Looking at Wen Bin's appearance of being a villain, Tang Zhilin's face is very ugly, but now he has no way to go, and he is inferior to others. If he loses, he will lose. But Tang's martial arts school is Tang Zhilin's hard work in his whole life. He really doesn't want to give up. Is it true that he will give up because of this?

Tang Zhilin looks at the more than 30 students in front of him. They are all his favorite students. After so many years of development, the business of the martial arts school is very good. There are hundreds of students. Who doesn't know Tang's martial arts school in the whole four or five cities? But now because of Wen Bin's relationship, there are only more than 30 students left!

"Master, we are willing to follow you!" Students have said!

But Tang Zhilin shook his head and said, "I know what you're feeling now. From today on, Tang's martial arts school doesn't exist. Let's break up!"

Hearing this, all the students turned pale. They looked at Tang Zhilin and cried out, "master, we can't give up!"

"Needless to say, it's my decision. I won't change it!" Tang Zhilin sighed. At this moment, he seems to be a lot older!

"Ha ha ha, I didn't have to come in person. OK, you can leave. I'll let you go!" Said Wen bin!

"Wen bin..."

Tang Zhilin trembles with anger when he hears Wen Bin's words. He points at Wen bin and is very angry. His martial arts school has already given up. Wen bin is also aggressive! Tang's mother and Tang Xin rushed forward to help Tang Zhilin.

"Why, don't you want to go, Tang Zhilin?" Wen Bin said with a gloomy face.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhilin is very helpless, but helpless. At this time, Ling Feng stands up and says, "you wait!"

Hearing Ling Feng's voice, everyone looked at him. Tang Xin was very confused and said, "Ling Feng, what are you doing? Step back. He's a martial arts master. You're not his opponent!"

"Nothing. Leave it to me." Ling Feng does not care, he wants to help Tang Xin, for Ling Feng, this is just a small thing.

But Tang Xin doesn't believe that Ling Feng can help him. The other party is a martial arts master. What can Ling Feng do? If Wenbin is offended, it will be over. Even so, Tang Xin is still a little moved. After all, she and Ling Feng have only known each other for a long time, and Ling Feng can stand up and say to help him. So Tang Xin hurriedly said: "Ling Feng, forget it, I don't need it. The other party is a martial arts master, don't offend He's gone! "

"Hum, hairy boy, if you want to save the beauty, you don't see where it is. You don't know how to live or die!" Wen bin looks at Ling Feng with murderous look in his eyes!

Seeing Wen bin like this, Tang's mother quickly said: "Ling Feng, forget it, we don't need you to help me, you can push it down quickly!"

It's not that they don't need Ling Feng's help, but they think that Ling Feng can't help at all. It's just a dead end. Looking at Ling Feng's gentle, he doesn't look like a warrior at all. Wen bin can kill him with one move!

And just then, a voice came in from outside the hall!

"Who dares to run wild in Tang's martial arts school and seek death?"

As the voice fell, a young man came in. He looked like he was in his twenties with a proud face. Everyone looked at him. When Tang Zhilin saw him, he became very happy!

"Vicky, you're here at last!" Tang Zhilin said first!

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