Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 203: Ye Chuan is going to make dark dishes!

"I came to Xizhou also for this matter. The golden pancake found out that someone was preparing for a dark banquet, and that monkey was the main ingredient at this banquet!" Xing Sen said to Ye Chui seriously, saying At this time, Ye Cui vaguely felt that he was still a little angry. △ ¢,

"Dark Party?" Ye Cui heard the term for the first time.

"It's a banquet that provides illegal cuisine. This banquet existed before the meat ban was lifted, and there is still no way to stop it. There is even a growing trend. This is a very serious gourmet crime and it is our cuisine. "The criminal police must be determined to deal with serious problems." Xing Sen continued to say to Ye Chui, "I just listened to the golden cake and said these things, so I hurried to Xizhou City. Someone was going to have a dark party here. I am absolutely Won't be around them. "

"What is the main nature of this dark banquet?" Ye Cui froze and continued to ask.

"In short, it is the consumption of ingredients prohibited by the state, some rare animals or humane cooking methods. The dark banquet reflects the dark side of human nature." Xing Sen explained, "The dark banquet has another name. We often call it dark cuisine. "

"Dark food ..." Ye Chui suddenly thought of the dark food of his last life.

The so-called dark cuisine refers to the kind of food that sells strange or unswallowable. The more famous is the British staring at the starry sky, and the Banlangen instant noodles that are particularly famous in the domestic dormitory culture ...

Of course, the dark cuisine in this world obviously represents another meaning. Ye Chui thought of it and continued to ask Xingsendao: "Listening to the definition of dark cuisine is to violate humanity or eat illegal ingredients, but the meat is poisonous. What did dark cuisine refer to in those years? "

"Poisonous meat is the reason for the appearance of dark cooking." Xing Sen's expression can't tell the dignity. "Because of the virus of vegetarians, all animals carry viruses that can kill humans, but there is a class in these animals. The meat is harmless to humans. "

Talking. Xing Sen's eyes were fixed on Ye Chui, and the expression made Ye Chui suddenly shudder.

He already thought of an answer in his mind: "Is it human beings ..."

"It's a bug." Xing Sen said with a smile.

Ye Chu: "..."

Seeing Ye Chui's startled look, Xing Sen couldn't express his pride. The horror that he just said was obviously intentional ...

Yepui rolled his eyes and asked, "It turns out this way ... The vegetarian virus didn't affect the bugs, but this is a dark dish? Some bugs should be edible?"

In some places in the last life, people have the habit of eating insects. Although it is very disgusting to hear suddenly, in fact, this dish is not as unbearable as it sounds. For example, Tianjin has a flavor snack that is fried grasshopper If the psychological barrier can be ruled out, this dish is still very crispy and delicious.

Ye Chuai's hometown is full of pear trees. Every summer evening, everyone will go to catch the monkey-the monkey's scientific name is the cicada monkey, and it is the larvae (ps: we are called there, I do n’t know if there is the same as us ~~), this It is rich in meat, and even some big hotels will deliberately purchase the monkey, which is a specialty food and expensive.

In addition, many insects are famous medicinal materials, such as Cordyceps sinensis.

And the tradition of eating insects in some countries has been around since ancient times. So in the opinion of Ye Chu, the **** of food, eating insects is no big deal. In the last life there was a stranger who survived in the wilderness, who eats insects as a common food ...

"Do you think any kind of insect can be eaten?" But Xing Sen quickly gave Ye Chu a fatal blow. "Some protein-rich insects are still poisonous. Only certain species can be eaten, such as ... cockroaches . "

Ye Chui: "... don't say it, readers will not be able to stand up."

"All in all, some people have created a dark cooking system because of the demand for meaty cuisine. After the meat is lifted, this cuisine has quietly developed into another category, and there is even a growing trend. And if We were found that someone secretly held a dark banquet, then we have to punish him severely. "Xing Sen then explained, he finally said the point," According to the news from the golden cake, someone grabbed the one. Monkeys, all they do is hold a dark banquet. One part of the monkey is very delicious. Guess where? "

"It's a monkey brain."

Yepui said in a deep voice.

He had vaguely guessed this since he saw the little monkey being taken away two days ago, and now his guess has come true. The monkey brain is a humane and very cruel way of eating, even the highest-ranking man in the Han Dynasty. [Meal], there is a dish made of monkey brain.

[Meal] All Man Han seats at the level are the most precious and delicious ingredients in the world, but they ca n’t be found. Bear paws, monkey brains, elephant trunks and so on are all available. Of course, Ye Chui did not directly cook these ingredients when he held the Man Han seats. Instead, they chose to use other ingredients instead.

