Ling Feng looked at the next few people, calm expression, behind them appeared three white Hongjian aimed at them, directly rushed past, white Hongjian rushed through their chest, blood dripping, they fell down, before they died, they were very sorry, but it was no longer useful, 19 team called powerful and invincible heavy armor flat pattern so completely annihilated, and the downstairs fighting scene, has been fresh The blood is red.

"Since they are going to deal with me, Benti will destroy the 19 teams first and let them disappear. Let's go to the 19 team headquarters now. Kill them. " Ling Feng cold vision, 19 team has been Ling Feng sentenced to death.

In the headquarters of the 19th team, yokotaro was very angry: "what, the heavy equipment team was destroyed? Impossible, absolutely impossible. "

Several fighters were destroyed by master Ling before, and then his henchmen, the heavy armor team of thousands of people, more than 70 heavy tanks and more than 20 armored vehicles were also destroyed. It's thousands of people. If you don't, it's gone. Besides, your own heavy equipment team is gone. It's full of the most advanced tanks and armored vehicles. Even if you reassemble them, you don't know how much time and energy it will take, and how much money it will cost. It's a terrible loss.


Hengtaro was very angry, and he wanted to tear master Ling to pieces. The chief of staff quickly came forward and said, "let's calm down. Now the most important thing for us is to find a way to stop master Ling. We still have more than 10000 people to use."

Hengtaro nodded, and then said: "yes, I want to let master Ling fly out of the ashes

"No, captain." Just then, a soldier broke in outside the door.

"What happened, flustered." Hengtaro frowned and said.

"Master Ling has been killed. Our air force has been destroyed by master Ling." The soldier bowed his head and said.

"I see." Yokotaro expression is very serious, this result he just knew, even his heavy armor team has been destroyed, how can the air force resist Ling Feng.

"Team leader, master Ling is very fast. It's estimated that he will arrive at our headquarters in about ten minutes. He is flying by the imperial sword." The soldier said again.

"I see. Go down." Hengtaro waved his hand and said.

After the soldiers left, the chief of staff quickly said: "I didn't expect that master Ling would destroy our air force so quickly. It seems that his target is the headquarters of our 19 teams."

Ling Feng with sakazaki Lily all the way rushed over, rolling the whole 19 team. All the soldiers who intercepted them were killed. Ling Feng flew all the way, and the soldiers who died in his hands could not be counted.

"It seems that there should be the headquarters of team 19 ahead." Ling Feng looked at the military base in front of him and said faintly that although Xiaoban is not big, its geographical location is very important, and it is the focus of turtle defense. Therefore, the 19 teams stationed here are among the top in the whole turtle country, and their strength is very strong.

And behind the military region is the urban area. Sakazaki Baihe said again, "master, if you destroy the 19th corps, then nothing can hinder you in the whole Guiguo West, but how can Guiguo allow you to do it?"

The troops of turtle kingdom are only deployed in four dangerous places outside. If Ling Feng exterminates the 19 teams, then the whole west will become Ling Feng's world. Ling Feng can directly attack Huanglong and destroy Xijing, the capital of turtle kingdom. At that time, the turtle Congress will be defeated by Ling Feng alone.

"The turtle Kingdom has to pay a heavy price. It's just an appetizer." Feng Ling said lightly.

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