Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 171: This one piece of sushi is worth 300 pieces!

"Dong Youyou, do the chefs here really make Japanese sushi? He still wants to challenge the Japanese in the Japanese restaurant with Japanese sushi?"

"Yes, Dong Youyou, are your chefs reliable?"

"Wipe it, the Japanese is really rampant these two days. Some time ago, Zhang Huabin, the guy who ate inside and out, came to my restaurant and brought the sushi and crab crab sushi for the chef in my shop to taste. Finally I had to let me The door admits that their sushi is even better than our signature steamed and steamed crab. "

"I also feel very angry. Hainan's four famous dishes were originally our specialty dishes, but they are now very popular in the hands of the Japanese. This makes me feel too faceless. Master Ye of Hainan Chicken Rice, if It must be very interesting to be able to return to the Japanese with their own sushi! "

"I just don't know if this Master Ye can do it?"

Dong Youyou came back from the outside with a bunch of things. Just entering the restaurant, she heard a group of people talking and asking questions.

The restaurant in Hainan Chicken Rice is full of people, most of them are the owners of various restaurants in this food street, and there are some regular customers. They all heard that Ye Chuan was going to entertain the Japanese with sushi at night. Come to cheer.

In the past few days, Zhang Huabin used their new sushi to provoke the restaurants on the food street that used the four famous dishes of Hainan as the main ingredients. This approach has already made the food street complain, and feel that he has simply put the ancestors ’ The face is lost.

Ye Chu even wanted to return the Japanese with sushi?

This made every one of them excited, but also worried that Ye Chui's behavior was overwhelming. After all, Ye Chui was just a 17- or 18-year-old boy.

"You can rest assured." Dong Youyou shouted loudly and waved her arm vigorously. "I believe that our chef, Ye Chui, can definitely let Zhang Huabin and Yan Hao eat." Those who are suffering, everyone will wait to watch a good show later! "

Shouted like this. Dong Youyou all felt a little blood boiling, and came to the kitchen with freshly bought tender **** and wasabi.

At this time Han Yuxuan Lin Wei was quiet and Wang Shiyu was also gathered in the kitchen.

The rice with full grains has been steamed out. It is being placed in a wooden bucket, standing quietly with Han Yuxuan. Everyone has a fan in the hands, which is constantly fanning the heat in the rice-the rice for sushi is to be When the body temperature is reached, this temperature must be strictly controlled.

Lin Wei was washing a set of tableware.

Yi Chui is standing in front of the chopping board, cooking the piece of tuna meat that has been smoked and roasted with sugar cane skin.

Tuna is tender and tender. It is suitable for eating raw. The smoked just made it just a little bit sweet and firm in texture. It is more suitable for cutting into fish fillets. It is natural to say that the leaves are cut, the strips of fish fillets are cut down, the size and thickness are even Not bad at all, this is naturally commendable.

The sliced ​​fish fillets are placed on a tray filled with crushed ice leaves, which can effectively keep the fresh taste of the fish fillets.

"Ye Chui, this is the tender **** and wasabi you want." Dong Youyou brought back what she had purchased. "It's absolutely superb. I originally thought this wasabi could not be found. As a result, after calling my sister, she contacted a condiment vendor for me. The other party had just a few wasabis on hand. It was originally cultivated, but it wasn't originally intended to be sold, but because of my sister's face. He still promised me a tree. "

Wasabi is mainly produced in Japan, also known as Japanese horseradish, the main edible part is the rhizome. Dong Youyou took the wasabi root, which has been washed. The wasabi root has the shape of a horn and has a green texture. When it is eaten, it is ground into the end and has the best taste.

"Yeah, that's right, this is it." Ye Chui broke a small piece into his mouth. After tasting it, he nodded, "That's the taste."

"Brother, I have to try it too." Child Wang Shiyu was standing next to nibbling a piece of sugar cane. At this time, he was very curious about the wasabi root in Ye Chuan's hands and shouted with his hands raised.

"Don't make trouble, this thing is not for children." Ye Cui said angrily.

But the kid Wang Shiyu was not so cheated: "Brother said that sugar cane is not for children, this thing must be delicious!"

