Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 149: Can you help me take care of my apprentice for a few days?

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"What? Lost everything? Before the separation, my wallet and bank card were all taken by heavy rain ... Why is she so unreliable!"

In the square in front of a large restaurant in Sanya, Tian Du answered Ye Cui's call and heard Ye Cui talk about what happened. The meat on his fat face shivered because of depression: "I join this chef In the competition, the ingredients must be prepared by yourself. What should I do? "

Ye Chui comforted on the other side of the phone: "The first game is going to be prepared for a week? Do n’t worry, let ’s go back and we will find a way. By the way, you come to me first. It ’s called Hainan Chicken Rice. ”

"Hainan Chicken Rice?" Tian Du repeated the name, "Okay, I wrote it down."

After finishing the call, Tian Du smiled bitterly. He had no confidence in this game. He encountered this incident. Fortunately, when he was separated from Ye Chui today, he had to deal with the registration process. And leaving the ID card and mobile phone on the body also left a part of the money ∷∷∷∷.

After the game is still a problem ...

But for the time being, it ’s useless, so let ’s go to the master round first.

Thinking of this, Tian Du planned to leave, but at this time a person suddenly stopped in front of him. This is a beautiful woman: wearing a black jumpsuit, short hair, and the face is strictly forbidden to laugh. Ye Cui and Han Yuyan thought Dong Qian Tian Du, who had an affair with Tian Du, came to participate in the five-star chef competition. Dong Qian proposed that Dong Qian himself also came to participate in the competition. Just encountered the registration procedure.

And for Tian Du's recognition of a young boy as a master, Dong Qian still holds a grudge. Did not give Tian Du a good face, even did not even say a word after meeting, I do not know why it was suddenly stopped in front of me at this time?

"Dong Qian, do you have anything?" When Tian Du faced this woman, she was subconsciously trembling because of fear, but the fat man was too tightly managed by his wife, and formed when facing a beautiful woman. Serious conditioned reflex ...

"You just said Hainanese chicken rice?" Dong Qian asked.

Tu Dutou: "My master is there, I plan to meet him in the past."

Tian Du also mentioned that Ye Chui called the other party Master. Dong Qian's face flashed a little coldness, but he continued to say: "Just right, I'm going there too. Take you there."

"Really? That's great." Tian Du quickly apologized, and he certainly didn't care about the cost of taxiing, but now that he was given a pit by Comrade Heavy Rain, the hundreds of pieces on his body are too precious. Can save one is one.

Drive to Tianhai Resort by car.

On the road, Tian Du wanted to ask Dong Qian why she knew Hainanese chicken rice. She just wanted to go there or she kindly wanted to give Tian Du a journey. Dong Qian himself is a Hainanese. I don't know, when he is hesitating to speak. Dong Qian said first: "Your cooking is very good. Why do you have to treat that boy as a master? Do you not feel embarrassed at all?"

Mentioned this thing again ...

Tian Du helplessly said: "I regard Ye Chui as a master, of course, because of his good cooking skills, I don't think this is shameful."

"Cooking skills of a boy would be better than that of your five-star chef?" Dong Qian made no disdain for his contempt. She thinks that Tian Du has so shamelessly recognized Ye Chui as a master, there must be some utilitarian reasons. Is it that she is greedy for Ye Chui to have an ancient recipe in his hand?

Tian Du didn't know how to explain it: "When you have time to taste Master's cooking, you will know. Maybe you will be rushing to be his apprentice."

"That's impossible!" Dong Qian snorted mercilessly, looking very disdainful.

All the way to Tianhai Resort, after parking the car. Under the leadership of Dong Qian, Tian Du came to the food street, and finally came to the restaurant of Hainan Chicken Rice. At this time, Tian Du thought of another important thing. He asked Dong Qian: "Hainan actually has Hainan Chicken Rice, Why have n’t I heard of this before? "

"What does it really mean?" Dong Qian turned to look at Tian Du, "Hainan Chicken Rice is a dish I created based on the description of an elder."

"What !?" Tian Du was taken aback, thinking where did Master Hainanese Chicken Rice come from?

Dong Qian has walked directly into the hotel.


Dong Youyou's exclamation came to mind, she rushed to Dong Qian's side, embraced her arm intimately, and put her head on Dong Qian's shoulder in a very sweet look, and Dong Qian A gentle smile also appeared on the cold face, which blocked Dong Youyou's waist.

This scene directly leaves Ye Chui and Han Yuyan Lin Wei quiet in the hotel and Wang Shiyu is shocked. What happened?

"Master." Tian Du then came in and said hello.

Han Yuyan seemed to be afraid of Tian Du's blame, and slipped behind Ye Ye.

At this time, Ye Chui would protect her and directly flash away, but Tian Du only smiled helplessly at Han Yuyan, and there was no blame.

"I didn't expect Dong Youyou and Dong Qian to be sisters." Han Yuyan sighed at this time, watching Dong Youyou, who was just as fierce as she was, and she was lying on Dong Qian's side like a gentle cat, and Han sister was not calm. Alright, "This is too coincidental, and brother, how did you come with her?"

