Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 208: Please eat my 5 grains health porridge

"Get up in the morning and drink honey water? Is there anything wrong? This is harmful to your health. Isn't it true that your health professional qualification, Miss Zhang, was bought with money?". Ye Cui deliberately showed an incredible expression to Zhang Ying.

Zhang Ying was stunned for a while, with an angry expression on her face: "It's harmful to get up and drink honey water in the morning? Ha, Mr. Ye, where did you hear this theory, how can I not know? Honey can improve blood composition , Promote the function of heart, brain and blood vessels, and have a protective effect on the liver. Drinking a cup of honey in the morning can ensure a full day of energy and can look forward to the body's conditioning effect. These have been verified by many scientists. Why, Mr. Ye, do n’t you Do you think this theory is wrong? ".

Lin Wei, Wu Haimei, and Lin Zhengdao were stunned for a while, only to realize that Ye Chui was deliberately making trouble with Zhang Ying. They heard Zhang Ying saying so, they looked at Ye Chui anxiously, and did not know what Ye Chui wanted refute.

There was also an expression of interest on Lafayette's face.

The carbohydrates in honey can be absorbed and utilized by the body after being metabolized by the human body. Drinking a glass of honey water in the morning can not only effectively supplement the water of the body cells to reduce the detoxification effect of the body, but also cause the accumulation of nutrients and affect the substances. Metabolic process, that is to say, it can not only make the body absorb honey nutrients well, the metabolism of residues is not conducive to health. It is not wrong to drink a glass of honey water in the morning, but you should drink a glass of plain water before drinking honey water. Drinking honey water after a few minutes is the most effective and will not damage your health. "

These words made Zhang Ying stunned, and felt that what he said made sense ...

She said unconvincingly, "Do you have any scientific basis for these words?".

"The body has a very complex composition, which cannot be completely explained by scientific evidence." Ye Cui refuted coldly, he looked at the Lafayette, "Grandma, what do you think?"

The face of Lafayette was thinking. This old man pays great attention to health, and naturally hopes that her body can be healthy and healthy. Although she sometimes seems confused, but when it comes to problems in this area, her mind is still very meticulous. After seeing her for a while, she said: "I think what Xiaoye said makes sense ... I honestly drink a cup of honey water every morning, I don't feel as comfortable as I feel, and I feel very tired. It should be good to drink white water first, Haimei. Weiwei also has the right way In the future, you will all follow what Xiaoye said. "

"Good grandma." Lin Wei immediately replied with a smile.

"Mom, I also agree with Xiaoye's statement. Drinking honey on an empty stomach in the morning, I don't feel very scientific about this method." Wu Haimei said somewhat proudly, and glanced at Zhang Ying lightly.

Zhang Ying was a little speechless for a moment, glaring at Ye Chui fiercely, she felt the hostility from Ye Chui's side, this is to provoke her!

She wanted to see how Ye Chu was going to do ...

Galeries Lafayette drank a glass of boiled water according to Ye Chui. After a while, he drank a glass of honey.

At this time, Zhang Ying had brought out a plate from the kitchen. A variety of fruits were on the plate. She smiled again and said to Galeries Lafayette: "It's time to eat. It's not good to eat more for breakfast. Use fruits Brings in nutrients that can supplement the day, and is very healthy. "

These days, Lin's breakfast has been replaced by various vegetables and fruits. These leaves have been heard by Lin Wei. At this moment, Zhang Ying put a plate full of fruits in front of Galeries Lafayette, and poured a glass of milk for Galeries Lafayette. She looked at Ye Chui with some provocation and said, "Mr. Ye. You should not treat me Lafayette also prepares the fruit plate, but this is a fruit pairing that I strictly follow nutrition. "

The breakfast compote prepared by Zhang Ying mainly consisted of cantaloupe, bananas and grapes. It suddenly looked beautiful, and it was quite appetizing. At the same time, Wu Ma also put a few more points in front of Lin Weilin and Zheng Wuwu Haimei. It is concluded that this family is indeed forced to eat fruit for breakfast every morning by Zhang Ying ...

Lafayette was probably already hungry, so if you ca n’t wait, she would like to have breakfast with fruit, but Ye Chui ’s words made her movements suddenly stiffen—

"Miss Zhang, it would be fatal to eat your breakfast." Ye Chui said eagerly.

Surprised everyone.

Zhang Ying said unpleasantly: "Mr. Ye, you are really slandering me. I hope you can explain how my fruit breakfast can be fatal. Isn't it enough nutrition?".

"Nutrition is enough, but Miss Zhang, do you have the common sense of eating fruits? Some fruits can't be eaten together, like bananas and melons." Ye Chui pointed to the plate in front of Lafayette and said, "Hami melons The potassium ion content in bananas is very high, and eating them together is bad for the kidneys, and this should be paid attention to by the elderly. "

Followed Ye Chui and pointed to the milk on the side, "there is milk ..."

