Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 280: 1 smoked duck delicious: Wuwei plate duck

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"Chopper knife? That Chinese chef's most famous kitchen knife maker?"

Hearing Ye Chui's introduction, Dong Youyou was better, but Dong Qian called out excitedly: "Every of his kitchen knives is superb and the price is extremely expensive. I used to be in a six-star hotel in Pudong After working for a while, I heard an old six-star chef say that in China, if you do n’t have a kitchen knife, do n’t call yourself a famous chef. I was originally planning to buy a kitchen knife. His kitchen knives are extremely expensive, each of the lower-grade kitchen knives costs at least 10,000 yuan, and the middle-grade kitchen knives range from 300,000 to 500,000. If you are not satisfied with the chef's craftsmanship, he is not happy to sell it ... The chef I know in the restaurant in Pudong has a kitchen knife in his hand, but it is only in the middle. Food knife. △ ¢, "

Dong Qian apparently knows a lot about Chopper Zhang, and said a bunch in one breath. She is quite quiet in her weekdays. This is a rare moment of excitement, and she ca n’t wait to look at the cutoff.

Dong Youyou was already stunned. She originally heard Ye Cui said that the gift did not cost her. She was still not happy, but she didn't expect that Ye Chui's hand was actually such a precious kitchen knife. She asked Ye Cui some expectations: " What level is the chopper you gave to your sister? "

"Top grade kitchen knife." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Top grade?" Dong Youyou froze for a while, "Wouldn't that say that this kitchen knife is worth millions?"

Ye Chui nodded: "That's what he said when Chopper Zhang gave it to me."


Both Dong Qian and Dong Youyou looked at Ye Cui in some surprise. After a while, Dong Youyou couldn't help but ask: "So what's the matter with you saying that this kitchen knife is free?"

"Oh, kitchen knife Zhang bet me more than the knife, and if I lost, I gave three top-grade kitchen knives to me." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Three kitchen knives, Dong Qian, Xiao Du and Qin are just one person A handful. "

Dong Qian: "..."

Dong Youyou: "..."

They had already encountered too many surprises on Ye Chuan, and they should no longer be surprised by Ye Chuan's affairs. But now they can't help being surprised again ...

"No ..." Dong Youyou thought of something again, "Ye Chui, you only won three kitchen knives. Why didn't you prepare one for yourself?"

"I already have a good kitchen knife." Ye Chui smiled and took out his chopping incense. "This was given to me by Han Lao. I used this kitchen knife to fight with the three kitchen knives. bet?"

"Bet this kitchen knife with the three kitchen knives that the kitchen knife opens? Doesn't it mean that the value of this knife is comparable to the three top-grade kitchen knives?" Dong Qian was a little surprised, "I seem to be called this chopper. I have heard of it, but I do n’t know the specifics. The best kitchen knife is the top-grade kitchen knife. What ’s going on with this chopping incense? "

"This chopping incense is not the work of kitchen knife Zhang." Ye Cui explained that he felt a little embarrassed, playing chopping incense in his hand, "It is the work of kitchen knife Zhang Laozi, belongs to special kitchen knife, oh, kitchen knife Zhang It is called the emperor of the kitchen knife. "

Dong Qian: "..."

Dong Youyou: "..."

With Ye Chui, you have to sit down and get ready to be shocked ...

Compared with Ye Xiang's chopping incense, Dong Qian immediately found that the cutoff in his hand became much cheaper. But this is also because of the comparison with Ye Cui. In fact, this million-dollar kitchen knife is still a luxury item worth a million dollars. I am afraid that not many people in China use this excellent kitchen knife. Dong Qian holds this in his hand. I tried the feel of the cut-off. I feel more and more comfortable with it, and I like this knife very much: "Getting this knife makes me feel the urge to cook when I can't wait ..."

She thought of something and looked at Ye Chui: "I just developed a duck dish in Hainan during this time, and now it is just right to make it for you to taste."


Ye Chui suddenly became interested. Dong Qian is a six-star chef, her craftsmanship is naturally nothing to say, researching new dishes is certainly delicious.

"Okay. The kitchen here just installed new kitchen utensils some time ago, and they are ready to use, just for you to use for cooking."

Dong Youyou was also happy: "Ye Chu, the duck dish developed by my sister is very delicious. It is very popular in our four famous restaurants in Hainan. The sugar cane crisp you made with Ye Wei The skin duck is not bad at all. "

Upon hearing Dong Youyou ’s words, a hint of wry smile flashed on Dong Qian ’s face, and Ye Chui developed a new dish called Sugar Cane Crispy Duck when he was in Hainan. Among his four famous dishes in Hainan, The Jiaji duck is used to make sugarcane crispy duck.

Dong Qian and Dong Youyou have been cooking at four restaurants for the past few months. Although Dong Qian knows that Ye Chui's cooking is very good, she still has a kind of thought to challenge Ye Chui, so she went through many experiments to develop A dish of smoked duck meat came out.

