Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 173: Original recipe: Sugar Cane Crispy Duck!

After Zhang Huabin and Li Qiao also left Hainan Chicken Rice, the people in the restaurant surrounded Ye Ye, who told them that the other party would defeat or even go back to Japan. The means are so handsome and admired by them.

After today, Hainan Chicken Rice will definitely become a prestigious restaurant in the whole food street!

The most important thing is that they also have a strong interest in the sushi made by Ye Chu. This sushi seems to be very simple. It can have such a great effect, and it also makes everyone want to taste it.

"Master Ye, is the sushi you made so delicious? Can I taste one?"

"And me, Mr. Ye, I didn't expect your Hainanese chicken rice to be delicious, even sushi!"

The middle-aged man who was in the restaurant today at noon said proudly: "What am I saying? Mr. Ye will definitely win the Yan Hao Iijima, do you think I'm right? Master Ye, At the beginning, they thought you could n’t win that Japanese. They were too confident in you, so you can make a sushi for me to try! ”

In fact, I still want to get this sushi first.

In fact, after the Japanese restaurant next door opened, it was very easy to eat sushi. Most of the people in the restaurant have also tasted sushi, but when it comes to taste, it ca n’t be said to be unpalatable, but they will never like it very much. ∵, ww ↑ w. But now it's an exception. Everyone thinks that if you can't taste a bite of the leaf sushi, which makes Yan Hao, Iijima's best sushi, it is a big loss.

Ye Chui pinched a few more and distributed it to everyone, but he said that he would not continue any more. This is comparable to the craft of the Japanese sushi god. How can it be made casually?

However, Ye Chui certainly will not directly sweep the people out of the house, so he whispered to Han Yuyan Lin Wei and Dong Youyou: "Then you can hold sushi for them."

"Ah !?" The three girls were surprised, the sushi method was extremely simple, but the more they felt the unusual place in this simple technique, let them replace the sushi in Ye Chu. This ... how can this be?

"You have already seen how sushi is made. It's very simple. Just do what I did." Ye Cui whispered to several girls, and then left the hotel.

For this evening sushi, rice and tuna fillets are prepared a lot, these things are wasted, and this can also serve as an advertisement for Hainanese chicken rice?

Ye Chui came all the way upstairs, and Wang Shiyu was still sitting on the sofa, his face flushed red, and the taste of the green mustard had not yet dispersed. Quietly holding a cup sitting on the side, milk is in the cup. From time to time, she was fed a sip of milk, and Ye Ye came over and smiled bitterly, "Brother, the spiciness in Xiaoyu's mouth is still not going."

Ye Chui was sitting on Wang Shiyu's side with some sweat, reaching out and rubbing the little head of Wang Shiyu's child: "Will you eat in a mess?"

"My elder brother is a bad guy, and he can't eat it but people can eat it." Wang Shiyu looked at Ye Chui with a bit of grievance, and his big eyes seemed to be a bit foggy.

Ye Chui suddenly softened. Reaching out and squeezing her face: "Okay, this time I was wrong, then ... I will make good food to compensate you, OK?"

Wang Shiyu's expression moved: "Brother, you must make the best food."

"Okay, what do you want to eat?" Ye Chui asked with a smile.

Wang Shiyu's eyes rolled around. Suddenly thought of something, immediately said with a grin: "I want to eat the food you made with sugar cane brother."

"What kind of food cane cane." Quietly said with a smile, "Don't you embarrassed brother, Xiaoyu."

"It's what my brother said today. I want to use sugar cane to make good food." Wang Shiyu looked at Ye Chui expectantly.

"Yes." Ye Chui nodded. Reaching Wang Shiyu's shoulders, "How about your brother making a super delicious dish with sugar cane tomorrow?"

"Really?" Wang Shiyu smiled immediately, "Brother. What is it?"

"It was made with sugar cane and Jiaji duck in Hainan's four famous dishes, sugar cane crispy duck." Ye Chui said with a smile.

In fact, there is no such thing as sugar cane crispy duck in the world, even in the previous life. This dish is Ye Chuang ’s newly created two days to participate in the chef competition. Ye Chui has already had some itchy hands. It's unbearable. It happened that today's sushi requires a lot of sugar cane skin. So he moved his mind and thought of the recipe of this food.

"I haven't had an original recipe for a long time. I don't know what will happen to this dish?" Ye Cui also vaguely looked forward to it.

At about ten o'clock that night, the guests in the hotel finally left one after another. The three girls Han Yuyan Lin Wei and Dong Youyou all felt sore in their wrists. They were tired after a night of sushi, but at the same time All three were puzzled.

