Tiedan wants to fight himself in front of Lingfeng. When he hears Lingfeng's words, he is very happy to start playing Bagua boxing. His fist is hard, but it's the most powerful boxing. His pace is steady. It seems that he is a practitioner of the school. This is only Lingfeng's first impression of her.

For thousands of years, there are various kinds of martial arts in China. This is just one of them. Although the eight trigrams boxing looks very strong, it has too many shortcomings. These shortcomings are enough to be bald and killed. Ling Feng can see the defects at a glance, and then shakes his head. He is very disdainful!

Ling Feng's shaking his head was just seen by other members. They were very upset, especially Tiedan. He naturally knew the power of his Bagua fist, which was his proudest place. Now this new instructor actually looked down on his fist technique, which was insulting him. How could he bear it? So Tiedan said: "Ling instructor, you don't look up to me Do you know how to fight

"Yes, your boxing is rubbish. It's worthless!" Ling Feng light said, heard this, everyone was shocked, this person despises iron egg's boxing, but you actually said that other people's boxing is rubbish, this does not give people face, and he has his own said other people's boxing rubbish, he is a general instructor, dare not fight with his subordinates, this is too ridiculous!

In Ling Feng's mind, this boxing is really rubbish. It's not only chaotic moves, but also lack of explosive power. It's also used to watch. The actual combat ability is very bad!

"Drillmaster Ling, I don't like to hear you say that. Since you say my boxing is rubbish, let's have a competition and see who is rubbish!" Iron egg frowned and said!

Can Ling Feng face calm, disdain of say: "I have no interest to compare with you, you this boxing is too rubbish, completely no challenge!"

Hear Ling Feng's words, iron egg's face changed, but he also has no way, just Firebird's words are still in his mind, to respect the general instructor, this is the order, and other guardian members are very disgusted with the general instructor, even if they have no ability, still so rampant, look down on iron egg, look down on all the guardian members!

Tiedan retreats. He knows that the new general instructor has no ability at all. He just likes to pretend. Why does he have to go up to trouble others? Firebird and Qin Shuang don't know what happened to Ling Feng? It's so different from him. What does he want to do?

Ling Feng looked at all the guardian members, and then said faintly: "I know you all want to challenge me, to see how much strength I have, but so what, you are not qualified, don't talk about it in the future, when you can reach my standard, I will give you a chance!"

Ling Feng is not interested in these dark warriors at all. Even if Tianjie is in his hands, he can't walk for two rounds. What's more, a group of low-level warriors just don't think much of themselves, while the guardian is very unhappy. If it wasn't for Firebird at the scene, they would have taught Ling Feng a lesson!

"Well, if you want to be strong, you have to break through your physical limit. Now do you see the mountains ahead? Run to me as fast as you can, and then come back the same way, back and forth 15 times! "

Ling Feng pointed to the mountain in front of him and said that he had observed the Fengshui situation of the nearby mountains when he came here. This mountain is the most abundant aura in the nearby mountains!

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