Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 414: I have eaten the dumplings of Ye Chui Bao and then I ’m not dead ...

Laobian dumplings originated in the Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty. In a place called Bianjiazhuang, there was an old man named Bianfu. He opened a dumpling restaurant. The dumpling restaurant could not be opened because of the war, so he went all the way. Escape to the northeast. ≥≥,

One night he complained that at the home of a wealthy family, it happened to be the birthday of the wealthy old lady today. Bianfu then automatically asked to make a bowl of birthday dumplings for the old lady.

Considering that the old lady is old, Bianfu wouldn't open the noodles and stir-fry the dumplings for making dumplings, and then wrap them in the dumplings. As a result, such dumplings are fragrant, soft, and not greasy. I was very happy, and the wealthy family rewarded the old man Bianfu with a few dollars.

Later, Bianfu wandered over to the bank of the Xiaojin Bridge moat outside Xiaobeidong, Shenyang City, and used the money rewarded by the rich to open a dumpling stand, selling the dumplings he made to the old lady.

This kind of dumplings is indeed very delicious. The fame gradually became popular, and it became popular. It also made Laobian dumplings one of Shenyang's unique famous eats.

Laobian dumpling's gold signboard was started, and then this gold signboard lasted for nearly two hundred years, so it was certified by Guinness as the longest dumpling house in the world.

This is the origin of Laobian dumplings.

However, because of the vegetarian movement in this world, the fate of Lao Bian Dumplings suffered a completely different fate 80 years ago. The Bian family did not know what happened, leaving only the mother of Shen Dumplings.

Laobian dumplings are transmitted from men to women, so that the mother of Shen Dumplings knows nothing about this kind of dumplings, but even if she knows nothing about it, she teaches her son what she knows. This dumpling has become Chinatown. On behalf of the dishes, if the original dumplings are made, I do n’t know what it will be like?

After eating a dumpling, Ye Chui, Han Yuyan, Chen Tian, ​​Tang Shanshan and Li Xiuyun left Shen Dumplings.

Jiang Yuemei Gao and Peng Song also left.

At this time, the expressions of the three people were a little dignified. If Ye Chui had won Chen Tian at the beginning. They didn't pay enough attention to Ye Chuan, thinking that it was mainly the reason why Chen Tian's cooking was not good, but Peng Song's failure finally made them start to face Ye Chui.

Now, it seems that as long as Ye Cui can come up with the complete method of Shen Dumplings, then the owner of Shen Dumplings will also take Ye Chu's heart.

They finally felt a trace of pressure.

"This kid is really a little capable." Jiang Yuemei said with a smile as the three stood at the door of Shen Dumplings, watching Ye Chui and others leaving.

"Shen dumplings appeared two years ago. As soon as they appeared, they quickly suppressed other old-style dumplings in Chinatown and became the first dumplings in Chinatown. But Ye Chuai only ate one, saying that this dumpling is defective. And he also masters the most authentic way of making dumplings, this ... "Peng Song's face was a bit bleak. He has now lost to Ye Chui, and he has an indescribable awe of Ye Chui.

"What do you worry about, Shen Dumplings is nothing but the third restaurant challenged by Ye Chui, but there are four other restaurants in Chinatown!"

From the beginning of the meeting, there was a gentle and kind-hearted Mrs. Gao, but there was a somewhat cold expression on the old face at the moment. She looked at the figures of Ye Chui and others, and continued coldly: "We did look down on this kid before, but not next!"

Ms. Gao ’s restaurant is Wangfu Noodle Restaurant, which has two representative dishes of Chinatown. They are meat noodles and oil noodles.

And these two dishes rank first and second among the top ten representative dishes in Chinatown.

Wonfook Noodle House has been opened in Chinatown for more than 30 years. It is the well-deserved first restaurant in Chinatown.

This Mrs. Gao is the leader of the food industry in Chinatown!


"Master, what do you need to make old dumplings?"

On the way back. Han Yuyan asked Ye Chuidao while rubbing his belly. It was really a bit of a yoke today. Actually, it was not that Sister Han couldn't control her mouth. It was mainly because Tang Shanshan at the same table ate too much. She ate it as long as she couldn't hold back ...

“It ’s so enjoyable to eat today. I did n’t expect Shen Dumpling to be eaten directly for lunch. I would n’t regret it even if I was killed by a car.” Tang Shanshan said with emotion, her belly was roundest , You can eat this delicious, and it is free, there is nothing better than this ...

Han Yuyan kindly hugged Tang Shanshan's shoulder and quipped: "Shanshan, are you sure you will be killed by the car? Master will make the most perfect old dumplings for us tonight, absolutely Bishen Dumplings are still delicious. "

Tan Shanshan heard Han Yuyan say this, and immediately said regretfully: "You are right, even if you have to die, you have to wait tonight, and wait for the perfect dumplings made by the boss to die before you die."