"Are you saying that milk is not good?". Zhang Ying could not wait to rebut, "This is a nutritious drink, certified by the world, and is now a very popular drink in high society. Don't you know Mr. Ye?".

Because of the vegetarian movement, milk was poisonous in the era when meat was poisonous. However, after the meat was lifted, milk was quickly put back on the table, just because of the dairy farming. The reason is that milk is still far from being popularized. Only a few wealthy families can use milk every day. Ordinary people may not buy it even if they have money-Ye Chui once thought of giving quiet Wang Shiyu a cup of milk every morning. The result was stunned. There is no place to buy this kind of thing. After all, fresh milk is very easy to break, but the processing of milk still needs a long time to explore.

At this moment, Zhang Ying's remarks vaguely implied that a poor man in Yehui District could not have access to high-end beverages like milk.

But hearing Ye Ying ’s words, Ye Cui could n’t help but smile. He dared to say that he knew more about milk in this world than any other person. He only listened to Ye Chui and continued to say to Zhang Ying: “It seems that Miss Zhang Do you know milk well? Then you should know that some ingredients in milk will react with the vitamin c contained in grapes, which will hurt your stomach. If you take them at the same time, you will have diarrhea. In severe cases, you will vomit ... Miss Zhang , Was n’t your health care expert really bought for money? "

Zhang Ying: "..."

In fact, Zhang Ying, a high-end beverage such as milk, is not very well-understood. It is just that she followed Galeries Lafayette and found that Galeries Lafayette can drink fresh milk, so she urged Galeries Lafayette to consume milk every morning. ...

As for whether milk and grapes can be eaten together, she is completely unaware. At this moment, she was completely speechless when asked by Ye Chui's remarks.

And Galeries Lafayette originally wanted to use his own breakfast. At this time, he couldn't help pushing the fruit bowl and milk far away-listening to Ye Chui said, this is still breakfast, which is completely poison. Ok.

Zhang Ying dared to continue: "You said that there is no scientific basis at all ... The nutrition of milk is very rich after all ..."

"Ms. Zhang, you are a health expert and not a nutrition expert. You have to put your grandma's health first." Ye Chui interrupted Zhang Ying with a smile, and you can see that Zhang Ying has been hitting her in a row. Next, he became a little uneasy. He continued to turn around and asked Galeries Lafayette, "Grandma, you have been eating breakfast this way these days. Do you feel that there is something unsuitable for your body?"

Hearing Ye Chui ’s words, Galeries Lafayette nodded like this: “As you said, my stomach was a little uncomfortable during this time ... Is it because of this breakfast?”

Said this, she gave Zhang Ying a displeased glance, and her eyes were already faintly disappointed.

This made a smile on Lin Zhengdao's face involuntarily, and he was very satisfied with Ye Chui's performance. Wu Haimei and Lin Wei were even more indescribable. Wu Haimei also smiled and said to Ye Chui, "I'll just say, In the morning, if you do n’t want to have a good meal, you have to eat fruit. What kind of health is this? Ye Chui, you are talking about what is best for breakfast? "

"Breakfast can supplement the nutrition of the day, and it is not easy to eat too full, but it can't be simply dealt with. Our traditional Chinese diet is best to drink some porridge for breakfast." Ye Chui smiled like this, showing a look ready to show his talents. "Grandma and Uncle and Auntie, you can wait a moment. I will cook a pot of porridge for you. The name is Grain Health Porridge, which is more delicious and delicious under the premise of ensuring nutrition. It is also very good for your health ~ www. ~ Grain health porridge, as the name suggests, is porridge made from grains of whole grains. It is known as the first porridge for health and warming. The orthodox cooking method includes corn, millet, dry rice, barley, oats, sweet potatoes, Black beans, broad beans, mung beans, peas, etc., supplemented with barley, black rice, red beans, red dates, etc.

It is naturally impossible to prepare all these ingredients properly at the moment, but with the technique of leaf drop, even if a few ingredients are missing, it is still possible to cook a pot of good porridge.

"Okay, okay, I have long felt that it's best to get up and drink porridge in the morning." Galeries Lafayette said in a hurry, listening to this, she already had a sense of distrust of Zhang Ying's nutritional expert status.

Zhang Ying even showed a very angry expression, and also had a strong sense of alertness in her heart-she could feel that her influence on Lafayette was weakening rapidly ...

"Oh, this is not over yet." Ye Cui looked at Zhang Ying's expression and thought quietly in his heart, then he greeted Lin Wei and asked her to help herself and walked into the kitchen. (To be continued ...)

PS: ... Seeking monthly tickets seeking recommended tickets

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