The top of the Lei family rushed back to their position, but no one dared to sit down. Master Ling was standing there. Who dared to sit down? Ling Feng looked at them and said, "which family is the closest to Haotian palace in Dongdao city?"

"Wang family, Wang family is the representative of Haotian palace in the secular world. It's just because Haotian palace supports Wang family that Wang family can deal with Dongfang family and Lei family freely. In fact, they don't regard Lei family and Dongfang family as the same thing at all!" Lei fanxin, the head of the Lei family, said quickly!

"The Wangs?" Ling Feng heard the news, coldly said, murderous immediately sent out, the temperature of the whole hall has dropped to freezing point, and even all the high-rise Lei family feel a trace of cold! They really can't figure out why master Ling, when he heard about the Wang family, seemed to have changed his personality and sent out a strong murderous spirit. What the hell is going on!

Ling Feng stood there without sparks. He finally understood his own affairs, and the third uncle Linghai's affairs in the Dingsheng group. Who disclosed them to the young master of Haotian palace? Since they are looking for death, Ling Feng will not let them exist. Let's bury them with Haotian palace!

And Ling Feng looked at Lei fanxin, and then coldly said: "in addition to the Wang family, what are the affiliated or representative of Haotian palace?"

"There is another Haotian group, which is run by the son of the second elder of Haotian palace. In addition, in Dongdao City, there is a base of Haotian palace!" Lei fanxin doesn't know what Ling Feng wants to do when he asks about these things, but he still tells them all. As the head of Lei's family, he knows the information best!

"Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all!"

"Well, good. You did a good job!"

Ling Feng said, his whole body is full of murderous, he said lightly: "yu'er, I will give you the Wang family, half an hour, all out of a do not stay, understand?"

"I see. Give it to me, young master." Jiang yu'er nodded!

"Jianling, the Haotian group will give it to you, the same!"

"Ruyu, I'll give you the base of Haotian palace."

Three people nodded at the same time, and then left Lei's house, directly disappeared, Ling Feng gave them half an hour, this is also Ling Feng's test for them. Listening to Ling Feng's words, the ancestors of the Lei family and the high-level people were shocked one after another. Master Ling explained a few words faintly. He had decided that the Wang family, Haotian group and Haotian palace base were all destroyed, and there was no other way out. It was too strong!

Thinking of this, everyone in the Lei family can't help shaking. If master Ling seems to destroy the Lei family, I'm afraid that the Lei family no longer exists. This is master Ling. Who dares to provoke? The ancestor of the Lei family asks very carefully: "master Ling, I don't understand. Why do you want to destroy them?"

Ling Feng looks at Lei's ancestors, his eyes are full of murderous, and the cold voice comes to Lei's ears. "You want to know why?"

Being watched like this by Ling Feng, Lei's grandfather is very unnatural. He secretly regrets that he has nothing to ask this question. But since Ling Feng has asked, he can only nod his head!

"As long as the answer is very simple, it has something to do with death palace!" Ling Feng said coldly, the voice is full of domineering, without the slightest emotion, just like the ancient emperors! The ancestors of the Lei family and the high-level members of the Lei family can't bear Ling Feng's powerful pressure. They are shivering, and they didn't think that master Ling would destroy the bases of the Wang family, Haotian group and Haotian palace just because they have a relationship with Haotian palace. I'm afraid that only master Ling dare to do such a thing in China!

But what they don't know is that for Ling Feng, this is just the beginning. Next, Ling Feng wants to break into the secret place and destroy Haotian palace directly!

At this time, the servant suddenly came in and reported: "master, the master of Dongfang family has come and said he wants to see you!"

Lei fanxin was stunned. He didn't expect the old master of Dongfang family to come, but why did he come? Lei fanxin was very puzzled. Although Dongfang family and Lei family were the top two owners of Dongdao City, they didn't know each other well and didn't have any contact at all. But today Dongfang master visited in person and would like to have something important, but master Ling is still here today!

You know, some time ago, master Ling abandoned Dongfang Qing, the genius of Dongfang family, and made Dongfang family almost destroyed. In front of master Ling, it's not good to let Dongfang old man in. Lei fanxin is hesitating, but Ling Feng says, "let him in!"

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Lei fanxin quickly said to his servants, "please come in, Oriental master!"

After a while, Dongfang Laozi has already come to the hall, and he is also accompanied by Dongfang Qing. Dongfang Qing has changed a lot from the past. It should be said that she has lost a lot. She has changed her mood from genius to scrap. When Dongfang Laozi and Dongfang Qing see Master Ling, they are very surprised!

Dongfang Qing is more with a hate, can not understand the hate, Ling Feng not only mercilessly beat him, trample on her pride, but also took away her rosefinch spirit, let her become a waste, also become an abandoned son! She also very own strength is too weak, otherwise how can be taken away by Ling master rosefinch spirit body!

But Dongfang Qing is more afraid, Ling Feng and Haotian palace young palace master duel, although she did not go, but her father told her all the scene!

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