Yang lingyao and song fengyao are not so close to each other!

"This is Ling Feng, the nephew of Linghai, a member of the Ling family in four or five cities, a little smaller than you!" Song Kaifei said with a smile!

"It turned out to be uncle Linghai's nephew, and I'm the same age. I didn't expect that you would come to communicate on behalf of the Ling family. I admire you. I'm Yang Fan. I prefer financing and investment. I don't know what brother Ling likes?" Yang Li looked at Ling Feng and said with a smile.

"No job, no food, no death!" Ling Feng said coldly, while Yang Yu said with a smile: "in this way, my team is still short of people. If Ling brothers don't mind, they can help. Anyway, everyone is friends, and you are Uncle Ling's nephew and Ling's family. How about that?"

Song Kaifei nodded after hearing Yang's words. He didn't expect that Yang was warm-hearted, polite and knowledgeable. Ling Feng was nothing but arrogant!

"No, I'm not interested!" Ling Feng cold answer!

When Yang Yu heard Ling Feng say this, he was very happy and said, "if brother Ling needs my help, please don't hesitate to ask. If you have any trouble in Dongdao City, you can come to me."

Then, Yang Zhen took out a gold-plated business card from his pocket and gave it to Ling Feng. The brightest words on the business card are angel investor Yang Zhen, who is one of the best young people in the whole East Island!

"Nephew Ling Feng, you should learn more from Yang Yu. You are all young people. You should have your own ideas and do everything boldly. Don't be afraid of any failure. Just stand up when you fall down!" Song Kaifei looks at Ling Feng in a didactic tone, but Ling Feng doesn't speak. Only Yang Yu is very satisfied, but he doesn't show it!

"Yang Fan, you are the same. You should make good efforts. The future road belongs to your young people. Set your own goals and constantly achieve your goals. You will surely succeed!" Song Kaifei continued!

"Uncle Song said that I will work hard." Yang Fan nodded and said!

"By the way, I heard your father say that you invested in a food project. How are you doing now?" Song Kaifei continued!

"It's OK. According to the evaluation, we invested about 3 million yuan. After that food entered the market, it had a good response. It brought us 10 million yuan of income in a few months, and now it's still growing!" Yang Yu said quickly!

Hearing Yang's words, song Kaifei said: "it's already very good. In a few months, he has made more than 7 million yuan. You are worthy of being the most intelligent angel investor of the young generation. It's good!"

"Uncle song flatters me. I'm just lucky!" Yang Xun is very modest in front of song Kaifei.

"Sometimes good luck is also a part of strength, continue to work hard, and strive to surpass their achievements now." Song Kaifei said with satisfaction! And Yang Fan quickly nodded, their dialogue, that is to say, to listen to Ling Feng, Ling Feng and Yang Fan simply can't compare.

At this time, the business elite activities began, and everyone took their seats. During the activities, many famous tycoons made speeches, shared their own experience, discussed the development of business, and so on.

For these, Ling Feng didn't feel a bit, next to song Kaifei and Yang Yu said two words from time to time, ignored Ling Feng at all!

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