"After destroying the 19th division, master Ling went all the way East and came to Xijing. What is he going to do?"

"He doesn't want to destroy the military strength of the whole western region. This wine will destroy the military strength of the whole tortoise alliance. If so, what should we do?"

For a moment, many high-level officials were shocked and scared. The old man sitting in the middle of the building had a dignified face. He thought the 19th division could be delayed for at least a few hours, but who would have thought that the well-equipped 19th division would be destroyed in less than half an hour by master Ling.

How terrible this is. This time, the tortoise alliance and master Ling have become rivals, which has made the old man regret very much. This time, even if we kill master Ling, the military strength of the tortoise alliance will regress for 20 years. But now that we have a bad relationship, we have to go on and kill master Ling, so that the alliance members outside can see the powerful military strength of the tortoise alliance.

Now the old man is very uneasy and can only wait for his charge to be completed. The old man places his last hope on the last trump card of the tortoise alliance, the power of outer space. At this time, the high-level people are still discussing it, but soon a message comes out.

"What? The troops in Guanxi are also destroyed by master Ling, and there are still many troops and bases from Guanxi to Xijing. They are all targeted by master Ling, and they will be destroyed soon. "

After hearing this news, everyone was shocked. The troops in Kansai are the top troops in the tortoise alliance, which have the most high-tech lethal weapons. On the road from Guanxi to Xijing, there are still many troops stationed. Now master Ling is staring at them. What a terrible thing it is. It can be said that master Ling is either on the way to kill the turtle alliance or on the way to kill the turtle alliance.

The whole high-level people here were already flustered. They were shocked and said:

"is master Ling going to destroy our military region this time?"

"It's terrible. And with the speed of master Ling coming, soon she will tell Xijing. What should we do? How many troops did he kill alone? "

The senior leaders were flustered, and their faces were very ugly. They looked at the old man, who was calm on the surface and flustered in the heart, even more flustered than all of you.

"Old leader.",. Let's surrender. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the military strength of our tortoise alliance will be over. We can't bear the loss. " A senior official said.

As soon as he said this, he was opposed by others: "what do you say? As soldiers, we just want to resist foreign aggressors. If we surrender, what do we want you to do? You are a coward. You are not worthy to be a general. "

"But now master Ling is too powerful. Can't you see how much we have suffered in the face-to-face confrontation? If we go on like this, our troops are all finished. What else can we fight? "

"We will never surrender. The alliance of our tortoise alliance is so powerful, and the military is the top in the world. How can we be afraid of master Ling alone? Surrender is impossible. We will never die."

In the hall, all the high-level people were quarreling. There were those who advocated surrender, those who advocated fighting to the end, and those who didn't speak. The whole hall was very chaotic, but the old man couldn't see it. Then he said, "you all give me peace. We don't want to surrender with master Ling. It's impossible."

The old man would not allow master Ling to dominate the whole tortoise League, and would not surrender. At this time, the old man stopped and ran in and said, "old leader, the secret weapon has come to life. Now it's in the debugging stage. It's estimated that it will be launched in half an hour."

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