Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 233: These monks must be vulgar for a good meal! (under)

Four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

The small restaurant is already crowded with people, and the authentic authentic Buddha jumping wall is about to be completed. At this time, the strong incense is restrained. If you are far away from the small restaurant, you ca n’t even smell the scent. The more so, the more extraordinary this dish is.

What kind of amazing flavor will be formed by bringing together those wanton volatile fragrances together?

This is really exciting.

The last residue in the morning, although there were no monks coming, it was still sold out in the end, a bowl of 800 yuan, and finally sold more than 60 bowls, earned a total of more than 40,000, even if it has never been a concept of money Han Yu The weirs were shocked.

In the afternoon, the authentic Buddha jumping wall, three thousand yuan and one bowl, what kind of madness it will cause at that time is more exciting.

Three thousand yuan a small bowl of dishes, what is this concept?

Really as precious as gold.

I am afraid that only a very few people in the world can afford such superb food, but when the authentic Buddha jumping the wall is not good, Ye Cui has received more than a dozen reservations-after all, there are local tyrants, even if they are not local tyrants, they are willing to There are still some people who spend 3,000 yuan to taste this supreme delicacy.

This is definitely a dish that only the emperor can eat.

In fact, in the last life, in addition to the dishes in the state banquet, this dish was also used to entertain Prince Sihanouk, US President Reagan, Queen Elizabeth and other heads of state.

Coupled with Ye Chui's craftsmanship, such a dish is 3,000 yuan a bowl, it is not expensive at all.

The restaurant is very sultry. Although there is a fan next to it and the wind is constantly flashing, it is still sweating. But Tian Xiaodu Han Yuyan and the quiet Wang Shiyu are not willing to leave. Looking forward to this dish, I want to see for myself the scene when this dish is completely completed.

The child Wang Shiyu also held a small bowl in his hand, waiting for the big treat, and the little monkey was drilled in her cartoon schoolbag. The small head protruded and watched Ye Chuan's movements vigorously.

"Well, time is enough."

Ye Chui judged the time. He reached out and grabbed the pot lid on the wine jar. After six hours of simmering, various ingredients were fused in the old soup, and the fragrance was completely gathered in the wine jar. The lid was lifted with the leaf drop. .

The heat rushed out from inside, accompanied by a strong scent that spread like wild winds and waves in all directions.

That scent gives people a feeling that it is several times more intense than the scent that has been permeating for the past two days!

Of course, although the scent is much stronger than before, it will not reach several times. This is more of a sensory illusion. During the last process, the Buddha jumped the wall and there was no scent diffused. Everyone smelled the scent for two days before, and suddenly they could n’t smell it. They were naturally looking forward to it. The shock of that sense is naturally speechless.

This scent is intoxicating!


It's crazy!

Xing Sen was sitting outside the restaurant. If not many people knew the identity of his food police officer, he said that there would be some riots.

This scent seems to have magical power. Almost immediately, the monks of the Majestic Temple completely smelled this strong fragrance, no matter what they were doing. At the same time, they stopped the movements in their hands, and then looked blankly in the direction of the food. Everyone had a complex expression that couldn't bear it.

In the disciplinary hall, Hui Xuan Hui Yin and several other monks who were being confined were originally sitting on the futon, one by one listless, after the scent of the Buddha jumped off the wall, most of them gradually calmed down. However, the fragrance of the finished product jumping into the wall passed into his nose. In an instant, they aroused their expectations for food again.

This expectation is even stronger than before. I don't know how many times.

"Genuine Buddha jumped off the wall!"

"This scent ... is several times more fragrant than before!"

"I can't help it!"

"If this monk doesn't do it, I will eat Buddha jumping over the wall!"

A group of monks were excited and jumped from the ground.

Hui Xuan went to the door and knocked on the door a few times. The door was locked from the outside, he shouted loudly: "Master Mingfeng. Please open the door!"

Ming Feng was standing in a daze in the corridor, smelling the scent from a distance, his mind was greatly shaken, there was a urge to taste various foods since he was never a monk again. He greedily breathed a few breaths of air, followed by a sudden thunder, and meditated in his mouth: "Amitabha, sin and sin."

Hearing a knock on the door in the disciplinary hall, he sneered: "What are you doing? There is still a lot of noise in the disciplinary hall! Do you want to confine for longer?"

"Master, I can't help it anymore, please let me out!" One of the monks shouted.

"Can't help but also bear with me, don't forget that you are monks!" Mingfeng shouted.

"I'm vulgar!" A monk called immediately.

"And I!"

"I am also vulgar!"

"We are all vulgar!"

A group of monks shouted.

Ming Feng's body shook, and his disciples were going to be vulgar for this dish ...

