Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 179: This top-class delicacy turned out to be just his usual meal ...

"It's called ham, it's dried pork leg, and the golden leg in the golden leg roasted round fish refers to ham. This kind of ingredient is mentioned in some Chinese classics, such as the compendium of Chen Cangqi in the Tang Dynasty, In addition, the Northern Song Dynasty writer Su Dongpo elaborated on the method of making ham. Although it is simple, today, many recipes have disappeared. The description is still very precious. Master Qin should have made these hams according to those simple clues. ."Fiction,"

Ye Chui explained somewhat reluctantly.

Su Dongpo's description is very simple: "Ham is cooked with two pig pancreas and the oil is gone."

Only these few words made Qin Yiyue come up with a decent ham, which Ye Ye also admired.

But what made Ye Cui even more admirable was what Qin Yiyue said next. He only listened to him very seriously: "Chen Qi's compendium of Materia Medica, and Su Dongpo's" Rough Talk on Gewu "were all suggested to me by Master Ye. "

He said that, naturally, he knew that he could complete this dish, thanks to Ye Chuan's help, but it was not because he was too careful not to be favored by Ye Chuan, in fact, Ye Chuan already wanted to get it from him. In the recipes of the previous two games, it can be seen that his help for Ye Chui is not unacceptable, but his character is due to it. In this kind of game, he only wants to complete the effort and does not want to make his achievements watery, so he will Actively point out these things.

Ye Chui's face was a little stunned. Unexpectedly, the child was so sincere, and then there was a little respect from Xiao Ran.

Qin Yiyue's statement may seem stubborn to some people, but it is very precious and commendable to Ye Cui.

As for other people, this time also had a surprised expression-this expression is no longer known today, and it is entirely because of Ye Chui, Ye Chui may have been crowned mystery in the hearts of many people. This title.

"Is it true?" Han Lao couldn't help but ask Ye Chui, "How do you know these things?"

Ye Chui explained with a bitter smile: "I usually like reading books ..."

Han Lao suddenly showed an expression of "Do you think I will believe it?" However, he didn't continue to ask. Everyone has their own secret, and Ye Chui may also be like this. Since the first time he tasted Ye Chui's dishes, Han Lao deliberately did not go to find the roots of Ye Chui.

He glanced at Qin Yiyue again, and then asked: "In such a competition, if you take the initiative to say that you have been directed by others in terms of ingredients, are you not afraid that I will lose your qualifications."

"I really want to win this game, but I want to rely on my own efforts." Qin Yiyue said firmly, "So I will not regret it."

"You don't have to think about it so much. The ingredients were not originally obtained by one person, and the clues I tell you about ham are nothing at all." Ye Chui said, he felt he had to say something, "And The clues I gave to you are also very vague, but you can produce this lost flavor in such a short time, which is enough to show the excellence of your cooking skills, but with this, you show Top cooking skills, I think. Han Lao won't care about the little things, right? "

The last sentence Ye Chui is for Han Han.

Han Lao snorted coldly, how can he still use this? He looked at Qin January: "That's right ..." Han Lao could not but give himself a slap in the face when he said this. Isn't this a face he slapped himself? He paused and continued, "Your golden thigh roasted round fish tastes fragrant. With the combination of this ham, the delicious taste of the turtle is fully reflected. It is a rare delicacy, but it is about the ham's arrival. Make the taste a little lacking. But it is still the best, which is better than the previous Taorenshan chicken, as for the thing that Ye Chui kid gave you clues. It is indeed a small matter, you do n’t have to worry about it. "

Although Qin Yiyue was stubborn, he was not rigid. Ye Chui gave clues that he just had a urge to be unpleasant. It was not that he did not want to die and did not stop playing. He nodded when he saw it. : "Thank you Han old."

Qin then retired in January, but everyone is still talking about it, but they are still speculating about Ye Chu's sacredness, and his body is full of mystery. The first star in this chef competition was originally Qin January. But now the focus of everyone's attention has gathered on Ye Chuan's body.

Feels helpless about these leaves, he really wants to be low-key ...

"Your apprentice is the first place in this competition, the second place is Qin January, and the third is Dong Qian. Now Qin January and Dong Qian's performance is really like this, just don't know what the dishes your apprentice is doing Since you said that he will be the first, then I will keep the greatest expectation, but don't let me down. "Han Lao lowered his voice to Ye Chui at this time and said," It's better to tell me first, your apprentice's What is the name of the dish? "

"Grandpa, I know this!" Han Yuyan murmured in a hurry.

Old Han looked at his granddaughter: "What do you know?"

"The dish made by Master Brother is called Braised Fish Belly Roll. For some time, Xiao Yu likes to eat this dish, so I let Master Master make it for her every day. This dish can be made with his eyes closed. "" Han Yuyan said proudly, "Stewed fish belly roll is a home-cooked dish we eat."

