"My Lord, what should we do now?" Sakazaki Baihe looks at Ling Feng and asks, but Ling Feng takes a look and says faintly:

"since they are so anxious to die, it's only their fault. Just wait here!"

Lingfeng words fall, a light flashing, he has disappeared in situ! The whole person disappeared in an instant. Qin Shuang had seen it before, so she was not surprised. But sakazaki Lilium stood there and couldn't believe it. People around her also saw it. They said in surprise: "did you see it just now? That man was there before, but he disappeared suddenly. It's so strange! "

"I said, are you dazed or hallucinating? How is that possible? Will a living man suddenly disappear

Many people regard him as an illusion. They can't believe it. At this time, Ling Feng has appeared on the top of the mountain. The four people on the top of the mountain also feel it. They look up one after another. Lao Lin looks at Ling Feng and says coldly, "master Ling, you finally appear. I thought you didn't dare to come?"

"Master Ling, you are as young as a rumor. The hero is a young man. His cultivation has reached such a level when he is young. Unfortunately, you are so arrogant that you can only die today!" Tengye taro looked at Ling Feng and said!

Ling Feng can be very contemptuous looking at the four, light way: "no nonsense, today I come to give you a gift, you will certainly use it!"

After that, Ling Feng Hunyuan ring in the division of Kou Guancheng directly rushed to the four!


Four people's expression is very confused, they see the sky, four big black things towards themselves rushed down, but when the four things in front of them, they finally see, actually is the coffin, master Ling sent four coffins over, this shows that he didn't put his personal in the eye, they are only four corpses in Ling Feng's eyes!


Four coffins fell on the ground and were directly smashed out of four big pits. Like four graves, they could be buried directly. All the martial artists on the scene also saw this scene. They were very angry and said loudly:

"master Ling is so arrogant that there is no one in his eyes. He dares to send the coffin, but he doesn't pay attention to the martial artists of the turtle kingdom Inside

"It's too arrogant. Who does he think he is? Is he invincible?"

To be able to deliver a coffin to the opponent before the decisive battle is to despise and slap in the face. Master Ling didn't pay attention to Lao Lin and their four super strong men at all, which is an insult to the whole turtle kingdom. If they can't kill master Ling today, I'm afraid that the warrior world of the turtle kingdom will be shameless to face the world!

"Master Ling must not be spared lightly. He will surely die!"

"Kill master Ling, let them see the power of our country's martial arts world, kill master Ling!" A lot of people yelled that the martial arts circle of the turtle kingdom was very united, but Ling Feng didn't expect that the martial arts circle of the turtle kingdom was very united, but it was good for him. He wanted to defeat the martial arts circle of the turtle kingdom in front of everyone, and let them know who their ancestors were!

Ling Feng's move has also been uploaded to the wuzhe post bar and forum of Huaxia. When everyone sees the news. I can't believe it. A lot of people are commenting.

"Hahaha, master Ling is so powerful that he has prepared a coffin for others. What a scorn! China is invincible! Master Ling didn't pay attention to them at all! "

"I'm afraid Lao Lin and the four of them have vomited blood. They don't have to fight. They are so angry!"

Ling Feng sent the coffin of this scene, attracted the attention of all the martial arts, they have never seen in the decisive battle before the coffin to the opponent!

At this time, on the top of the mountain, the four of Lao Lin are very angry. They are all the strongest among the warriors of the tortoise kingdom. They didn't expect to be humiliated and despised by master Ling today! And master Ling humiliated them, that is to humiliate the martial arts and Taoism of the whole tortoise kingdom. How could they bear it? Lao Lin looked at Ling Feng, his eyes even spewed fire, and roared: "master Ling, you are too arrogant, today I must kill you!"

"Master Ling, you are even more crazy than I imagined, but you are not confident, but conceited. Today we are going to kill you, you have to die!" Tengye taro points at master Ling with the samurai sword in his hand, and Mitsuro OTA and Yasunari Tokugawa stare at Ling Feng angrily. Although their names are not as good as Laolin and tengye taro, they are also very powerful!

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