Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 540: French roasted snails vs wine steamed clams

Cooking is a kung fu job, and it takes a long time of patience to cook a pot of porridge.

In the hope of everyone, nearly two hours later, the porridge made by Manny and Pritchett was finally completed. Because it is a porridge video, the porridge of both people is a large and full level. After being distributed to a hundred judges, almost every judge can get a small bowl, enough to taste the quality of the food.

While watching a hundred foodies enjoy the taste of food, others were restless.

"Master, is Mr. Gordon's corn lean porridge all right?" Han Yuyan asked Ye Chui with some concern, because Gordon Ramsay is a Chinese cuisine, and she naturally cares about the other party's success or failure.

Ye Chui shook his head: "Each has its own merits, Gordon's cooking is really good. His bowl of porridge has reached the skill of ordinary porridge masters for decades. Every link is perfect. It is a corn lean meat porridge. The ultimate deliciousness that can be achieved, but Manipuri ’s extraordinary is also extraordinary, and it has also reached the ultimate state of this soup. It is really hard to say who wins and who is poor in this dish. "

"Such ..." Han Yuyan nodded, worried in his eyes.

Ye Chui was puzzled about the better question of the two dishes. Even if the 100 judges encountered this problem at the same time, they were all worried and could not decide.

There was some worry on Manipricht's face. He had already won Gordon Ramsay once, and this victory ushered in countless honors for him, so he still wanted to continue winning, not wanting to lose.

In stark contrast to him, Gordon Ramsay was exceptionally calm, not because of confidence, but because of indifference. After losing once, he washed away his original temper and was already able to win or lose Indifferently, it doesn't matter how much the game wins or loses.

In such a nervous wait, one by one foodies finally began to fill in the results of their comments. A moment later, the waiter at the scene collected the selection results of the gourmets, and then gave the statistics to the host. The host looked at the statistics and the results were a bit complicated. Said to the audience around: "The results of the selection are very similar, the two people got only two votes difference!"

As soon as these words were spoken, they immediately caused countless discussions, and there was only a difference of two votes. This gap is too small!

To know. In the previous three games, Ye Chui and Qin January were borrowed 100 to 100. Han Yuyan and Tian Xiaodu also had a gap of about 50 votes in each of the two games. There were only two votes, which won, and it proved that the two had almost the same cooking skills, which made Manny's face instantly ugly.

The victory he expected was not like this. He should overwhelm Gordon Ramsay by two votes. Even if he won ... he would not be happy.

The last time he played against Gordon was an overwhelming victory. But now ... the gap has been shortened to two votes!

The host paused slightly, looked at Gordon apologetically, and continued: "The winner of this game is Mr. Manipricht."

The winner is Manny after all.

But Manny was completely unhappy.

He glanced at Gordon Ramsay, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Gordon Ramsay just smiled slightly: "Next time, I will win you."

After speaking, he left the field with a light smile.

The person who won the game was unwilling, and the person who lost the game was smiling, which has to be said to be ironic.

The match between Manipricht and Gordon Ramsay ended.

"It's a pity!" Said with some regret when seeing this borrowed Han Yuyan.

Ye Chui said with a smile: "Gordon has already seen everything. Since he didn't care about this result, why should we mention him?"

"But Gordon used Chinese cuisine. After losing to Manny, it feels like Chinese cuisine lost to Mexican cuisine ..." Han Yuyan said with some displeasure. Now she has gradually got some Chinese names. The chef's consciousness will also stand on Chinese cuisine to think about the problem.

Ye Chui looked at his apprentice funny: "That's it. You will be responsible for defeating Maniplice in the next game."

"Ah?" Han Yuyan was suddenly surprised, not because of Ye Chui's joking, but because she suddenly realized that she would officially compete with Manny in the next game-she even wanted to compete with this kind of world chef The most important thing is the next game. Her opponents also include Master Ye Chui and Master Brother Tian Xiaodu ...

This has to be said to make her feel a little dreamy.

There will be another game tomorrow morning. French chef Adele and Japanese chef Kobayashi. After the match, they will formally select the top five players. In the final finals, this is where five people cook together According to the number of votes to select the ranking.

