Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 314: One by one in the field of these chefs to pick them up ...

"Of course it's okay to ask for it, which is very reasonable, but ... it must wait for you to be qualified to stay in my Manhanlou first, and I won't be able to come to you for my Manhanlou."

After Ye Chui said these words, he looked at the nine chefs standing in the hall coldly. The opening of the Manhan Building was in short supply, but no one was qualified to join Ye Chui ’s requirements for chefs. He who is full of mansions is not able to work in his mansions only with a cook certificate.

Make a request? Ye Chui has always been very generous with his staff. Of course, any request can be made, but only if you have to be qualified to work in his mansion.

Ye Chui's words undoubtedly made a group of original chefs ready to give Ye Chui's chef Ma Wei a drink. But they haven't started to make trouble, Ye Cui has already begun to blame them?

The five-star chef Yin Yuehua recovered after froze and snorted coldly: "The boss is really a big breath. Three of us are five-star chefs, and six are four-star chefs. Are you working here? Your new hotel's requirements are too good. "

There is no lack of cynicism and irony in the tone.

Ye Chui sneered: "Are five-star chefs and four-star chefs amazing?" He looked at Yin Yuehua, looked down at the information in his hand, and continued, "Chef Yin, the information says that you have been 12 years ago. Obtained a five-star chef certificate, depending on your age, chef Yin should be very young at the time, it should be sure that someone said you have talent in cooking? Unfortunately, in the next ten years, you There is no progress anymore, and I have stayed at the level of a five-star chef. I think you will be here in your life. "

"You ... you young man don't understand, don't talk nonsense. From five-star chef to six-star chef, the interval is like a world, do you think it's so easy to cross over?" Said angrily.

"Being a chef doesn't have a heart of daring and bravery, is there a difference between the world and the world? Culinary skills are cooking skills, as long as your market progresses. Five-star chefs and six-star chefs are just a step away. The excuse to think about it! "Ye Cui accused unkindly. He pointed his finger at Yin Yuehua." With this kind of behavior, it is unqualified! "

The chefs whispered in annoyance, unexpectedly, but the young boy Ye Chui was so ignorant. Accused Yin Yuehua of being unqualified?

A teenager has this qualification to accuse them of these predecessors!

Yin Yuehua's angry body began to tremble slightly, pointing at Ye Chui and said: "Boss, although we transferred to you according to the contract, but if we want to leave, we can leave at any time. Do you want to understand this!"

"Why, are you threatening me?" Ye Chui smiled coldly on his face. "Leave, that's not because you left, but I dismissed you. You better think about this first!"

The chefs rioted again. Indeed, they took the initiative to leave and were driven away. These are two very different concepts. Although they have long planned to resign at Ye Chui for some time, if the truth is that Ye Chui is dissatisfied with them, they will be dismissed. There can be no face.

Standing on the side of the hall, Han Yuyan An Xiaoxiao and Qin Yiyue who arrived early. They all looked at each other, but I did n’t expect Ye Chui to compete with the nine chefs in this way. An Xiaoxiao could n’t help worrying: “These chefs wo n’t just leave because of Master ’s words?”

"No!" Han Yuyan shook his head and thought for a while, said, "These chefs are all ordinary chefs. Although they worked as a helper in Shenghuayuan before. But each one belongs to a senior chef and is put into other The restaurant can serve as a chef. They must pay special attention to their faces, and they will be expelled from the restaurant on the grounds of unqualified feeding before they work. They will definitely feel disappointed. Instead, they will stay to be recognized by the master. "

Qin Yiyue also nodded: "It seems that the boss intends to do this, but ... even if nine chefs can stay, I am afraid to deepen the conflict between the boss and them.

"Master must have his own reasons for doing this." An Xiaoxiao is full of respect for Ye Chui now. "We'll just watch it."

On the other side of the hall, seeing Ye Chui had a dispute with several chefs, the secretary responsible for the handover immediately took out his mobile phone and called Gao Yuesheng's phone, relaying the situation here to Gao Yuesheng.