The dishes are delicious, the smoked duck meat is tender and tender, very delicious.

What makes Dong Qian feel quite frustrated is that the two kinds of duck meat dishes are put together, but the guests only love the sugar cane crispy duck created by Ye Chuan, but they are much less interested in her "Hainan smoked duck".

As for what Dong Youyou said, it is not worse than Ye Chuan's sugarcane crispy duck, but he is deliberately saying good things for Dong Qian ...

At this time, Dong Qian wanted to make this dish. In addition to trying this new kitchen knife, the main thing was to see if Ye Chu could find any defects in her dish to improve it.

"What ingredients do you need for this dish? There is a large vegetable market nearby. I can ask someone to help you find the ingredients." Ye Cui has raised interest and said with a smile.

"That's good, but I'll buy the ingredients myself. Find someone to show me over." Dong Qian smiled.

Then Ye Cui called Su Xin and asked Su Xin to take Dong Qian to the nearby vegetable market. Su Xin and Pan Qingguo Meng Gang Huang Yong and other waiters waited for Ye Pai to give them a paid holiday, but they still stayed The hotel helped to decorate. I heard that Dong Qian turned out to be a six-star chef, and he would be surprised by Tian later, and even felt that Ye Chui ’s restaurant was unsuccessful if it was unsuccessful-see them so surprised Ye Ye was embarrassed to tell them that there was actually a six-star chef who was not in place ...

Su Xin took Dong Qian away, and Ye Chui took Dong Youyou to the restaurant. When he learned that there was still a courtyard in the back of the hotel, Dong Youyou was immediately excited, and had to let Ye Cui also prepare a room for her. Although I have to take care of the hotel business in Hainan, I must come to Yanjing to reunite with my sister after a while.

"Sister Sister didn't have to run around in the south and the north, but she was tricked into Yanjing by you again ..." Dong Youyou was quite complaining when she mentioned this, "So there must be a place where I live , Otherwise Ye Chui, you will prepare a house for me and my sister in Yanjing. "

Ye Chui was quite helpless: "There is no more room here in the courtyard, but if you want to buy a house, I can help you ... but first of all, I am basically poor, and I ca n’t help you in this respect. busy."

"Cut, stingy." Dong Youyou smiled and turned her eyes again. "I called Yuyan two days ago and heard her say that she is now a little rich lady worth 1.8 million, and Weiwei, now worth 15 billion, I will contact the two local tyrants about their feelings, maybe they will give me and my sister a mansion when they are happy, hey ... "Dong Youyou thought With this beautiful wish, her eyes began to star, and then she thought of something, and looked at Ye Chu with a little smile, "Yeh Chu, your beautiful blessing is not shallow, the two girls beside them are not only drifting A rich woman worth tens of billions, Gee, if I do n’t already have a sister, I will definitely rob you two of them. "

Ye Chui: "... I don't have any opinion on this issue."

When it comes to this, Alexander ...

Dong Qian bought some ducks and a bunch of seasonings quickly. After returning to the restaurant, she rushed into the kitchen and became busy. After a while, a strong fragrance came out from the kitchen.

Ye Chui and Dong Qian sat on a dining table in the hall and chatted to the sky, smelling the smell from the kitchen, Ye Cui's eyes narrowed and tasted: "Well, this is the smell of smoked duck, there is a smoke Duck meat has a unique mellow flavor. If I guess correctly, the duck meat is boiled in boiling water soup before being smoked to make the smoked duck's scent more soft and mellow. This kind of smoking method is really delicious. "

Dong Youyou's eyes widened: "If you weren't sitting here with me just now, I definitely have to wonder if you are peeking at your sister's process of making this smoked duck."

Then she inhaled deeply and took a deep breath ~ ~ It tastes so fragrant, but why can't she attract guests? "

Hearing Dong Youyou ’s doubts, Ye Chui shook his head with a smile-in fact the reason is very simple, this smoked duck originally tastes very good, if it is sold in other restaurants, it should be very welcome, but Dong Youyou and Dong Qian sold the smoked duck together with the sugar cane crispy skin duck with leaf drip, and the pearl jade was on the side, so the attention to the smoked duck was naturally much weaker.

The dish itself is not bad, but it is a bit worse than the sugar cane crispy duck with leaves.

Of course, Dong Qian ’s method of making smoked duck actually reminded Ye Chui of another smoked duck dish that was very famous in the last generation. The method of making is quite similar to Dong Qian ’s. It only needs a little improvement to make it. Into the deliciousness of that dish.

That smoked duck is delicious, the name is: Wuwei plate duck. (To be continued ...)

ps: I haven't written food for a long time ~~~~~~ Wuwei Ban Ya, has anyone heard of this name ~~~~~ u

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