"What the hell is going on?" The giant monster didn't know what happened, but instinctively wanted to run. Unfortunately, she didn't have any chance. All the black flames on the gate began to burn and directly wrapped him in it. The array was full of chaotic black flames. No matter how he attacked and struggled, he couldn't help but watch his body burned!


Fierce screams spread all over Beiyang mountain, like the sound of hell on earth! It's frightening. Gradually, all the monsters have been burned to death, leaving only the soul power floating in the air. With a wave of Ling Feng's hand, all the soul power is gathered in Ling Feng's hands!

"Well, no, one is missing!" Ling Feng frowned and her face changed. She found that there was no soul power originally belonging to Fei Touman. He disappeared!

"I want to run, but nothing can escape from me!" Ling Feng frowned and said, and then the divine sense directly sent out, like a big net, directly shrouded the sky! Soon he found the flying head man, hiding in the clouds, ready to escape, if not before Ling Feng left a mark in their soul. Maybe Ling Feng can't find feitouman!

"I'm wrong. It's all our fault. Please let me go!"

Ling Feng waved his big hand, a huge palm directly grabbed Fei Touman from the air, and then pulled it down. Fei Touman asked for mercy loudly. Just now, he seized the opportunity and ran away. He thought he had escaped Ling Feng, but who thought he was still caught!

"Let me let you go, you are dreaming!"

Ling Feng said, put all their soul power into the Hunyuan ring. So far, except for the Baqi snake that Ling Feng absorbed before, the soul power of other demons and beasts has been put into the Hunyuan ring by Ling Feng. This harvest is very satisfactory!

Ling Feng killed the four most powerful warriors in the tortoise alliance's martial arts circle. Stepping on the whole tortoise alliance's martial arts circle, Ling Feng made all the tortoise alliance's warriors look shameless and disgraced. Ling Feng killed the tortoise alliance's monster group in front of everyone. For them, Ling Feng is invincible!

"Master Ling is too strong. He's just a monster. I'm afraid no one in the martial arts world of the tortoise alliance can deal with him. He has become the number one!"

Many warriors sigh one after another. They all bow their heads and look pale. What they lose today is not the four top strongmen and some monsters, but the whole martial arts world. Among all the tortoise alliance warriors present, I'm afraid only his own family is happy. It shows that sakazaki was right to submit to master Ling at the beginning. With master Ling, his family will go to the peak of glory and become a leader The first Wudao family in the turtle League!

For the martial arts and Taoism circles of the tortoise alliance, master Ling is a frightening and arrogant murderer. But master Ling's strength is too strong for them to provoke. In the martial arts forum, there were all cheers. Master Ling won. He beat all the martial arts invincible. He killed the monster group and the sword God, which shocked and delighted everyone!

Master Ling's sweeping the martial arts world by himself soon spread all over the world. Many Chinese martial arts people and people in the dark world are very excited. They can't imagine that master Ling has become a hot keyword in the whole world for a moment. Aristocrats from all over the world, martial arts aristocratic families, you and all alliance families are very interested in master Ling. There is no one in the whole Super League Can be as strong as him, first one person sweeps ten leagues, now one person sweeps the whole tortoise alliance martial arts world! It can be said that master Ling is invincible!

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