After a while, Ling Feng reaches out his hand and the Qingling sword group stops attacking. Although the whole square is covered with dust, Ling Feng knows that all the disciples on the field are dead! With the dust away, there is no disciple standing in the square. They are all dead, and the green spirit sword is inserted everywhere. This scene is shocking!

The spectators trembled all over and were extremely afraid. They didn't expect that there were endless flying swords in the sky when master Ling waved his hand. In a moment, hundreds of martial arts masters died! The expression on Haotian Palace's face was full of sadness. Hundreds of disciples were lost like this, and the loss was very heavy. But master Ling was not hurt at all. He stood there as if nothing had happened!

"How can master Ling be so powerful?" Meiyu is very shocked. She underestimates master Ling's strength again. In the face of such a strong man and a strong man with group attack skills, no matter how many disciples there are, it's useless. She just wants to die in vain. If you want master Ling, you have to use special means! This is Haotian palace. In her territory, there are many secrets, such as the guardian God of war left by her grandmaster. Although this Guardian God can only be released when Haotian palace is alive or dead, now Meiyu can't help thinking about it!

Just when Meiyu was considering whether to release the guardian God of war, ten people came not far away. Each of them was full of powerful momentum. The man at the head looked at Ling Feng and said coldly, "the top ten offerings of Haotian palace, come to meet Master Ling."

They are the top ten worshippers of Haotian palace, and they are also the top experts of Haotian palace. Each of them is the cultivation of the middle stage of the earth level. Ling Feng looked at them and said faintly: "just like you, I can solve it with one sword!"

"That's arrogant!"

The top ten worshippers didn't expect that master Ling was so arrogant. Suddenly, he was full of anger. Master Ling said that he would kill the top ten worshippers with one sword. Even the spectators thought that master Ling was arrogant. You should know that the top ten worshippers in Haotian Palace are powerful. Although master Liang is very strong, it's absolutely impossible to kill the top ten worshippers with one sword! The warriors in the secret place all know the horrors of these ten worships. They once stood for Haotian palace and never lost. It's frightening to hear about them in the secret place. It's terrible.

On the outside, Tang Si counted: "grandfather, can you estimate who will win the final battle between these ten worships and master Ling?"

"Needless to say, of course, it's the top ten offerings. Although master Ling's strength is very mysterious, I still believe that the final victory is the top ten offerings!" Mr. Tang thought about it, and then said!

"No, it must be Ling Feng One side of Tang Xin discontented said!

"Tang Xin, what do you say, brother Lingfeng? Although master Ling and Lingfeng are very similar, they are not alone at all. Lingfeng is a god of alchemy. How can it be him?" Tang Si said with a frown!

"It's brother Ling Feng. I'm sure it's him!" Tang Xin believes that they are too far away from the square, and can only see a general outline. Although their back is a bit like, the voice is too cold, different from Ling Feng they know!

Tang Lao looked up at Ling Feng in front of him. He was very confused. Their figures were too similar. Could it really be him? Ling Feng is a god of alchemy. It doesn't take much effort to make alchemy by hand. However, master Liang is very powerful. He is an invincible man in front of him. If they are the same person, they are not gods. Old Tang thought in his heart!

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