The people on the scene are very frightened when they hear Ling Feng's words. Although they are all the leaders of the turtle League, they are just like ants in front of master Ling. It's too easy to kill them. In master Ling's heart, human life is just like ants, fragile.

They thought that even if master Ling was rampant and nobody in Mu Zhong, he would not kill himself. After all, their status was there. If they killed him, it might lead to a war between the eastern alliance and the tortoise alliance. But master Ling didn't think so at all. He was very firm.

"Master Ling, do you really want to do this, don't you leave a way for yourself?" The old man in Shanye endured his anger and said, "the tortoise alliance can make peace, but it can't be insulted. How can we say that they are also the strong alliance in the world, and the strong alliance has the pride of the strong alliance. Ling Feng's face didn't change at all, but said faintly:

" you say so, you don't want to make peace, don't agree to my conditions? "

"Master Ling, you can choose other conditions, and I will promise you. Only this one, let's kneel down and hold a press conference, which we can't accept. In the words of your Oriental alliance, it means that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated." Said the old man.

"Since you say so."

Ling Feng didn't go on talking. His face became more and more gloomy. With a wave of his big hand, the huge sword of Qingling in the air began to slowly fall down. The power of the sword soared to the sky. Feeling the power of the sword, many hall leaders trembled and even couldn't stand. They were very scared.

"Master Ling, if you do this, you will start a war between the tortoise alliance and the Oriental alliance, and the super weapons of the tortoise alliance will also be deployed. If you kill us, you will also die." Said the old man.

"Mole ant, you think I will be afraid of you, but it's just a small League of bullets."

Ling Feng's eyes are very cold. What he hates most in his life is threat. A small league member dares to threaten him with this kind of tone, and it's just like looking for death. Ling Feng waves his hand, and Qingling's huge sword rolls down directly. He has no face at all.

The leaders of the turtle League were shocked. Master Ling didn't take the old man's words as one thing. He was not afraid of anything.

At this critical moment, a voice came from a distance, and a figure quickly ran to Ling Feng.

"Master Ling, show mercy."

Ling Feng looked at Qin Shuang, heart very confused, this Firebird and Qin Shuang have returned to the alliance, why Qin Shuang now came, Ling Feng looked at him and asked faintly: "what's the matter with you."

"Captain Diaolong asked you to spare the tortoise League this time, you see?" Qin Shuang looks at Ling Feng and says that she is helping Diaolong pass on a message, but Diaolong must have been said by those people. Ling Feng is very confused about how those people above know about it? Is it because he has made so much noise that even the eastern alliance already knows?

"If you say so, you can get away with a capital crime, but you can't get away with a living one." Lingfeng cold said, and the sky Qingling huge sword rapid disintegration, into countless Qingling sword, rushed down.


There was a violent explosion, and all the buildings were turned into ashes where Qingling sword rushed. In a moment, except the tall building where the leader of turtle alliance hall was standing, other places were turned into ruins. At this time, the leader of Mingren alliance and others who were standing on the tall building had collapsed, and master Ling was too strong.

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