Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 210: Steamed white jade bergamot and golden jade full hall

Zhang Ying deliberately told Wu Ma that Wu Ma bought a bunch of ingredients that Lafayette did not like to eat, including carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli. These kinds of vegetables are actually rich in nutrients and are suitable for frequent consumption, but Not right about the appetite of Galeries Lafayette. This is something that can't be done. Zhang Ying did this to make Galeries Lafayette feel disappointed with Ye Chui's cooking!

Lin Wei soon understood Zhang Ying ’s plan. She was a very quiet **** weekdays. She rarely saw her angry, but now she was completely angry and did n’t wait for Ye Cui to say anything. , Immediately rushed to the living room in a hurry to go to Zhang Ying theory.

"How can you do this? You made Wu Ma buy a bunch of ingredients that grandma didn't like to eat, you did it on purpose!" Lin Wei shouted angrily with Zhang Ying.

Zhang Ying, who was chatting with Galeries Lafayette, heard Lin Wei's words but showed a puzzled expression: "Wei Wei, what do you mean, how can I not understand?"

"Wei Wei, what's going on?" Galeries Lafayette also asked a little strangely.

Ye Chui and Wu Ma walked out of the kitchen in a hurry at this time, Lin Wei told Zhang Ying that Wu Ma bought a bunch of vegetables that Lafayette did not like to eat, and looked at Zhang Ying angrily, however, After hearing these words, Zhang Ying showed a surprised expression on his face: "When did I say this? Must something be wrong?"

Wu Ma froze for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Miss Zhang, you told me when I was out in the morning. Cucumbers, carrots, and broccoli are three main dishes. The main ingredients for Mr. Ye's cooking today, let me Mainly purchase these three dishes ... "

"Ma, Wu, you are being framed. When did I tell you this kind of thing?" Zhang Ying directly denied, and a very angry look appeared on her face, "I know, I must have accidentally bought it The wrong dish, so I put all the blame on me, right? I did n’t expect you to be like Wu Ma! "

"I ... how can I do that kind of thing ..." Wu Ma sweated anxiously. This is a honest woman, framed by Zhang Ying only feels full of grievances.

"Grandma, Wu Ma wouldn't do this kind of thing!" Lin Wei hurriedly spoke for Wu Ma, glaring at Zhang Ying fiercely. She hadn't hated a person since she was a child. Zhang Ying did it. !

Galeries Lafayette looked at Wu Ma and Zhang Ying. She had been here for half a month. She didn't know Wu Ma. Zhang Ying had known it for a long time, but when was Zhang Ying not in front of her? So I didn't know what to do for a while.

And at this moment Ye Chui suddenly spoke and said: "Oh. I made a mistake. I did tell Wu Ma to ask her to buy these ingredients for me."

Everyone looked at Ye Cui strangely.

Zhang Ying also had a surprised expression.

"Ye Chui ..." Lin Wei looked at Ye Chui.

"Grandma, carrots and cucumber broccoli are very nutritious and good for the body. Although you do n’t like to eat, these dishes are very good for the body, so I asked Wu to buy some for me, noon today These three ingredients are the protagonists. "Ye Cui said lightly, his eyes coldly glanced at Zhang Ying.

Is really angry with Zhang Ying Ye Cui now. She was able to use this kind of kind woman like Wu Ma, making Ye Chui very angry. He suddenly laughed and continued to see Zhang Ying. "I will use three ingredients to make grandma's dishes that you will like."

Zhang Ying did n’t expect Ye Chui to say this to favor Wu Ma. After being surprised for a while, he sneered and said to Ye Chui: “Lafayette does n’t like these three dishes, but you still have to make these three dishes. You Why don't you think about Lafayette at all? Mr. Ye. I want to see what you can cook! "

"I will surprise you."

Yepui said coldly to Zhang Ying, then returned to the kitchen with Lin Wei and Wu Ma.

Lin Wei naturally understood that Ye Chui did not ask Wu Ma to buy these three dishes. She was puzzled and asked Ye Chui: "Why do you say that? I heard from my father that my mother didn't like carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli from a very early age. How could she like to eat it. "

"If that situation just went on, only Wu Ma would be blamed." Ye Chui shook his head, then said to Lin Wei with a confident smile, "But Weiwei, you can rest assured, although your grandma doesn't like this There are three kinds of dishes, but I can change them to make them unrecognizable. They can even make your grandma forget the original aversion to these three ingredients. "

Lin Wei laughed immediately: "Ye Chui, can you really do this kind of thing?".

