Time flies, and the night has come. The first day of the new year in four or five cities is the busiest day of the whole spring festival. It's red everywhere, and it's very festive. The night market also holds various activities to welcome the new year. Ling Feng and they are ready to go out. Ling Xue specially runs over and says, "second brother, we're going to go out. Now it's almost seven o'clock, and the concert will open at seven thirty! ”

"OK, let's go!" Ling Feng nods. After a night's breakthrough, Ling Xue finally enters the martial arts master, and her temperament is even more outstanding. Ling's family has a very good gene. No matter who the third generation is, she has a very high face value!

Ling Feng agreed to accompany Ling Xue to see Leng Xiyan's concert last night, and in addition to the two of them, there are Ling Yu and Ling Yang! After the four of them got on the bus, they went straight to the stadium.

The gymnasium of four or five cities is the first choice for all stars to hold large-scale concerts, with the largest scale, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people at a time. When they arrived at the gymnasium, the concert was about to start, and the whole gymnasium was full of people. We can see how hot the concert was. Ling Xue said excitedly: "Leng Xiyan just came out It's just over two years. It's so hot. I heard that she has more than ten albums a year. It's a miracle. It's so powerful! "

"Her backstage is not simple. It is said that there is the shadow of the king's family in Tiandao. They have devoted all their resources to Leng Xiyan's extreme. In addition, Leng Xiyan also works hard, so they can make a big fire!" Ling Yu said!

"Yes, it's so popular in more than two years. The Wang family is worthy of being the first family in Tiandao, but I don't know how Leng Xiyan got involved with the Wang family!" Ling Yang also said!

"Ah, if only I could sing a song with Leng Xiyan, I would be happy to think about it!" Ling Xue said! For her, to be able to sing with her idol is a very happy thing!

"Well, Xiaoxue, don't dream. Let's go to the concert." Ling Yu said with a smile!

"That's my new year's resolution this year." Ling Xue said, while Ling Feng suddenly said: "I can help you realize this wish!"

Hear Ling Feng's words, three people are stunned, they don't believe it at all! Ling Xue doesn't believe that Ling Feng can help him realize this wish, so she says:

"second brother, you're not kidding. Leng Xiyan is so hot. How can I sing with her? Don't lie to me

Ling Yu and Ling Yang don't believe it either. If they want to say anything else, they will believe in Ling Feng. But they really don't believe it. Ling Feng is not a person in the entertainment industry. How can he have this ability unless he uses force!

"There's nothing out of the question. I'll just say yes. Believe me Ling Feng very confident said!

"Really? Second brother, you can't use force! " But Ling Feng is also very confident to see how to solve the problem.

"No, I know this cold sunset face!" Ling Feng nodded and said that when Ling Xue said cold sunset last night, Ling Feng always felt that he had met somewhere. Today he came to the concert and heard Ling Yu and Ling Yang say, Ling Feng remembered!

When Yuan Jiacheng invited Ling Feng to Tiandao, they just met Chen Cheng, the boss of Jiangpan entertainment. When Ling Feng left, Chen Cheng took care of Leng Xiyan. Because of this sentence, Leng Xiyan became an entertainer of Jiangpan entertainment. Jiangpan entertainment wasted a lot of resources and made Leng Xiyan a star singer in the entertainment circle. If it wasn't for Ling Feng, Leng Xiyan would become a star singer Yan may still be a nobody now!

In the dim entertainment circle, if there is no one behind, it is basically impossible to think red and fire! After hearing this, Ling Xue said: "second brother, do you know Leng Xiyan? Are you sure? "

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