Ye Cui was speechless. After thinking about it, he put the wasabi to the mouth of the child Wang Shiyu: "Then you should try it carefully."

Wang Shiyu saw a small mouth, and a large piece of wasabi was directly bitten down. She thought it was something sweet, and then chewed hard, and then her entire small face changed directly. The snot and tears flowed out. The green mustard is very spicy. The most important thing is that there is also a stimulation that directly fills the brain. Let this go, let alone a child, even if Ye Chu can't stand it.

Ye Chui originally just wanted to make a joke with Wang Shiyu, let her bite a little bit to try, but in the end who knows this child is so honest ......

"Why did Ye Chui make such a joke!" Lin Wei held Wang Paiyu, who was extremely painful, and gave Ye Chui a fierce glance.

Ye Chui also felt guilty: "This is my fault ... Xiaoyu, are you okay."

"It's so spicy ..." The little thing said with tears in his nose, a pitiful look.

In the end, Ye Chui had to let her take the meeting room quietly and let her take a good time. At this time, Ye Chui thought inexplicably that at the cruise ship carnival, Huo Li wanted to teach her team member Fang Yang, but directly let The other party poured a whole bottle of mustard juice ...

The taste is definitely sour now when I think about it.

Ye Chui cut a whole piece of tuna meat into fish fillets, and then began to cook the tender **** and tender **** patch brought by Dong Youyou, put it in a bowl, add salt and sugar, and marinate to a certain extent. , Han Yuyan asked curiously on the side: "Master, what is the pickled tender **** to do, is this the ingredient in sushi?"

"No, but it is also important to eat sushi." Ye Chui explained with a smile, "After eating a piece of sushi, eating a piece of pickled tender **** can make the mouth feel refreshing and will not affect the continued enjoyment of sushi. The taste is a little condiment. "

"Oh." Han Yuyan nodded knowingly, "This sushi has many doorways."

After pickling the ginger, the leaf drip grinded a stack of green mustard. This is what will be used later, and then Ye Chui took a bunch of vinegars that Han Yuyan and Lin Wei bought this afternoon. Each kind of vinegar leaf was tasted in person.

Sushi requires special vinegar. This kind of vinegar is called sushi vinegar, which is obviously not available on the market.

Sushi does not have too many seasonings. The importance of vinegar is obvious. To blend out a proper taste, Ye Chuan needs to use a variety of vinegars for seasoning. Similarly, after blending, white sugar should be added. Salt, wine and other things, so that the taste of vinegar can be perfectly matched with sushi.

After Ye Chu finally reconciled the applicable sushi vinegar, Dong Youyou also returned to the kitchen from the outside: "Zhang Huabin and Yan Hao from Iijima are back."

"Well, it's just that I have prepared all the ingredients here." Ye Chui nodded and asked Lin Wei Han Yuyan and Dong Youyou to carry a pile of things, followed him, and left the kitchen.

The hotel is now full of people, but there is a large space in the middle. Zhang Huabin, Iishima Yanhao and Li Qiao are standing proudly, and Iishima Yanhao is still wearing a kimono, and the four famous Hainan sushi he developed in recent days have been very popular. He even compared other restaurants in the food street directly, giving him an indescribable sense of accomplishment. He felt that Chinese cuisine was no more than that, and it was impossible to compare with their Yamato cuisine. Even the most excellent ingredients produced in China must rely on Japanese cooking methods to achieve the best taste.

At this moment, Yan Hao Iijima gently tilted his head. With a sense of pride in his face, when he saw Ye Chu and Han Yuyan Dong Youyou Lin Wei carrying a bunch of things out, they even snorted coldly-Ye Ye actually wanted to please Does he eat sushi? It's really overwhelming to challenge him with their top-notch gourmet sushi in Japan!

"Mr. Ye, Master Iijima is looking forward to the sushi you want to make, I hope you don't let him down." Zhang Huabin said first, with a mockery on his face-all the colleagues around the restaurant were using Despise gaze looked at Zhang Huabin, but Zhang Huabin didn't care, but was rather smug. His Japanese restaurant was very popular in the food street. This is a fact that no one can deny. The eyes of others are envy and jealous in his eyes. hate.