"Of course it is true." Ye Chui nodded with a smile.

Wu Ma was standing next to her. At this time, she already knew that she was framed by Zhang Ying. Compared with Ye Ying and Zhang Ying, Ye Chui was really much better. She was moved to Ye Cui and said: "Mr. Ye, this ... this is really ... "

"Ma, Wu, this is a small thing, don't care." Ye Chui didn't want Wu Ma to feel uncomfortable and said with a smile, "Now please help me clean these dishes. At noon we will use ingredients that grandma doesn't like The dishes that satisfy her. "

"Hey, well, I will wash the vegetables here." Wu Ma said quickly.

"Wu Ma, let me help you." Lin Wei said.

At this time, Ye Chui was thinking. He was thinking about how to use these three ingredients to make dishes that satisfied Lafayette. The dishes of Huaxia pay attention to color and fragrance, but there are two other points in the eyes of a real chef, that is Meaning and shape.

Color is the appearance of the dish, fragrance is the flavor emitted by the dish, and taste is the taste of the dish.

For a person to make dishes made with ingredients that she does n’t like, it is not enough to rely on color and fragrance, so it is necessary to work hard from the meaning and shape, meaning the meaning of this dish, the shape is this dish The form of presentation is a higher level and realm of color.

Most of the vegetables Wu Ma bought were cucumbers, carrots, and broccoli. There are other vegetables, such as tomatoes, tofu, and cabbage, but not many. You can use these ingredients to make colorful dishes. Ye Chui is enough. After Lin Wei and Wu Ma cleaned the vegetables, Ye Chui has decided what to do next. He has thought about six dishes.

"Ye Chui, what are you going to do next?" Lin Wei walked over to her wet hands and asked Ye Chui.

"Please help me cook broccoli first. Broccoli doesn't need to be cut with a knife, you can use your hands to break the flower **** on the broccoli directly, but you must keep each flower ball the same size. Do n’t throw it, I still have it. ”

"Cooking stick?" Wu Ma said sideways, "Half of the broccoli eats the flower **** above, can you also eat the cooking stick?".

"Of course, there is a dish that you need to use the stick." Ye Cui explained with a smile, "Yes, Wu Ma's home still has tofu skin and celery?".

"Yes, the old lady likes tofu, so I prepared a lot in the refrigerator. I also bought celery a bit back in the morning, and I'll get it for you." Wu Ma said that he took these two ingredients from the refrigerator. Take it out.

Lin Wei asked curiously: "Ye Chui, what are you going to do with these things?"

"Make a dish called fried vegetarian recipe." Ye Chui explained with a smile.

The deep-fried vegetarian dish is a classic Hunan dish. The main ingredients are tofu skin, broccoli and carrots. It is delicious and refreshing. It is a very popular cuisine. It is not difficult to make this dish, but it is a bit complicated. With a smile, she continued to Wu Ma: "This dish can still help you."

"Mr. Ye, what do you want me to do?" Wu Ma asked immediately.

"Wait for you to cut the outer skin of the broccoli stems and finely chop them into pieces. Celery and carrots must also be processed according to the law and finally made into a stuffing." Ye Cui said to Wu Ma with a smile. Wu Ma was not a cook , But as a domestic maid, she is also very familiar with cooking. Work such as chopping vegetables and stuffing is familiar, and when she hears Ye Chui, she immediately takes action.

Yi Chui washed the tofu skin that Wu Ma took out and set it aside, then set up the oil pot and poured half a pot of salad oil.

Wait for the oil to heat up. Ye Chui started to prepare the ingredients for another dish called steamed white jade bergamot.

This is also a very famous dish with a sober name. The appearance is very beautiful, the main ingredients needed are carrots and tofu, and the leaves of cabbage.

First of all, the leaf weeding is to take off the leaves of four Chinese cabbages, flatten the cabbages of the cabbages by hand, and send them to the hot water pot once, so that the texture of the cabbages can be softened, and then the tender tofu Put it directly in the pot to make mud by hand. It happened that the carrot and celery on Wu Ma ’s side had been cut into fine pieces. Ye Chuo took some and put it into the pot, together with tofu, and then put salt and MSG , Pepper to season to make tofu filling.

