In the whole field, an invisible aura burst out, and the momentum of the two constantly collided with each other. After all, anonymity was only a separate body. No matter how powerful the strength was, it could not bear the prestige of Ling Fengjian's field, and it fell directly from the air!

However, Ling Feng's sword field is still too fragile. Otherwise, he can directly crush the nameless sword to death with the law of space.

Ling Feng looks at Meiyu not far away, and then coldly says, "it's time to end. All of you from Haotian palace come up and die together!"

Although Meiyu lost, he didn't get seriously hurt. In addition, Qianxue and Meihuan, as well as haotiangong high-level didn't fight! Ling Feng is going to solve them all at once. Meiyu frowns and says, "master Ling, you are too crazy. My ancestor Haotian palace is here. Even if you create a world, what can you do?"

Meiyu believes that master Ling can't fight against the cultivation of their haotiangong ancestors. The result hasn't come out yet. They believe that Laozu will win.

"In this case, let me destroy your ancestors first, and then destroy you again!" Lingfeng light said, although Lingfeng now opponent is nameless, but nameless meaning, the whole Haotian palace will become Lingfeng prisoner! Ling Feng looked at nameless, face very calm said: "today, the emperor will bury you here, ready to bear my anger!"

Ling Feng's voice, like a sound wave, comes to everyone's ears. Now is the most exciting place in this battle. The whole sword field is in the state of preparation. Now is the time for Ling Feng to give full play to his strength. Before, Ling Feng opened the sword field for the first time against Chen Lao. Chen Lao is not afraid to move on in the face of Wan Jian. He is a hero!

This time, the ancestor of Haotian palace is nameless. He has surpassed the existence of the earth and is regarded as invincible on the earth. In the whole field of sword, all the swords are shaking, as if they were injected into life. In his own world, Ling Feng has a strong control over everything, and all the swords seem to become a part of his body!

Ling Feng raised his hand, then said faintly: "get up!" ,

all the swords sounded and then floated in the air. They were very powerful and looked very shocking. All the warriors watching the battle looked at the front with a dignified face! They haven't seen such a scene at all. It's refreshing their world outlook!

"It's so powerful. Once you raise your hand, you can take up ten thousand swords. Master Ling is the God of swords!"

"I don't know if nameless can resist the current situation, and it's incredible that there are such masters in the secular world. I'm afraid he has become invincible in the secular world!"

Everyone said that there were voices everywhere. After all, they saw the field of sword for the first time. Master Ling was the God of sword in their eyes!

"Master Ling is the most powerful Jian Xiu I have ever seen. I wonder if those guys in Shushan can compete with master Ling?"

"Yes, I'm afraid master Ling's cultivation of Kendo has reached a new height. I don't know how powerful his whole strength is!"

All the people are paying close attention to their eyes, not blinking, for fear of missing something. At this moment, the sword is still gathering in the air. The whole sky is full of all kinds of swords, each one is shaking, as if alive!

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