"It's so hot. How could it be so hot!" In shouhe center, Lao Lin suddenly felt very hot. What he didn't expect was that master Ling's flying sword was still carrying a black flame of terror, which made it hard for him to resist. The key is that the flying sword seemed to be endless and constantly attacking, which made her very anxious. Her psychic skills were too powerful, so the disadvantages were obvious, that is, there was a time limit, and there was no time limit Shouhe has been damaged strongly. The time of appearance will be reduced rapidly!

"No, I can't go on like this. If I go on like this, it's me who will die. I'll do my best and I can't fail!" Lao Lin kept telling himself in his heart, and then he recited the mantra again!

"Ninja of God, Lingfeng armor!"

With the fall of Lao Lin's words, a layer of Green Bay appeared on shouhe. With this layer of armor to resist Ling Feng's flying swords, Lao Lin's pressure was reduced a lot. However, he consumed a lot of money. He had to kill master Ling once, or he would also die. So Lao Lin was ready to make a move to win!

"Shouhe, let him see your most powerful move!"

With Lao Lin's words falling, shouhe opened his mouth, and a huge black ball was slowly formed outside. There was a layer of terrible aura wrapped around the ball, and the dazzling light covered all. Lao Lin felt relieved. This black ball was the crystallization of shouhe's strength, called "tail beast bullet!" Can destroy the sky and the earth, even the real immortal, also hard to resist.

"Come on, shouhe!" Lao Lin shouts. His voice is like a bomb. The black ball in shouhe's mouth is aimed at Ling Feng and spits out directly. Where he passes, the space explodes and his power is powerful. Looking at the black ball rushing over, Ling Feng is still very dull. He shoots a golden sword, a mini version of Xuanyuan sword!

Xuanyuan small sword rushed out directly, and there was a black flame on the sword. With the small sword moving, it became more and more, and finally formed a huge sword. It directly hit the black ball, and there was a strong explosion around. But it was not over. The next moment, the huge sword had passed through the black ball and rushed directly to shouhe. Looking at this scene, Lao Lin was stunned He couldn't believe his eyes, and cried out madly, "how is that possible? How could that be

Shouhe's most powerful move was penetrated by master Ling's sword.


When the sword fell on the green armor outside the shouhe, there was another violent explosion, and Xuanyuan sword was stopped. Ling Feng frowned and stretched out his hand again. The powerful aura entered Xuanyuan sword, and the sword kept rushing forward. Lao Lin felt that the powerful pressure came down, and all around became very depressed. He couldn't resist it It's hard to breathe!



Shouhe's armor has cracks. The cracks continue to expand. Lao Lin is sweating. But he can't do anything. The whole armor is broken. He has no aura to repair it!

"Give it to me!"

Ling Feng said coldly, Xuanyuan sword continued to rush forward! Directly into the body of the shouhe, shouhe back two steps, and then fell to the ground!


With Seoul and falling down, it means that Lao Lin lost. Although Lao Lin constantly manipulated shouhe to stand up, shouhe didn't respond because Xuanyuan sword had directly broken his spirit. Lao Lin couldn't help it!

"Shouhe, stand up, stand up Lao Lin kept yelling, but it was useless. At this time, the blue ice swords in the sky fell towards the shouhe again, and the surrounding explosions kept ringing, directly covering the shouhe inside. The powerful force made the whole Beiyang mountain dust, sand and stone flying, and even the momentum pressed a lot of people!

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