Qin fan's face changes when he hears Xie Tianshi's words. If so, is the dragon ball the thief of God? Even Xie Tianshi can't fight against the thief of God. Needless to say, the security personnel, but Qin fan can't help it. He can only watch the thief go to the Dragon Ball step by step.

At this time, the robber God showed a proud smile at the corner of his mouth. He went to the dragon ball and watched greedily. For him, the task was too challenging, and even a little disappointed. Huaxia's array was too bad. He took a dagger in his hand and cut directly to the nano shield. The so-called hard shield was cut directly, and the robber God was killed Instead of rushing to get it, he turned around and looked at the monitor head. Then he stretched out his middle finger and said with Hua xiawen in a very arrogant way: "Hua Xia's warriors are a group of rubbish. Ha ha!"

Qin fan in the monitoring room is very angry. The thief God knew from the beginning that they were watching him, and now he is just provoking and mocking. Facing the thief God's provocation, Xie Tianshi looks pale. He knows that he not only lost this time, but also has no face. Even his disciples bow their heads!

Qin fan just wants to look back for Ling Feng, but Ling Feng has disappeared, silent, Qin fan is very confused, where is master Ling, how no voice, this is too weird!

At this time, in the safe room, the God of theft was ready to reach out for the dragon ball. But at this time, his intuition told him that it was very dangerous. Was there a warrior? Impossible, steal God constantly comfort themselves, and when his hand is about to touch the dragon ball, the sky suddenly flashes a light!

A green flying sword rushed over at full speed, directly pierced his palm, and plunged into the dragon ball platform! The sudden appearance of the flying sword made him have no time to react!


The God of theft cried out in pain. The pain spread all over his body. He wanted to take back his hand, but the blue flying sword in front of him had put his hand into the high platform and couldn't pull it out. He looked up at the sky and kept looking for traces!

A powerful pressure came from the sky, which made him unable to lift his head, and a cold voice came into the ears of the God of theft!

"Humble mole ant, who allowed you to look up!"

Word safe room above, Ling Feng standing in mid air, he looked at steal God light said, behind also floating hundreds of green spirit sword.

"Who are you? Why are you here? "

Steal God resist pressure, efforts to look up at the air Lingfeng, fear of shouting!

"You have no right to know!"

Lingfeng finish saying, the green spirit sword group behind is like the bullet general shoots out! Directly through the body of the God of theft, he flew out, and the God of theft said in horror: "you are so strong!"

The robber God directly fell to the ground, dripping with blood. Even his head was pierced by the green spirit sword, and there was a violent explosion. The whole safe room had become a mess, and the ground was full of big pits. Just now, the most powerful earth hiding skill of the robber God left a little bit of damage. But under the attack of Ling Fengqing spirit sword, the ground was directly bombed like tofu !

"A humble mole ant is not qualified to see me. Go to die!" Lingfeng light said, he was full of invincible authority, at this time the God of theft has fallen on the ground into a cold body.

"It's really vulnerable!" Ling Feng said scornfully!

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