Ling Feng admits that Meiyu's strength is already very strong. Even Ling Feng's Qingling sword is crushed under her will. It can be seen that Meiyu is very strong. If Ling Feng's aura armor has not been cultivated to a new level, I'm afraid it will become a scum now!

"Master Ling, I have to admit that you are the most powerful sword repair I have ever seen, but it's not enough for you to destroy Haotian Palace today!" Meiyu continues to say coldly, and the aura continues to rush in his body, and the whole person bursts out again.

"I'm not ashamed. I don't think you'll shed tears if you don't see the coffin!" Ling Feng said faintly that just now, the two people fight equally. If from the perspective of outsiders, in terms of cultivation, Meiyu is stronger. After all, her must kill has crushed master Ling's huge sword!

But master Ling has a defensive spirit weapon in his hand, which seems to be more powerful. What they don't know is that Ling Feng is much stronger than Meiyu. He only uses aura armor to cultivate to the extreme, so that he can become a saint.

"Let's try who makes who cry!"

Meiyu's cold tone is full of murderous, and his heart is also full of fighting spirit. He moves his hands and keeps making fingerprints. The sky makes strange noises again, and the whole space is turbulent!

All of a sudden, the space is torn open, and an ancient sword is shot out from the opening. The ancient sword is also with fog and sword power. It's very powerful, just like the God of war's sword. People feel the pressure, and they suddenly make a big mistake!

"What kind of sword is it? It's so powerful. I feel the power of the sword thousands of meters away. I can't forget it! When will Haotian palace have this magic weapon? "

A lot of people were talking about it one after another, but an old man was surprised and said, "if I remember correctly, this sword was left by the founder of the opening sect of Haotian palace. It's said that it's an ancient magic weapon. It's very powerful. Haotian palace is not allowed to use it until it's time to live or die!"

Everyone was surprised to hear the old man say so. They looked up at the ancient sword in the sky one after another, and then said:

"master Ling was able to force Meiyu to this point, and all used ancient artifact. It seems that tie is dangerous!"

He said, "master Ling, you are one of the ten magic swords in the air. I don't know if you are going to pick up the sword."

As for the pure hook sword, Ling Feng's way of nature is one of the top ten magic swords in ancient China. It was forged by Ou Yezi, one of the two ancient refining gods. It used to be a sword for fairyland immortals. Later, it lost its power in the world!

"Ha ha ha, why don't you dare? Come on!"

Ling Feng said that he is fearless. As the sword emperor of the fairyland for thousands of years, only others can't take his sword, and there is no sword that he can't take!

"In that case, master Ling, take my move!"

Maple hook in the air, leaving a beautiful fury! And the sharp, Ling Feng God consciousness move, the sky appeared countless green spirit sword attack at the same time, toward the pure hook sword rushed in the past!

The sword Qi of pure hook sword is like entering the realm of no one. It can't resist the continuous attack of Qingling swords! Ling Feng frowned and clenched the green spirit sword in his hand, condensing the chaotic aura in his body. A powerful green spirit was formed, which had been integrated with Ling Feng's chaotic aura and was more powerful. Ling Feng rushed out with his sword spirit!


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