In Ye Chui ’s last life, eating monkey brains was naturally illegal, but some big cities can still eat them, while in other countries, monkey brain meals can be put on the banquet openly, it is undeniable, The monkey brain is very delicious, but it is a diametrically opposed thing to Ye Chui's idea of ​​nothing wrong, and it is also a cruel cuisine he has always resisted.

He did not expect to have such cruel and dark things in this world in the gourmet era.

Xing Sen heard Ye Cui's words, his eyes suddenly stared up and stared at Ye Chui: "How can you know the monkey brain?"

"I have seen this kind of ingredients in some recipes." Ye Cui quickly explained, "I am very resistant to this cruel way of cooking." With that said, Ye Chuan looked at the kitchen with some worry. Tian Xiaodu and Han Yuyan in the action of the mouse continued to ask Xing Sen, "Since this matter is illegal, can you find a way to rescue the little monkey? Xiaoyu has been very unhappy these two days, I Worried that this will affect her psychology. "

"Sorry." However, Xing Sen shook his head directly, and said with some regret, "The golden cake just found out that someone was going to hold a dark banquet, but there was no clue to the host of the banquet to rescue the monkey. , It ’s not enough to blow this brutal guy all by myself. "

"So who else do you need help with?" Ye Chui asked hurriedly.

"You." Xing Sen pointed his finger at the leaf drop.

"Me?" Ye Cui froze.

Xing Sen nodded. Continue to explain: "The golden cake also investigated a very important message, that is, the person holding the dark banquet is recruiting chefs recently. I hope you can go to apply for the chef of the dark banquet to participate in this banquet personally and strive for people who will participate in the banquet. All in one shot! "

Ye pensive expression: "Is this dangerous?"

"Dangerous with hair?" Xing Sen smiled. "That group of people just eat and don't pay attention, but they are not fierce and terrible people. Moreover, the danger that I will always follow you will definitely not be encountered, but ... … "The penalties froze," the chef of this dark banquet. It requires a certain cooking skills, even those who have been dismissed by the gourmet association. You have a one-star chef certificate, and have recently been in the limelight, Naturally, it is eligible to participate, but in addition to qualifications, it needs to be reviewed. There will be many chefs competing for banquet positions. You need to make a dark dish to satisfy the reviewers. "

"This ..."

Ye Chui's mind suddenly flashed a lot of dark dishes. What to look up at the starry sky, what to do with chocolate bananas, what to do with fried ice bullying, what to do with salmon peeled cream fried cake ...

Although Ye Chui insists on the food, he is absolutely not interested in these foods. But with his ability, this kind of thing can basically understand what the practice is by just glancing at it, but ... letting him divinely cook these dark dishes, it feels unsuitable.

But for Wang Shiyu's little monkey. He had to endure!

So he nodded heavily with Xing Sen: "I should have no problem with this."

"Are you sure?" Xing Sen said with some suspicion, "The review of the dark cooking banquet basically has to be done at three points. The first point is that the creativity is unexpected. The second point is that the special ingredients cannot be eaten by ordinary people. The important third point is that it is delicious, which is definitely not what the average chef can do, and the news on the side of the golden cake, the dark banquet chef review is tomorrow, he can help you get the registration qualification, but such a short Are you really sure to make enough qualified dark dishes in time? "

"Relax, there will be no problem." Ye Chui nodded confidently, he was always very confident about his cooking.

"So what are you going to do?" Xing Sen immediately asked.

Ye Chui is trying to move out the famous starry sky from the previous life, but at this time a scream of Han Yuyan suddenly came from the kitchen. This sister ran out of the kitchen as soon as she smoked: "Master, I found the mouse again ... ... still a litter of mice! "

"I found a mouse again?" Ye Chui couldn't help frowning ~ ~ These two days, the restaurant was closed, and the kitchen was deliberately thoroughly checked. A big white cat was also invited into the kitchen yesterday. I caught a mouse. Why is there still a litter?

He didn't care to talk to Xing Sen and hurriedly went into the kitchen.

The kitchen utensils in the kitchen are being cleaned, and the cabinet has been moved away, and the mouse nest mentioned by Han Yuyan is behind the cabinet. It's only been a few days. "

"It's a mouse, it's more like a small flesh. It has no hair around it and its eyes haven't opened yet. It shouldn't be more than three days after it was born.

When I saw these white and tender mice, a cruel dark dish that had been recorded since Tang Dynasty suddenly appeared in Ye Chuan's mind ...

"Tomorrow's dark banquet chef can cook that dish!" (To be continued ...)

ps: Everyone guess what Ye Chui is cooking ~~~ This is also well-documented and very classic. Many have mentioned it ~~~~~~~~~~ Ticket ~~~~~ u

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