"Ye Chu, the ingredients we use for holding sushi are exactly the same as yours, and the shapes are similar, but why do people say that they are not as delicious as you eat our sushi?" Lin Wei asked Ye strangely Drooping, rubbing his wrist hard.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chui took Lin Wei ’s little hands to help her rub her wrists and explained with a smile: "Although sushi is simple, in fact, this kind of thing is still crafty. Do n’t look at this sushi. Congratulations on the simple , But no few years of skills can't be grasped. "

"Master, you are only 17 years old, did you spend a few years practicing sushi?" Han Yuyan asked in surprise.

Ye Cui froze for a moment, and said quickly: "That's not true. I have a better talent, so it took me only three days to master the trick."

This is also a big truth. In the last life, it took him only three days to learn how to hold sushi from the hands of the sushi god.


Han Yuyan made a joke as Ye Chui, he didn't care, he saw Ye Cui rubbing Lin Wei's wrist, Lin Wei was still blushing, he seemed to be hesitating whether to draw his hand back, Sister Han didn't know what to think Yes, I followed my hand and handed it over: "Master, also help me rub my wrist, OK?"

"And I still have me." Dong Youyou hurried over to join in the excitement.

Ye Chui: "..."

What was so ambiguous, why did it suddenly change?

After a few girls went to sleep, Ye Chui came to the kitchen and started to prepare his original food.

In the afternoon, I bought a few sugar canes for the sugar cane skin leaves and let Wang Shiyu peel off all the skins. Most of the remaining sweethearts were left in the refrigerator.

Take out the leaves and cut them into chunks, then use a juicer to squeeze them into sugarcane juice.

At the same time, Ye Chui took out a white bar Jiaji duck specifically bought from the freezer in the afternoon. This was bought by Ye Chui when he went to buy tuna. When the Jiaji duck was put in the basin and thawed, Ye Chui Put up another pot, put the squeezed sugar cane juice into the pot, and let the fire boil slowly.

This is basically the process of making sucrose.

Of course, leaf weeds need to do more than just boil cane sugar. When the sugar cane juice begins to boil, the leaf weeds are turned off. At this moment, the sugar cane juice is just a slightly thick liquid, and the leaf weeds will be thawed. The chicken was taken out of the water basin and thrown into the hot sugarcane juice, and then no more tubes, went directly to sleep.

The meat of Jiaji Duck is delicious and tender. After a full contact with sugarcane juice for one night, the sugar will penetrate into the delicious meat of Jiaji Duck. When Ye Chui comes to the kitchen in the morning, the pot The cane sugar becomes thicker as it cools, and after one night of soaking, the surface of the duck meat has become extremely soft, and there are sugar bubbles one after another. This is because the sugar in the sugar cane juice enters the duck surface. the reason.

At this time, Ye Chu should start to prepare some seasonings, including orange peel, star anise, **** slices, green onion and garlic, etc., and feed them into the belly of the duck, and then start to heat the pot to let the sucrose water roll up again.

After fierce cooking for 50 minutes, turn off the heat. By this time, the sucrose water has turned into a thick "sugar".

Jiaji duck's original white and tender body surface has become burnt yellow.

The melting point of sucrose is 180 degrees, which makes the temperature of the sucrose water melt higher than ordinary water. After 50 minutes of cooking, the whole duck meat can be cooked through the appearance of brown, carefully burnt yellow Take the Jiji duck out of the pot and let it dry in a ventilated place. After the sugar on the duck surface gradually solidifies, this sugarcane crispy duck is completed.

Ye Chui's sugar cane crispy duck is actually a change from the ordinary crispy roast duck. However, although the name is roast duck, the sugar cane crispy duck does not have a roasting process. It is purely based on the heat of the sucrose water. The role of "roasting".

This will make the heated surface of the roast duck more even, UU reading www. is oily and shiny, with a tangy aroma, which is far more crispy and delicious than the oven roast. The most important thing is to bring a thick sucrose sweet fragrance, so that the whole restaurant is filled with a thick and sweet The taste is more attractive than the average roast duck.

Ye Wei cut the sugarcane crispy duck into small pieces evenly, and took a bite, only to feel the crispy skin and tender meat, mellow, soft and tender, and taste it carefully. He nodded with satisfaction: "Yes The tender meat of Jiaji Duck with this unique sugarcane roasting method is really very good. This original dish of mine at least has the level of [Meals] in the full Han Banquet. "

Thinking in this way, Ye drop came out of the kitchen with a plate.

At this time, Dong Youyou waited for a few girls to get up, and the door of the hotel was supposed to be closed. When Ye Yi came out with a plate, he found that a middle-aged man in a suit and leather suit was looking around curiously in the hotel lobby. Then, when he looked at the plate in Ye Chui's hand, his eyes suddenly lighted up: "How did you make this duck? The taste is so fragrant. Is the formula sold to me?"

ps: ps: Say everyone is trying indiscriminately ... finally ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket

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