Old Han: "..."

Having lived to such an age, Han Lao rarely had any emotion of shock, but he is still shocked by the words of his granddaughter. The dishes that Tian Xiaodu will make in this five-star competition are selected from China The top feast is full of Han people, and the result is Ye Cui, the home-cooked food they can usually eat on weekdays ...

Isn't that right?

Hao Lao also quickly understood why Ye Chui ranked his apprentice as the first. If he did n’t take the first place, he would be a rice bucket!

Following Han Lao's sudden thought, he secretly made up his mind, and he must rely on Ye Chui to stay away when he retires in the future ...

Tian Xiaodu's grilled fish belly roll is actually not complicated, but the preparation of ingredients requires patience.

Grilled fish belly rolls, as the name implies, are the top priority. The so-called fish belly is the swim bladder. The way of eating this part has disappeared in this era, so the acquisition of ingredients also requires hands-on.

The most delicious fish maw comes from sturgeon. Sturgeon is a kind of fish with a long history. It is large in size and has considerable ornamental value. The famous Chinese sturgeon in the sea area of ​​China can even grow to more than three thousand pounds.

It is not easy to find sturgeon here in Hainan, but fortunately because it is the gourmet era, the north and south ingredients are convenient to circulate. The Chinese sturgeon mainly produced in Heilongjiang is not all extinct here in Hainan.

The swim bladder of sturgeon needs to be dried first, this is called fish maw, and it needs to be re-watered when it is eaten.

Tian Xiaodu wants to make the most extreme taste, every step will be fine, and the process of making fish belly water is quite complicated. Most of his time in this dish is spent in this area. In Qin January When the golden leg roasted round fish was completed, Tian Xiaodu had just completed the process of making fish belly, and by this time, Zhao Deguang's braised fish bone had also been completed.

I saw that Zhao Deguang wiped his shiny bald head, his face was a little tired, and brought his own dishes up.

The expression on his face was somewhat self-confident, but when he saw Ye Cui standing next to Ye Cui, he was inevitably a bit worried. He had always looked at what happened before. Ye Chui seems to know Qin Yiyue's and Dong Qian's dishes very well. I don't know what he thinks about his braised fish bone ...

"Lao Han, please **** braised fish bones. The recipe of this dish has long been lost, but after my careful study, I finally learned many of the main points of this dish. I believe my dish will definitely serve You bring the most extreme tongue enjoyment ... "Zhao Deguang just put down the plate and immediately explained with a smile on his face.

Old Han had picked up the bamboo chopsticks. Hearing Zhao Deguang's words, the old man interrupted him with an unhappy face: "Are you here to cook or read books?"


Zhao Deguang immediately closed his mouth and smiled apologetically on his face.

Lao Han then put his eyes back on this plate of braised fish bones.

This plate of braised fish bones is mainly red in color, dotted with greens, but it is also quite ornamental, and the fragrance is quite rich. At least the color and taste of Zhao Deguang are still very good, but ... he is braised What is it?

Ye Cui squinted for a few times, and soon realized that it seemed to be a kind of fried tofu.

Replace fish bones with tofu?

Han Lao took a slender fried tofu strip, looked at it for a few times, and turned to look at Zhao Deguang: "This dish is called braised fish bones, but you seem to be tofu."

"Yes, it's tofu." Zhao Deguang quickly explained. "After my careful search, I found out that the fish bones here are not really fish bones, but refer to this kind of tofu products, the origin of this kind of tofu products. In a place called Fishbone Village, so it is also known as Fishbone Tofu. The tofu I used here is the specialty tofu of this Fishbone Village. "

Hearing Zhao Deguang's introduction, Ye Chu couldn't help but feel surprised. The fish bones were like this ... a kind of tofu produced in the fish bone village, so it is called fish bone tofu. UU reading This kind of tofu?

Ye Chui didn't know if there was a village called Yugu Village in this world, or whether the tofu is really special in this village, but Zhao Deguang's explanation made him unable to agree ...

After hearing this explanation from Zhao Deguang, Han Lao suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand. He looked at Zhao Deguang and pointed to his head: "Just what?"

Zhao Deguang was suddenly stunned: "Is ... is it head?"

"Whose head?" Han Lao continued to ask.

"Your head ..." Zhao Deguang said fearfully.

"Since you know it's my head, you are still deliberately fooling me !?" Han Lao's voice suddenly raised, "I have eaten Chinese food, not to mention various types of tofu, not to mention the fish bone tofu in the fish bone village, this world I do n’t know if there is this thing !? Do you regard me as a pig? "(To be continued ...)

Ps: Continue to seek recommendation tickets for monthly tickets ~~~ u

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