Ye Cui asked Han Yuyan Lin Wei Dong Youyou to put rice, tuna flakes, green mustard, vinegar and other things on a table in the restaurant, and then smiled and said to Zhang Huabin: "Of course I will not let this rice island The master is disappointed. Actually, although the sushi is delicious, we have similar food in China. The practice of sushi is not difficult in my opinion. "


When Yan Hao heard the words from Ye Cui, a look of anger suddenly appeared on his face. He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Chui. He said in blunt Chinese language: "Our Japanese food culture is so profound and profound that you can't understand it at all. Although sushi is small, it is definitely not something you can make simply. It is not difficult to say that sushi is not difficult. I want you to pay for your contempt! "

Saw Yan Hao, who was irritated, and Ye Chui shrugged his shoulders: "As you say, anyway, I am very confident. What restaurant can I open if I can't do such a simple thing?"

"Baga presses the road!" Yan Hao, Iijima, is even more angry, a purple face all over his face, "You are a provocation to our entire Japanese cuisine, if you can make perfect sushi, then I will pack it tomorrow Go back to Japan! "

When I heard Yan Hao's words, Zhang Huabin standing next to him was shocked and hurriedly whispered to Yan Hao Iijima: "Master Iijima, you can't be so angry ..."

"Huh, do you think he can really make perfect sushi?" Yan Hao Iijima interrupted Zhang Huabin coldly. "Our Japanese sushi cuisine is unparalleled in the world. When I learned to master sushi with Master, it was just a variety of foundation It took only three years for this boy to say that he can make perfect sushi as a teenager. Well, I absolutely can't tolerate his attitude! "

Ye Chui smiled here, he said those words just now, in fact, to irritate Yan Hao, Iijima, Ye Chui continued with a smile: "Well then, Master Iijima, if I make perfect sushi, I hope you can fulfill what you just said. "

"I have a word, I will do it!" Yan Hao, Iijima directly embraced his chest with both hands and looked at Ye Chui coldly.

Most of the other people around me now understood Ye Chuan's plan. He was planning to use his sushi to force Yan Hao Iijima, but ... Ye Ye is too big, Yan Hao now? Standing in the position of a team, Ye Chuan wants to impress him with sushi, making him admit that Ye Chuan's sushi is perfect. This is somewhat impossible.

Many people of the following consciousness have shown a worried expression, and some people already think that Ye Chui is young and vigorous, and he will definitely be embarrassed.

For these questioning or worrying eyes, Ye Chui didn't care much. He took a deep breath and started making sushi.

Pick up a piece of rice from the tub next to it. The temperature of the rice is just the temperature of the human body at the moment. The rice picked by Ye Tiao is just the size of a bite, which is the amount that can be eaten in one bite. The rice grains are also full, not sticky or soft, and the hardness is appropriate. Ye Chuan puts his fingers in his hands and kneads. An irregularly shaped piece of rice becomes a rounded long strip, and then Ye Chuan picks up with his fingers. Put a piece of green mustard on top of the sushi, pick up another piece of tuna, cover it, pinch your hands tightly, and finally apply a layer of sushi vinegar on it with a small brush.

A sushi, and it's done.

Yi Chuai delivered the sushi to the plate in front of Yan Hao, Iijima, and made a please action with a smile.

The rest of the restaurant moved, and Dong Youyou couldn't help but ask, "Master, is it easy to make sushi?"

Ye Chui nodded: "Yeah, UU reading is that simple."

Is indeed very simple. Jiro Ono, the **** of sushi in the last life, is just the same for making sushi. But the taste of sushi made by ordinary people can't be compared with Ono Jiro.

Of course, Ye Chui is an exception. After seeing Jiro Ono's sushi, he learned to make this tuna sushi, but the result was that Ono Jiro praised it and felt that the name of Ye Chui's God of Food is deserved. .

Yi Chuai's sushi has at least 90% of the sushi made by Jiro Ono.

This method of tuna sushi seems to be extremely simple, but the price is terribly expensive-to the Ono Jiro sushi restaurant needs to be booked one month in advance, and the per capita is at least 3,000 yuan. The price of this pinched sushi is at least two or three hundred yuan ... (to be continued ...)

Ps: Seeking monthly tickets seeking recommended tickets ~~


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