The stern face was involuntarily revealing a little urgency. If people know that these monks in their monastery are still vulgar because of a dish, what honors can there be in the solemn temple in the future?

How can those pilgrims continue to throw money into the merit box?

"Amitabha." Ming Feng said immediately when he thought of this, "Don't do this, we have everything to discuss ..."

"Let's go out first!" Hui Yin shouted loudly.


"Ah your mother's head!"

"Open the door!"

"Old bald donkey, let us go out!"

Several monks are now completely angry, knocking on the door of the disciplinary hall, making the door ring loudly.

Ming Feng was shocked, and gave him the feeling as if a group of monsters and ghosts were being imprisoned in the disciplinary hall. Now these monsters and ghosts are about to break out of the cage. He still meditates on the Diamond Sutra in his subconscious mouth, hoping to use Buddha's voice to surrender the door Demon, then ...

Boom. The door of the Correction Hall was pushed open from the inside and the outside.

Mingfeng only felt his legs soft and squatted on the ground, and violent monks rushed out of it. Without looking at the bright wind, he hurried to the outside of the temple.

Ming Feng was taken aback. After he hurriedly got up from the ground, his face was angry again: "These **** ... don't want to leave the monastery! Close the door, close the gate of the monastery for me!"

As Ming Feng finished his words, the monks who were standing at the gate of the Majestic Temple were all startled. When they looked back, they just saw a group of monks running around in a mess. The monk immediately hurriedly closed the far door of the monastery. Of course, the modern monastery is not an ordinary wooden door, but a fully electronically controlled anti-theft door.

After Hui Xuan and Hui Yin rushed over, how did the welcoming monks dare to hide with them in a hurry. Huiyin and others wanted to open the door and found that it could not be pulled, so they looked at the welcoming monks fiercely: "What is the key to the door?"

"In ... in the abbot's hands ..." the welcoming monk said quickly. "After the door is closed, only the abbot has the key to open the door."

"Abbot ..."

"He certainly won't let us out."

Several monks glanced at each other, and then several people made up their minds at the same time.

"Climb the wall!"

The Majestic Temple is surrounded by high walls of high houses on the four sides, but in the west is a layer of two-meter high walls close to the foot of the mountain. Ordinary people can over the wall with a little effort. I went to the Internet outside, so it was a familiar journey at this time.

When Mingfeng hurried over, he happened to see these monks about to cross the wall. Ming Feng's whole body shivered: "You **** things, jumped the wall for this dish!"

"Master, the name of this dish is called Buddha Jumping Wall. I didn't understand the name of this dish at first. Now I understand it. I would rather not make this monk for this dish!" Hui Yin stood Mingfeng said to the head of the wall, and jumped to the other side of the courtyard wall.

Hui Xuan also stood at the wall and said: "This dish will cost 3,000 yuan per bowl, but the donor Ye is very good to us. He said that as long as he is a monk, he will give us free food. Good food, so I ’m sorry, Master. "

In this way, Hui Xuan also jumped along.

"Originally three thousand yuan a bowl, but as long as the monk is free?" Ming Feng heard Hui Xuan's words stunned. Then a thigh shot, "Don't you say that early?"

Then Mingfeng could bear it. In a hurry, he climbed the city wall and prepared to turn over.

But he is getting older, can he be afraid of getting there?

In the end, it looked like the ants on the hot pot. A forehead: "Go to Brother Abbot ’s key to the gate of the temple!"

With that said, he hurried to the abbot's room without knocking on the door and pushed the door straight in: "Brother Abbot, Brother Abbot! The key to the door ... um?"

In the past, the abbot should have stayed here at this time, but at this moment, the abbot's Zen room was empty.

"Where did the abbot go?"

The breeze froze for a while ~ ~ Then I moved my heart again: "How can I forget the back door of the monastery, the abbot has the key to the front door, and the key to the back door is in my hand, I will go out from the back door ! "

Thinking of here, he hurriedly walked towards the back door, and also found the key of the back door from his pocket.

This back door is specially prepared for people with more prominent identities. If any important person visits the monastery and is not suitable to enter directly from the front door, it will be arranged to the back door. The senior people in the monastery can also use this back door to go out, almost Man hand with a key.

And when he arrived at the back door, Ming Feng was suddenly stunned all at once-the monk Ming Jing had just opened the door of the back door and was ready to go out ...

As a guest monk who came to Majestic Temple to speak about Buddhism, Ding Jing was naturally holding a key in his hand for his convenience. At this moment, seeing him like this, it is clear that he is going to sneak out to taste the Buddha that jumped the wall. ... (to be continued)

ps: A person who was able to finish this volume today, but the result is almost, can only be tomorrow tomorrow ~~~~~~

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