Then he took a plate, spread the cabbage on the plate, sprinkle with a little flour, then took out a part of the tofu filling and put it on top, then rolled the cabbage leaves carefully, rolled it into a barrel, and smeared the outside. Layer the salad oil and prepare the quarter-boiled cabbage tofu rolls according to the law. Then put up the steamer and put the cabbage rolls and dishes into it. Then, just steam for 30 minutes in the steamer.

At this time, the salad oil had already reached eighty-nine maturity in the oil pan set up earlier.

Since there is a deep-fried in the name of deep-fried vegetarian, the operation of deep-fried is naturally indispensable. Ye Chu uses the broth of broccoli and the end of carrot, celery, etc. to make a plain filling. This filling The green is yellowish and very beautiful. The leaf drop puts the tofu skin on the plate, smears a layer of wet starch, pours a layer of plain filling, covers with a layer of tofu skin, and then smears the wet starch and plain filling, so Prepare three layers and fry them in the oil pan.

The vegetarian side in this dish is very easy to understand. The vegetarian side is the vegetarian side, and the square is the side of the square. When the tofu and the vegetarian fillings are golden and crispy by frying, remove them Filter the oil and cut it into small pieces with a knife. This dish is finished.

The appearance of this dish is golden and crisp. It can be used as a dish or as a snack. Although the main ingredients are broccoli and carrots, it can be sent to your mouth slowly and deliciously. Where can you taste broccoli and Does the carrot smell come?

Lin Wei could n’t wait to send a piece of fried vegetarian into the mouth, and then kept breathing because she was too hot, but her face showed a look of enjoyment. Obviously this dish satisfied her, but more What surprised her was the taste of this dish: "Huh? If I didn't see Ye Chui's production process, I can't really taste the vegetarian stuffing in this dish made with carrots and broccoli, You are so good, Ye Chuan. I think Grandma will love this dish. "

"Mr. Ye, your cooking is really good. The recipe for this dish doesn't look complicated, but I can't make it. I can't do it anymore." Wu Ma also took a deep-fried vegetarian recipe, full of sighs. Said.

"The main point of this dish is the preparation of the stuffing. Knowing how to adjust the stuffing is not too difficult to make." Ye Cui said with a smile. "This fried vegetarian recipe just came out of the pan and it was still very hot. Let it sit for a while, and wait for it to cool before eating it is the most suitable. Let's make another dish. "

"What are we going to do next?" Lin Wei hurriedly asked, cooking with Ye Chui and watching delicious dishes appear from her hands, which made her feel very fulfilled.

"The name of the dish we will make next is Jinyumantang." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Jinyumantang is a blessed word, so many dishes will be named with this name. There is a Jinyumantang in the entire Han Dynasty seat, but it is an authentic meat dish, and this is the gold jade full hall that Ye Chui wants to do. , Is vegan and belongs to Ye Chui's original approach.

The six dishes Ye Ye has prepared, the fried vegetarian recipe and the steamed white jade bergamot are classic dishes, and the remaining four are all dishes that Ye Wei created in the past few minutes. Don't look at Ye Chui's creation of these dishes, which only took a few minutes, but these dishes are based on his experience of the God of Food and also based on his vision, and the average person can never easily think of these dishes.

"The name Jinyumantang is very delicious when it is heard." Lin Wei continued to ask Ye Chuidao with a look of expectation, "How to make this dish?"

"Jin Yu Man Tang's main ingredients are cucumber and carrot, but another very important ingredient is needed, and this ingredient will also depend on Wei Wei. You helped me find it ~ ~ Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Huh? What is it? How do I find it?" Lin Wei suddenly felt strange.

"This dish also needs corn kernels, preferably tender corn kernels." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Lin Wei was even stranger: "Corn kernels? Where am I going to find this thing?"

In the morning, corn grains are used in the five-grain porridge boiled by Ye Cui, but the Lin family does not have this kind of ingredients here. Lin Wei also listened to Wu Ma at the time, so she was very surprised that Ye Chui wanted to let her from where Find this kind of thing.

Ye Chui smiled a little mysteriously, and quietly glanced at the living room. Then he continued to tell Lin Wei: "You go to your parents' bedroom and look. If I am not wrong, your mother should secretly hide it. It ’s time to cook the corn in the room ... just when she came out of the room, I saw the corn kernels in the corner of her mouth. "

Lin Wei: "..." (to be continued ...)

PS: This time I used the dish name as the chapter name ... Seeking a recommendation ticket for a monthly ticket ...

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