"What, the first time Ye Chui did not envelop these chefs for the first time, he even satirized them?" Gao Yuesheng immediately became happy when he heard the situation. First find a way to resolve the conflicts with these chefs, and gradually affect them, hum, I am still afraid that these chefs have not been firm, they were bought by Ye Chui, and now it seems that I think too much. "

"It seems that Ye Ye doesn't really do business." The secretary said with a smile.

"Huh, what a kid will do business, you continue to stay there to tell me the situation." Gao Yuesheng continued.

"Good boss." The secretary quickly agreed.

In the lobby, the nine chefs were completely irritated by Ye Chui's call, and there was a lot of discussion. There was an urge to turn around and go, but as Han Yuyan said, they thought of their own senior chefs. Ye Hei was expelled from the hotel and left the hotel. Everyone in his heart was very angry. No one came forward to leave.

In fact, Ye Chui ’s work is very shocking from his debut to the present. But if he looks like a middle-aged man, no one will look down on him now, but he is just a teenager. Appearance apparently deceived many people, making people think that he was not like this, did not look at him.

Yin Yuehua's whole body shivered slightly, and looked at Ye Cui coldly: "I have been a cook for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I have seen someone as ignorant as the boss!"

"I don't know if the sky is thick and thick?" Ye Cui sneered at rebutting Yin Yuehua. "You don't know that the people who are tall and thick are you. Is it right to look at me as a young man? Do you think that you are a four or five star chef? No one told you before, I already have three six-star chefs here, or three new six-star chefs this year, and you come here to be their assistant chefs! "

These words calmed the chefs with some anger.

Manhanlou has three six-star chefs, they naturally know.

But soon they thought of something, and one of the dark-skinned chefs said, "So what? The three six-star chefs join you in the Han Man Lou, I think it's all on Han Lao's face, right? ? "

Ye Chui has Han Lao as a backer, which is also well known.

In fact, because of the close relationship with Han Lao, many things Ye Chui did were regarded as relying on Han Lao's face. He made a big splash in the chef competition in Hainan. He can open this big restaurant. There are also three six-star chefs who are all regarded as looking at Han Lao's face.

But the strange thing is that nobody seems to have thought about why Ye Chui is so valued by Han Lao ...

"Oh, Han Lao's face ..." Ye Cui smiled faintly and continued to mock the chefs in front of him. "Since you know that I can get to this point, Han Lao's face is still here deliberately. Looking for faults, isn't it right against old Han? I think you are not only not qualified to be a cook here, all of them are stupid, big stupid! "

"Ye Chui!" Yin Yuehua is already intolerable, "I warn you, we are all senior chefs, here is to give you a face, you don't know how to insult us all the time! You continue to make such insults, we must go to the Food Association to sue You, even Han Lao can't protect you at that time! "

"I'm insulting you? When did I insult you? From now to now, I'm just telling the truth." Ye Cui said coldly, his eyes suddenly looked at Secretary Gao Yuesheng, who was standing next to the theater, the secretary's face appeared Suddenly turned around, Ye Chui continued to say to these chefs, "We continue the topic just now, you have to be qualified if you want to work in my Manhanlou, otherwise you will be filled by me. Expelled, I will go to the Food Association for the record, leaving a stain on your resume! "

The gastronomy association is equivalent to the chef ’s guild ~ ~ Any chef must be filed with the gastronomy association. All the chef ’s movements will be fired or they will leave their records, regardless of their occupation. The records will obviously make the resume ugly.

Several chefs' faces became ugly.

"So you want to threaten us with your resume?" Yin Yuehua said, clenching her teeth. "But you think that you can threaten us like this? Being anxious, do you think we still care about those things on your resume?"

"You misunderstood, of course I was not threatening you, I was just telling the truth."

At this time, Ye Cui finally expressed his plan: "I will test you first and meet my requirements. You will stay here. If you do not meet my requirements, it means that you are not qualified. Please leave ... I just want to test you. "

"What are you going to test?" A chef asked coldly.

"It's very simple," Ye Chui said lightly. "You guys come up with your favorite skills one by one to compare with me, but you are not too ugly to lose, then you can stay!"

First of all, these chefs will overthrow them in the field of expertise, this is Ye Chuai's diversion! (To be continued)

ps: First even more ~~~ Seek recommendation tickets, seek monthly tickets, and seek praise ~~~

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