Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 177: This dish is at least 70% of my level, not bad

"Hello, kid, I heard Yuyan say on the phone the other day that you are working at a Hainanese chicken rice restaurant recently. What is this Hainanese chicken rice? I have never heard of it. Yuyan said it tastes good. I have to try it anyway. "

When the chef competition officially started, Han Lao, as a judge, turned his head and smiled with Ye Chong with a bit of expectation-he ran to Hainan for a long time to be a judge, the main reason is probably for Ye Cui's food .

"Oh, Hainan Chicken Rice is indeed delicious, but the taste is still a little bit worse." Ye Cui explained with a smile.

"A little bad?" Han Lao froze.

"It always feels that something is wrong. This time Han Lao came at the right time. Please ask Han Lao. You can give me more advice at that time, maybe I can make up for the defects." Ye Cui said with a smile, now he did The Hainanese chicken rice tasted a little different from the Hainanese chicken rice taste he had when he was young in his last life, but he still hasn't made any progress in this difference.

This time Han Lao came here as a great opportunity. With the ability of Han Lao to taste with himself, maybe he can help a lot.

Han Lao is obviously very interested in this matter: "It turns out that you still have uncertain dishes, well, this time I must taste your Hainanese chicken rice, I haven't eaten any food recently, think about it It ’s still up to you to satisfy my tongue. "

"It won't necessarily be there." Ye Chui shook his head, and said with a finger, "Today Han Lao, you will definitely have a big mouthful."

"Today?" Mr. Han glanced at the four chefs who had been busy. He knew what Ye Chui was referring to. He snorted coldly. "As for the deliciousness these chefs can make, I heard their topic today. Is it a full man seat? Huh, we have to be ruined by them in Huaxia, and they can do anything with a dish name. "

"Grandpa, it's different this time." Han Yuyan smiled sideways. "This time, the three of them got some suggestions from Master, and the taste is definitely nothing to say."

"Oh?" Listening to Han Yuyan said, Han Lao really showed an expression of interest. He turned his head and thoughtfully glanced at Ye Chui-Ye Cui's amazing cooking skills, and more importantly, he should be Mastered very precious ancient recipes, the last meal that Ye Chui made, Dong'an Zi chicken, Shaoxing drunk chicken, and small pheasant stewed mushrooms. There is also a dish of Hongzi chicken and cucumber, which belongs to the dishes of the Manchu Han Xi. Ye Chuixin handed it over, indicating that he should know very well the Man Han Han Xi. It is naturally qualified to mention these chefs.

Thinking of this, Han Lao's face really showed an expression of interest, his eyes lit up, "Hey, today I really didn't come here in vain!"

Here Han Lao had an intimate conversation with Ye Cui Han Yuyan. Lian Hong, who was standing on one side, was already full of horror, and his eyes were staring at Ye Chui. What kind of person was this boy? Not to mention the kind of homely atmosphere between him and Han Lao. conversation. Even the content of the conversation is really shocking ...

"Boy, what do you think of their level in today's four games?" Han Lao asked leisurely at this time.

The participating chefs are all five-star chefs. Isn't the one who can make this step amazing? It is so easy to separate strengths and weaknesses from them. However, this does not pose any problems for Ye Chu. As a matter of fact, he already knew the position of everyone in the game. At this time, he replied: "The first place will be Tian Xiaodu, the second place will be Qin January, the third place will be Dong Qian, and the fourth place will be Zhao Deguang."

"Tian Xiaodu is that fat man, is he your apprentice?" Han Lao looked at Ye Chui slightly, "You know my person, I will not deliberately release water because he is your apprentice."

"Of course I know this." Ye Chui smiled, "I am completely talking about things, the best of them is Qin January, but this competition is not only about cooking, but also luck. ingredient."

"Is your fat apprentice lucky?" Han Lao asked with a smile.

"Brother luck is of course very good." Han Yuyan smiled and said, "He has Ye Chui as a master."

Good luck because Ye Chui is his master?

Han Lao didn't understand it, and looked at Ye Wei strangely.

Ye Chui smiled: "When they finish the dishes, you will know Han Lao."