"I just met her when I was just processing the registration procedure, so I took me by the way." Tian Du explained.

"The registration is done." Ye Chui continued to ask.

Tian Dutou: "Yes, can I still find the bank card wallet or something?"

"I just lost the phone and called the taxi company. I haven't found anything for the time being. I guess I can't find it back." Mentioning this Ye Ye was also a bit frustrated. He had planned to go to Hainan to have a good trip. Who can think of this kind of thing? He glared fiercely at his female apprentice and continued, "You have to re-apply for a bank card or apply for identification. It will take at least two weeks."

"Ye Chui, I can make a phone call with my dad and ask him to send someone for money." Lin Wei said at this time.

"This doesn't need to trouble Uncle, we can do it by ourselves." Ye Cui thought about it but refused to follow Dao Linwei to travel with him. As a result of this matter, he also had to trouble the future elders to help, Ye Chui thought it was shameful. Ah, but you don't need to tell Lin Wei directly about this feeling.

He took another look at Tian Du: "I will find a solution when you play."

"It's okay, Master." Tian Du said with a smile.

Dong Youyou and Dong Qian finally have enough sisters here. Dong Youyou also talked about what happened just now to her sister. Dong Qian's face was full of surprise after she heard it. There is no lack of contempt for Ye Wei. But now I heard my sister saying that the Hainanese chicken rice made by Ye Cui is even better than what he made?

Dong Qian thinks Hainan chicken rice is his masterpiece. How could Ye Chu make it taste better than himself? She looked at the dining table next to Zhang Huabin and Ye Wenhua away, and Ye Chui again cooked Hainanese chicken rice for Han Yuyan Lin Wei Quiet Wang Shiyu. It was Ye Cui that was on the table at the moment In the masterpiece, Dong Qian walked solemnly, picked up a piece of chicken with chopsticks and dipped in the writing dipping sauce, and sent it to his mouth.

The original expression of dubious doubt suddenly changed color after chewing a few bites, and some looked at Ye Chu in disbelief: "You ... would you make this dish before?"

"Slightly studied." Ye Cui smiled faintly. "Master Dong ’s approach is not wrong, but there are a few places that will seriously affect the taste of the meal: when the chicken is cooked, the whole chicken must be used for cooking, so that the chicken is tender and refreshing, and the taste is As in the case of rice, it is best to use steaming method, and it is best to use chicken broth to cook, in order to best match the taste of chicken, the recipe you studied is to drizzle chicken oil directly on the white rice. This greatly affects the taste, In addition, the preparation of the dip also needs to be changed. Do not put too much chili. It is best to choose the amount of chili according to the taste of the customer, so as to be perfect. "

Yi Chui had eaten the Hainanese chicken rice made by Dong Youyou. Although the taste was not good, the method was learned from Dong Qian, so Ye Chui could study some of the lack of this dish.

At this moment, Dong Qian's face really showed a beneficial expression, but the expression followed her coldly: "It seems that the ancient recipes in your hands are well preserved."

It's natural to attribute Ye Chui's ability to tell these deficiencies to the ancient recipe in Ye Chui's hands. Her Hainanese chicken rice is just a dish developed from the general description in grandpa's mouth. Originally, she still didn't want to admit that Ye Chui's cooking was better than herself.

"Dong Qian, I have never told you something." Tian Du said at this time, "That seafood chowder should be seasoned with lemon. This is actually what Master proposed. Master's cooking skills are absolutely It is extraordinary. "

"..." Dong Qian's face once again showed a surprise, his eyes looking at Ye Cui changed slightly, but this is obviously a stubborn woman, did not intend to admit Ye Chui's extraordinary cooking skills.

Dong Youyou did n’t know what kind of grievance her sister had with Ye Chui. She held Dong Qian ’s arm and said with a smile: "Sister, this Ye Chui ’s cooking is really good. It turns out that you knew them before. I will not kill them ruthlessly! "

Ye Chui: "... Do you admit that you were willing to kill us before?"

Felt that it was wrong to add 588 to a meal ...

Dong Youyou smiled hey, UU reading www.uukanshu. com admits that this girl who has been hanging her old lady's mouth before, after seeing Dong Qian, seems to have become gentle ...

"Master Dong, I didn't expect this Hainanese chicken rice to be opened by you." Ye Chui suddenly continued to speak at this time. "But the business here seems to be very poor. I don't think your sister is planning to close down in a short time. If you want to continue to compete with the Japanese restaurant that will open next door, you obviously have insufficient strength ... "

"What do you want to say?" Dong Qian frowned and asked.

"It's okay, I will work here in a short time to help your sister compete with the Japanese restaurant next door." Ye Cui proposed his idea, he pointed at Tian Tian with a smile, "However, my apprentice, can you Help me take care of it for a few days? "A good activity to drop a pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow the starting point public account WeChat to add a friend-add a public account-enter dd), join now! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd WeChat public account now! ) To be continued. .

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