"It seems that I underestimate you. You are really powerful!" Snake said with a smile, he just seriously looked at Ling Feng, his face has become very greedy, he saw Ling Feng is spirit body, not any body at all, the whole body is composed of aura, and this is what he wants most now, if he can succeed, then his strength will be improved a step!

"Ha ha, kid from China, I'll give you a chance today. As long as you surrender, I'll make you stronger. How about that?" Big snake says to Ling Feng with unskilled Hua Xia Yu! If Ling Feng can submit to him, then he will save a lot of effort, and he will succeed in winning, which is what he wants to see most!

"Don't be hypocritical. I have a crush on your soul power. You have a crush on my body. You want to give up, right?" Ling Feng naturally understands the meaning of big snake!

"Ha ha, smart, how about it? It's also a very cost-effective thing for you. After I give up, we are one, you are me, and we will become the most powerful existence in the world!" Snake continues to bully and lure!

"Cheap mole ant, what I said just now is a crime of disrespect. I will give you a death!" Ling Feng coldly said that Baqi snake, a mole ant, actually wants to take away Ling Feng's body. Who is Ling Feng, the great sword emperor, and how can he tolerate snake, a mole ant, to take away his body? Even if he says it, it's disrespectful and should be executed!

"If you don't want to do it yourself!" The snake said coldly!

"Let's do it. Let's see who robbed who!" Ling Feng said, and the snake waved his hands, a punch again, the dark energy contained in this punch is more powerful than before, the whole space is shaking! Even the tables, chairs and sacrificial tables were eroded by the dark energy. Sakazaki was shocked. Is this the power of God? It's so powerful! Baqi is the real God!

Ling Feng a sword Qi, again split past.


The sword Qi passes through the dark energy and cuts directly on the snake, making a huge explosion. However, the snake shakes its head and says, "boy, your moves are useless. My soul will never die. No matter how you attack me, you can't kill me. Moreover, this is my territory. I have strong belief power after the meeting, which can supplement my energy. You will lose!"

This shrine is the place where Baqi snake lives. The whole white snow mountain has become a part of him. His soul has long been immortal. Otherwise, the people who killed him would not have been able to destroy the soul of the snake and sealed him here!

Ling Feng can be very disdainful, he Shenzhi move, the air instantly appeared countless green spirit sword, aimed at eight Qi snake, and then cold said: "let me see, you really do not die?"

At the beginning, Ares, the God of war, was still killed by Ling Feng after 18 times of resurrection. However, Mira, the God of war, lost the power of faith to Ling Feng. Ling Feng always thought that he could cultivate with the power of faith, which was not in the class! Snake eyes with a trace of fear, and then cold said: "no wonder you are so arrogant, so you are Jian Xiu!"

"Now that you know it, go to hell!"

Ling Feng's voice just fell, all the green spirit swords rushed to Baqi snake like raindrops, dense and numb. There was constant explosion around Baqi snake, and the fire was splashing everywhere! The dust all over the sky has wrapped the big snake.

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