Ye Cui and Han Yuhan had a great conversation here. Above the audience, Lin Wei was quiet Dong Youyou and Wang Shiyu were also whispering. They would take a look at the jury from time to time. Dong Youyou After a cruel cruelty, it was only then that I gradually eased up. I really didn't expect that the sister who was full of demeanor on weekdays was actually Han's granddaughter.

She couldn't figure it out, since her grandson and granddaughter are so big, how could this sister not even make a scrambled egg?

The most important thing is ... Dong Youyou thought of something, and she smiled and blossomed on her face: "Wei Wei is quiet, if you say that if I ask Han Lao to promote my restaurant, will he agree? Hey, Han Lao but A world-famous foodie, I remember that a five-star restaurant in Yanjing was promoted to a six-star directly because of his praise. If he were to help me promote it, would n’t my restaurant be famous? "

Looking at Dong Yuyou's longed-for look, he could not help but quietly said to her: "Sister Yoyo, Han Lao is not the kind of person who will speak for the sake of friendship, and my brother also said that Hainanese chicken rice is still flawed. It will satisfy old Han. "

Dong Youyou pouted: "That's not necessary, I think Hainanese chicken rice is already delicious now, you say right, Weiwei, Weiwei?"

Wei Wei was in a daze at this time, or staring at the judges' face with unhappy faces. After being asked a few times by Dong Youyou, she recovered and said, "I also think Hainanese chicken rice is delicious, but Ye Cui said that this dish is flawed. He has similar taste abilities to Han Lao, and Han Lao may also be dissatisfied. "

Quiet here has noticed the focus of Lin Wei's attention, and she couldn't help laughing: "Sister Weiwei, don't worry, my brother said that he only likes you and has a relationship with Sister Dayu."

After being quietly said to break his mind, Lin Wei blushed: "Where am I worried ..."

"Sister Weiwei, your face is so red." Child Wang Shiyu sat next to him, laughing and jokingly.

Lin Wei became even more shy, and her mouth bulged: "Not at all!"

Around the playing field, there was a circle of spectators. This kind of culinary competition is actually very boring, watching people cook, and in the end can not eat but can only be greedy. In the last life, Ye Tiao also participated in large and small chef competitions, but the audience interested in this competition did not It ’s not too much, but the gourmet era is completely different. The 80-year gourmet vacancy caused by the poisonous meat has made people ’s expectations and prayers for gourmets reach the extreme. The pursuit of gourmet is the main theme of this era, and the enthusiasm of the audience is also very high. . They talked in whispers.

And in an unremarkable corner of the auditorium, sitting a woman who had been tightly disguised, sunhat and sunglasses, it seemed that she was afraid of being recognized. At this time, although her face was blocked by the eyes of the big toad It was one-half, but the color of surprise on her face could not be concealed. The focus of her eyes was Ye Chui, who was standing on the side of the judges!

"This kid ... is so big that he can talk and laugh with Han Han. I originally thought he was just a little chef who got cheap and sold well. For the past two days, I have always resented her for letting me advertise his restaurant. ... "

She was shocked in her heart.

This woman is the big star Ren Xueting, because you want to stay in Hainan to shoot mv, but the shooting site has to wait for Ye Chui's luxurious beach house. So during this time she was very free, just had time to pay attention to this chef game.

The entertainment circle of this era is far less attractive than food. Although Ren Xueting is a big star, it can be said that the influence of all aspects is simply not comparable to that of super foodies like Han Lao. In fact, after seeing her fame, she saw Han Lao at a dinner party. At that time, she tried to talk to her in the past. As a result, Han Laoli ignored her.

I didn't expect Ye Chu to have such a close relationship with such a big man!

In that case. If he really wanted to help Hainan Chicken Rice advertise where she needed her, looking for her would be worthy of her ...

"If you can control this kid, then ..." Ren Xueting's eyes behind Sunglasses looked at Ye Chuan, as if he had thought of something in his heart, his eyes gradually exuded a bright color.

Time passed quietly, and soon, today's first dish was completed.

Dong Qian ’s Taorenshan Chicken has been put on the plate. She brought her dish to the jury with a little bit of anxiety. Her eyes also looked at Ye Cui in surprise. She also paid attention when she was cooking. When Ye Chui and Han Lao talked and laughed, it surprised her.

This boy who was initially looked down upon by her really brought her more and more surprises.

