Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 428: Pan fried salted fish and salted fish eggplant

Ye Chui ’s fourth game in Chinatown soon passed back to China through Li Xiuyun ’s special report. It was expected that this report caused a sensation. After all, almost all people in China who are concerned about the food industry are now paying attention. This matter, and for the sake of sales considerations, Food Week also specially wrote the title of "Ye Chui singled out the fourth game in Chinatown, drinking and hating Hongzhuang." This suddenly aroused the attention of countless people. , Magazine sales also climbed to a new high.

However, after seeing this topic, some people have no intention of reading this article in detail, and they are more habitual to speak cool words and make comments on the Internet.

"What am I talking about !? Let an 18-year-old boy play Chinatown on behalf of our entire Chinatown. But we lost our entire Chinatown face. Now we lose. I see how he ended up. Those well-known domestic chefs have also been coaxing, and now that things are happening, it is really shameful for us to follow China. I suggest that the food association must punish Ye Chu severely. There are such talents in China that have always improved the food culture. Go up. "

It was actually a professor in a well-known university who published this statement. The net name is Professor Zhang. He also likes to publish some commentary texts on weekdays. He has many fans. However, when this comment was published, he received it instantly. Tens of thousands of bad reviews

"This old guy is blind to compare. When you have trouble commenting, please read the special report of Food Week first and then say it?"

"I usually like Professor Zhang's article on weekdays, but this time I have to say something. You have always been bought by someone who came here specifically for black leaves?"

"The title of Gourmet Weekly is too punished. I was shocked when I saw this title."

"Ye Chui has done so much this time that it's so popular, he brought back an eight-star chef ..."

"What is fooling, people should serve people with virtue."

"I don't pay attention to Professor Zhang's comments anymore. I think that because China has people with such comments and ideas, the food culture has never been able to improve!"

"People who talk coldly are the most annoying. I noticed that Professor Ye gave a compliment to an article that praised Ye Chu.

"Is this professor really collecting money to black leaves?"


Professor Zhang might not have thought of it. He just sent a few words of thought, which caused such a big reaction. Even on the Internet, there was an instant rebuttal of Professor Zhang ’s hot word search. This is how Professor Zhang could not think of it. Yes, so he avoided him when he was very acquainted, preparing to stop surfing the Internet for a short time ...

In the private room of Manhan Building, there is a table in the large private room, but only one person, Han Lao, can eat.

Tian Xiaodu walked into the box with a plate of peppery intestines. Put it in front of Han Lao and saw Han Lao holding chopsticks in one hand and a tablet computer in the other to browse the news. The face that had always been uncomfortable to see someone, but with bursts of smiles, So Tian Xiaodu couldn't help but asked: "Lao Han, you are also following Master's news."

"This kid really didn't disappoint me. Our highest-ranking chef in China is the seven-star chef. Now we are invited by Ye Chui to an eight-star chef. This has a great effect on improving the domestic food culture." Han Lao said with a smile. "This game was a great loss."

"After the heads-up Chinatown is completed, at that time, several eight-star chefs in Chinatown and a nine-star chef, all belong to the Chinese chef." Tian Xiaodu said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Han Lao nodded again and again. After taking a bite of the hot pepper intestines made by Tian Xiaodu, he nodded in satisfaction, "Your fat intestines are doing well, not much worse than your master."

Tian Xiaodu was overjoyed. This is the first time Han Lao has eaten his dish for so long ...

Then the fat man pulled back his chair and sat next to Han Lao, said with a smile: "I have practiced this dish for a long time ..."

"Who made you sit here?" Han Lao's face changed as a result. "Don't you have to work? Why should you go? There are so many guests waiting downstairs."

Tian Xiaodu: "..."

Tian Xiaodu didn't hurt too much when he stood up. Anyway, Han Lao was the one with this temperament. He grinned and said: "Now, Han Lao, if you use it slowly, what else do you want to eat?"

So saying exited the box.

Han Lao continued to watch the news while eating vegetables.

A voice of praise and worship for Ye Chui on the Internet.

"This kid has almost all the support of the Chinese people now. This is the general trend. Taking advantage of this trend, if Ye Chui wins the many chefs in Chinatown, the rise of the Chinese food culture will be just around the corner." Han Lao whispered, and then laughed again, "I still had a good vision ... Well, I will make a phone call with Yuyan, and I have been alone with Ye Chui for so long. The other party does not. "


The time soon came to the day when the cooking competition with Lin Jiapot was agreed a week later.

