, so ..." Ruoran looked at He Chengfei with a bit of charm, "Would you like to do something with me?" (Unfinished to be continued)

ps: ps: The vegetarian group uses their own beliefs as the standard of action, which is almost incomprehensible to ordinary people. It is similar to the real religion in the real world. Religious extremists ~~~ In addition, everyone can rest assured, I know many I do n’t like to see too many conspiracies, and I do n’t like to see He Chengfei appear again, but the cannon has set the outline before, and the final climax of this volume also made a lot of foreshadowing, so it ca n’t end like this, so He Chengfei will continue to play for a while, but I promise that when he ends, many people will get what they want ... After all, when designing the outline, the cannon felt that such a scum would simply be imprisoned. It's too cheap for him ~ Everyone can expect how he finally died ~~

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