The water dragons summoned by Ling Feng's chaotic water aura are all entities. They are all made up of the water aura in the sea, and their power is very powerful. In their eyes, the mecha fighters are just mole ants. They are easily crushed. Although their attacks also hurt the water dragons, this is the sea, and they can repair themselves at any time. Only in a moment, the bio mecha soldiers suffer a heavy loss, More than half of the dead and injured, the rest are also in a mess, several captains are in a face of panic, constantly retreating!

Who would have thought that master Ling could control the sea water? Is he the king of the sea? He made all these water dragons. It's too hard to imagine. It's really no different from the legendary immortals!

Biochemical mecha is said to be invincible, but they can't be God's opponent when they are strong. They can't fight against the real God. The rest of the mecha soldiers are afraid. Although several team leaders are also afraid, they still say: "all the mecha soldiers will fight with me, and we will be able to kill master Ling!"

The belief of biochemical mecha is that you can't retreat, even if you die, you will die with the enemy! Ling Feng looked at them, light said: "in this case, then the emperor will give you a sword!"

With that, Ling Feng waved his big hand, and a sword Qi had been formed. The light was bright, and the sword was powerful!


Ling Feng said faintly that the 100 meter long sword Qi rushed out directly, and the speed was like lightning. The biochemical mecha soldiers could not react at all. The sword Qi had already rushed in front of them, and no one could stop it!


There was an explosion, and the sword Qi went through directly. Although these biochemical mecha fighters were called absolute defense, their armor was like tofu, and they were all killed by the sword Qi.

The whole army has been destroyed for only half an hour! Even the body did not leave, buried in the sea, their final home, actually or this piece of sea!

Ling Feng looks calm, standing on the water dragon king, driving the water dragon gate forward, and the base of biochemical mecha troops is in front of him, looking at the base under his feet! Lingfeng cold said: "since arrived, then give you a gift!"

With a wave of his hand, all the water dragons suddenly lost control and turned into sea water. The sea water turned into huge waves and rose rapidly. In a flash, a hundred meter wave had been formed. The sea water was all under the control of Ling Feng. The powerful, hundred meter high waves rushed directly to the island where the biochemical mecha base was located!

At this time, all the senior officers in the Xijing battle conference room were pale. They couldn't believe the result. Master Ling destroyed the whole biochemical mecha unit by himself. This kind of terrible magic power was beyond their imagination. Even their hearts were dripping blood. Every biochemical mecha soldier was piled up with money. For them, it was powerful trump! Such a big loss makes them feel very sad!

"Now that the biochemical mecha troops have been destroyed, what should we do next? Let's talk about it!" The old man said solemnly with a straight face that all the biochemical mecha troops they carefully cultivated were destroyed. This kind of loss filled his heart with anger!

"We are all at your disposal. Please give us the Marshal's order." The high-level people all stood up and said respectfully. At this time, the old man's eyes were fixed on the big screen with a trace of fear in his eyes. He saw master Ling roll up a hundred meter wave and press directly against the biochemical mecha base!

"What on earth is this?"

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