Ye Chui was a little sweaty. He continued Han Yuyan's question and said: "The two main ingredients for making Laobian dumplings are flour and pork. In addition, we have to find some lard. Of course, seasoned vegetables are also essential. We Let ’s go to the vegetable market now. ”He looked at Chen Tian again.“ Xiaotian, you ca n’t do without you at the Chen ’s restaurant. We can just go to the vegetable market to find the ingredients. You do n’t need to follow along. . "

"Oh, good master."

Chen Tian nodded quickly. She was more than ten years older than Ye Cui, but the little day Ye Cui called casually made her feel nothing wrong.

But Chen Tian had just left, Tang Shanshan's cell phone suddenly rang, she took out her cell phone and glanced at the contact number, frowned slightly, walked to the side to answer the phone, and when she came back she couldn't see the original joy on her face: Boss, Sister Yuyan, I have to go home first, my brother is back. "

"Oh, okay, you go back first." Ye Cui said after thinking for a while, he knew that most of the vendors in the food market mall knew English, and Han Yuyan was enough to stay beside him.

But he is a little strange. His brother is here, should n’t Tang Shanshan be happy? What is wrong with her frowning look?

Tang Shanshan quickly left.

Li Xiuyun took a look at Ye Chui and Han Yuyan, and sighed secretly in his heart. He was a light bulb ... So he also took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Ye, Miss Han, you two go, I will go back and write The manuscript, the day after tomorrow is the day when the new issue of Gourmet Weekly is published. I am going to write these days' experience as a special article and send it back to China. "

"Oh, okay, goodbye." Ye Cui didn't think much, and said with a smile.

After Li Xiuyun left, Han Yuyan suddenly realized something, and now he and Master are two ...

"Heavy rain, I have something to tell you ..." Ye Chui turned to look at Sister Han with a smile, the smile seemed very gentle.

"Master?" Han Yuyan said softly, only to feel a deer bump in his heart.

"Wait, we have to buy a lot of pork and flour, and other seasonings. It is estimated that the two people will be very reluctant to carry it. Do you say we hire a car?"

Ye Chuan asked.


Turns out that this thing ...

I thought of going there, Han Yuyan shook his head and waved his arm: "I have a lot of energy and it is too troublesome to hire a car, just go back and go."


Moreover, Tang Shanshan returned to her residence with a disturbed look. She and her dad now live in a small alley in Chinatown West Street. The place is not big, but she feels very warm. Her dad runs a family selling Chinese crafts Small shop, although the days are not generous, but still able to live.

Tang Shanshan also has an older brother named Tang Laichi-the name was given because Tang Shanshan's parents wanted a child, but they never had it. When the two were about to die, they accidentally had a child, so it was called late.

Later, they continued to work hard and got Tang Shanshan, so they gave Tang Shanshan the name Shanshan again, the implication was that it was too late.

From this point we can fully see: Tang Shanshan's funny temperament is also very good ...

Tang Laichi was a college student. He graduated from a famous university a year ago and entered a large enterprise: Shihuang Enterprise.

It was just a few days ago that he suddenly told Tang Shanshan that he had been wonderfully dismissed by the company Mo Min.

Was even dismissed for no reason.

Only Tang Shanshan knew what it was for—all because He Chengqing did it, in order to coerce her to do her traitor!

Tang Shanshan was very angry, and did not agree with He Chengqing's plan at all, but now that her brother came back, maybe it was for this matter, and she was still very gloomy for a moment.

"Shanshan, did you offend anyone?" Tang Shanshan had just returned home, and Tang rushed to his sister in a hurry, saying with some excitement, "Today, people from the food court company called me and told me I was dismissed because of you ... Shanshan, what the **** is going on? What did you do? "

It is a rare opportunity to enter the Emperor's Enterprise, and Tang Shanshan also heard from his brother that his girlfriend he is now dating is a member of the Emperor's Enterprise. Now Tang Lai is dismissed by the company, which means that this relationship must end. ~ ~ I ... I ... "Tang Shanshan, who has always been simple, feels a little unsure what to say at this moment.

"Shanshan, the people over Shihuang Enterprise told me that as long as you promised to help them, they would let me go back to Shihuang Enterprise." Tang Laizhi looked at his sister and continued, "You tell me, they want to let what are you doing?"

"It's nothing ... but ... but ..."

Tang Shanshan was very hesitant and bit her lip hard.

While I have just met for a few days, but have regarded her as a friend of my own, on the other hand is the work and happiness of my brother. What should she do? Why let her face this difficult choice ... (to be continued ...)

Ps: About the origin of Laobian dumplings, some changes have been made here, but the circulated version is almost the same as this ~~~~~ Seeking recommendation tickets seeking monthly tickets ~~~~ u

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