As soon as Ye Chu got up in the morning, he pushed open the window and saw that there was no clouds, the sun was shining brightly, and it was another great day. The weather had been very good for the past week, and Ye Chui's mood was also relaxed.

Of course, his mood was better than just because of the weather. He got dressed and walked out of the room and went directly to the courtyard behind Chen ’s Inn: "After this week, the dried salted fish should have been dried. Right? "

Dried salted fish needs to be used in the dishes that Ye Chui wants to make.

However, Ye Chuan and Han Yuyan Chen Tian etc. searched Chinatown and even searched in San Francisco, but did not find there are dried salted fish there. After searching the network, Ye Chu finally determined that this kind of ingredients was no one at all. To make.

In fact, the production of dried salted fish has been in existence since ancient times. It is a way of preserving food in the early stages of human beings. After a certain degree of processing, fresh fish can be stored for a long time after dehydration in the sun, and it has a unique flavor.

However, because of the vegetarian movement, no one would try to make dried salted fish anymore. Now that the meat is banned, although the fish can be re-eaten, the way of preserving the meat quality no longer needs this ancient Method, naturally no one will bother to make dried salted fish.

No way, in the end, Ye Chu can only try to make it by himself.

In fact, the preparation method of dried salted fish is very simple. The fresh fish is pickled and then exposed to steam to dry the water. It takes more than a week to make dried salted fish.

Today, when it is time to officially start the challenge, the dried salted fish dried by Ye Tiao is finally used.

I saw a row of salted fish hanging under the clothesline in the yard. Each one was fresh, shiny, and touched, and I felt that the meat was dense, firm, and elastic. This is the quality of the best salted fish.

Collected several dried salted fishes and selected the best one. Tang Shanshan has also rushed over here. Of course, she will also follow today's challenge. She came here to have breakfast ...

"Boss, has the salted fish been basked?" Seeing Ye Cui was picking up a few dried salted fish, Tang Shanshan was immediately interested and approached. "Isn't it best to use fresh fish for cooking? Why use it?" What about this dried salted fish? "

"Dried salted fish has a unique taste and is incomparable to fresh fish. There is an eggplant pot that uses salted fish to match. The taste is the best." Ye Cui simply explained that he smiled at Tang Shanshan, "Since you hurry up today Here, I will use salted dried fish to make a classic side dish for breakfast. "

"Really? That's great." Tang Shanshan was immediately happy, and the girl actually had a little bit of snack food.

Ye Chui smiled. Being a chef, he has a good impression on people who eat food. ... Speaking of it, wasn't he attracted by Lin Wei's snack food?

The most classic dish made with salted fish is probably the fried salted fish. This dish is delicious. It is a traditional dish. The practice of cooking salted fish with eggplant is also a classic of Cantonese cuisine. Fish and eggplant clay pot, this is the dish that Ye Chuai is ready to make to compete with Lin Family Pot.

By the time Han Yuyan finished his morning exercise and returned to the Chen Family Hotel, Ye Cui had already prepared delicious and delicious fried salted fish.

This dish is actually very simple. The salted fish is soaked in clean water for 20 minutes, then fried in a pan until the sides are yellow, then add ginger, dried chili, and finally add an appropriate amount of vinegar and a little soy sauce. Sprinkle chopped chopped green onion to get out of the pot, the method is simple, but delicious, just eat millet porridge is more refreshing, endless aftertaste.

After eating breakfast, Ye Cui took all the prepared ingredients and went to Lin Jiabao, the fifth restaurant in Chinatown, with Han Yuyan, Tang Shanshan, Chen Tian, ​​and Li Xiuyun.

After arriving, Ye Chui saw that many people had been waiting here early, among which Ye Cui also saw Shen Zhongda and Jiang Yuemei ~ ~ These two people are now Ye Chui's staunch supporters .

As for Mrs. Gao, Lin Li, Huang Yiyuan, and Peng Song and others, they also stood at the door to greet Ye Chui, and among them there were several strange white men.

Ye Chui noticed that each of them had a peculiar brooch in the shape of a chest.

"These people are gourmets of the International Association." Chen Tian walked to Ye Chui and whispered, "Knife and fork brooches are a sign of gourmets."

These foodies are naturally invited to be the judges of this culinary competition. However, it seems that these people are very close to Lin Li and others, and it seems that there is no ghost between them.

But Ye Cui did not show any unpleasant expression. He dragged Han Yuyan's hand and glanced at her wrist watch. Well, Robert should be coming soon ... (to be continued ...)

ps: Seeking recommendation tickets seeking monthly tickets

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