This big final is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

Adele once competed with Jim and finally won Jim. This is a French chef with superb cooking skills that can show the elegant and meticulous performance of French cuisine.

And Xiao Linxun can be said to be the lowest-key among all the Super Chef contest players. This low-key is shown from his dishes. In every game, the dishes he makes are almost simple, but they seem to bring a certain This kind of touching charm, it is said that he did not open a big hotel in Japan, but the operator is a small restaurant that operates in the world at night. The restaurant opens from 12 o'clock in the evening and closes at 7 o'clock in the morning. This is a special feature. Specially opened for those who are used to nightlife, the name of the restaurant is called Late Night Cafeteria.

Even Japan used his deeds to shoot a TV series named after the late night canteen, which was a huge success.

But after he became famous, he still guarded his late night canteen. He was not surprised, but he faced it calmly. This time he participated in the Super Chef Contest. Among the 540 chefs before the start of the competition, he probably did not have it at the beginning. People think that they will enter the finals, but they have borrowed all the way to the final five. He is the biggest black horse besides Han Yuyan in the Super Chef competition.

This night.

Ye Cui discussed tomorrow's game with Han Yuyan and others, and then called Xing Sen to confirm the quiet situation of Wang Shiyu and An Xiao, knowing that the three people were safe in the villa, Ye Cui This was a relief.

But at the end of the conversation on the phone, Xing Sen suddenly said to Ye Chui: "Tomorrow, you are all careful, there may be big problems ..."

"What's the problem?" Ye Cui froze.

"Tomorrow afternoon the finals will be held. At the end of the finals, it is the moment when the food criminals are arrested." Xing Sen said for a moment, "I shouldn't have told you this news, we went through the details There must not be any deviations in the deployment, but I believe you, I hope you do not tell this news to others, so as not to walk the wind. "Suddenly, Xing Sen continued," rest assured, I will Qin Li ’s task is to ensure quiet Wang Shiyu and An Xiaoxiao are safe. You can rest assured that unless Qin Li and I are dead, neither of them will have an accident. "

"Other people on that island?" Ye Chui asked for some thought.

"Relax, most of the world's famous chefs are now on the island, but this is the backbone of the food industry. This time the event is attended by all the food policemen in the world, and no one will have an accident."

"Will such a big event leak the news?" Ye Cui was worried.

"People involved in operations are prohibited from contacting the outside world, so you are the only one who knows what is going to happen." Xing Sen answered seriously.

Ye Cui pondered for a moment and replied: "I will cooperate to participate in the finals all the time, but ... as long as you can guarantee their safety!"

After ending the call with Xing Sen, Ye Chui's mood was a bit gloomy, but soon he wanted to understand that he was only a chef after all, he now represents the Chinese food industry, he has his mission and meaning, and he believes Xing Sen Guarantee.

"Tomorrow ... all this will come to an end!" Ye Cui thought silently.

After a brief discussion between Adele and Kobayashi, they decided on the dishes to be made. Adele will make an authentic French cuisine: French grilled snails, while Kobayashi continues his previous In a simple style, he will make an authentic Japanese gourmet steamed clam.

Adele's French roasted snails, the ingredient of choice is brown cloud agate snails, this is a snail with delicious meat, also known as white jade snails in China ~ ~ The French have a long tradition of eating snails, Known as a symbol of wealth, in the last life of Ye Chu, France used 300,000 tons of fresh snails every year. The most authentic way to eat snails is to roast snails.

In this life, because of the vegetarian movement, snails have just been moved to the French table, but the French chef's background allows them to quickly understand the most authentic use of this delicious, this French grilled snail is even more Numerous judges are looking forward to it.

Steamed clams in Kobayashi smoked wine is a very simple dish. It continues the style of Kobayashi smoked. The main ingredients are clams and red wine, and a small amount of condiments such as cream condensed milk and pepper. Cooking ingredients with alcohol is not exclusive to Japan, but Japan's unique approach is enough to make this steamed clams bring a unique Japanese flavor, so this dish is also highly anticipated.

Whether it is snails or clams, it is not the mainstream ingredient, which is why it has made countless people look forward to the results of this game.

The absolute final five game, steamed clams vs French grilled snails, soon officially started under the announcement of the host. (To be continued.)

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