As the first chef to complete the dishes, Dong Qian naturally received great attention, and the scene shot was directed directly at the jury seat.

At this time, Han Lao replied with a serious and serious expression, and took a closer look at this Taorenshan chicken.

The color of this dish is mainly brown and yellow, but Dong Qian is dotted with red cherries and green coriander, which makes the appearance of the whole dish suddenly improve. Take a deep breath and you can smell it. Rich and full of fragrance.

Old Lao Han nodded with a smile: "Yes, this dish is intuitive in its shape, and it can be served with both color and taste. I don't know how it tastes."

With that said, Mr. Han picked up the bamboo chopsticks and took a bite of chicken into the mouth to taste it.

At this time, Dong Qian had involuntarily revealed a somewhat nervous look. The woman was full of confidence in herself, and she never showed any timidity before the game. But now the judge is Han Lao, so she is involuntarily Tensed up, and just at this time, she suddenly noticed the leaf drop next to Han Lao.

Ye Chui is showing a smile full of encouragement to her. I don't know why. When I saw this smile, the tension in her heart relaxed involuntarily.

Han Lao has finished eating a bite, and his original rigorous expression on his face seems to be somewhat relaxed. This is a good phenomenon. I saw him put down the bamboo chopsticks and turned his head to look to the side: "Come and try."

This was said to Ye Chu.

However, Ye Chui has not acted yet, Lian Hong has directly misunderstood, and promised to come over with a word-he is the original judge of this competition. Although it can only be used as a foil, he also said how to say when tasting dishes. Is it an expert?

But he just got to the table, Han Lao stared directly at his eyes: "I didn't say you!"

Lian Hong: "..."

Seeing Lian Hong accosted aside, Ye Chui looked at him with a smile, and then he picked up a pair of new bamboo chopsticks and picked up a piece of pheasant for delivery.

The diced chicken was fried with oil. The basic techniques of Dong Qian are very good. The chicken tastes fresh and thick, which maintains the delicious characteristics of pheasant and is full of wild toughness. This is an ordinary domestic food. There is no special quality of chicken, and the ingredients of this dish also include shiitake mushrooms.

After the dried shiitake mushrooms pass through the water, they are stir-fried to make the chicken's mellow aroma of shiitake mushrooms complement the freshness of the chicken meat, and the most important part of this dish is the aftertaste brought by the walnut kernels. aromatic.

Walnuts are the most characteristic and richest flavor in dried fruits. This kind of thing is rarely used as an ingredient. Because the flavor is not easy to grasp, but it has found a perfect place in this dish. The scent of shiitake mushrooms is even higher. The ingredients of this dish are mainly chicken and shiitake mushrooms. Walnut kernels are only garnished, but they dominate the taste.

It is commendable and fragrant.

Ye Chui nodded with a smile, yes, this dish is at least 70% of his level.

70% level, that is to say there are defects.

"Boy, what do you think of this dish?" Han Lao looked at Ye Chu with a smile on his face.

This remark surprised many people. Han Lao asked other people about the taste of the dishes.

Feeling the surprised eyes of everyone, Ye rolled his eyes vertically, could this be a low-key?

But at this time, he was not easy to shirk, so he had to say: "OK."


Hearing this, Dong Youyou in the audience was directly angry, UU reading books www.uukanshu. Com waved his fist vigorously: "What does he mean, the dish my sister made was just a pass from him? See how I clean up when I turn around!"

"Brother is actually very picky about the dishes. If Master Tian's dishes are okay, he doesn't know how happy he is." Quietly hurriedly comforted.

Lin Wei was naturally standing on Ye Chui's side at this time: "Yeah, it is indeed a very high evaluation of Ye Chui's sentence."

Dong Youyou was speechless: The two of them would really speak for Ye Chui ...

On the jury, I heard Ye Cui said it was okay, and Han Lao also nodded, as if agreeing with Ye Chui's words:

"I didn't expect much from the five-star competition, but this dish was indeed okay, exceeding my expectations. If the previous five-star competition, the level of this dish is definitely top-notch, but I don't know what to do next How will the performance of several of them. "(Unfinished to be continued ...)

ps: I have n’t got a monthly ticket from yesterday to now ... so beg a monthly ticket ...

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