Although master Wei is a powerful man with strong mental power, he is not Ling Feng's opponent at all. Ling Feng's divine sword Qi smashes master Wei's attack instantly and attacks him directly. However, master Wei's face changes greatly. He did not expect that master Ling could smash his attack instantly, and the opponent's mental power turns into sword Qi and rushes directly.

Feng Huawei must take a deep breath to resist the light in his eyes.

But these flying knives are not the opponents of Ling Feng's divine sense at all. In an instant, all the troops are destroyed and disintegrated. Ling Feng's divine sense is intact and continues to attack.

Master Wei didn't expect that he underestimated this divine sense. Now he has to admit that master Ling is really strong. At this time, the spirit of divine sense sword is getting closer and closer to master Wei, and he has to start to block Ling Feng's spirit of divine sense sword with his body protecting spirit.

But Lingfeng's spirit of protecting the body can't be stopped by master Wei's spirit of protecting the body. As soon as he saw it, the spirit of protecting the body appeared cracks. Master Wei was very shocked. When he was shocked, the spirit of protecting the body had been broken by the spirit of protecting the body and fell directly on him.


A big mouthful of blood gushed out of master Wei's mouth. His face was pale, and master Wei was also half kneeling on the ground. He was very painful. Ling Feng's spirit of Shenzhi sword was very strong and had the power to attack the soul. Master Wei was not an immortal cultivator, so his soul was very fragile. The blow just now had been severely damaged by the spirit of Shenzhi sword.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. What's going on? Master Wei suddenly turned pale and vomited blood, and then half knelt on the ground. It seemed very painful, but master Ling didn't do it. They both stood there. Could they fight out of their bodies? Master Ling hurt master Wei?

It's incredible. The onlookers were very surprised. After all, everyone was watching master Ling and master Wei just now, but they were not warriors. Naturally, they couldn't see Ling Feng and master Wei's divine sense and spiritual attack. However, one thing explains everything. Master Wei lost.

"Dad, how are you? Are you ok? " Wei long quickly picked up Mr. Wei, and then nervously said that the cultivation of Mr. Wei, Wei long naturally knew that it was heaven level, and there were few Heaven levels in the whole China. Those who could reach this level were evil and strong, but his father lost in front of master Ling, which showed that master Ling's cultivation was far ahead of Mr. Wei. Even second master Wei and others can't imagine that master Wei lost.

"I'm fine."

Mr. Wei slowly stood up, his expression was very painful, he had been seriously injured, and he did not expect that master Ling was so strong, he lost, a move lost to master Ling.

"Just mole ants."

Ling Feng light said, and Wei long heard this sentence, heart angry, he momentum instant release, a punch toward Ling Feng, this is his most powerful punch, all aura are hit by him in this punch, even the mountain can break.

"Wei long can't do it. Step back quickly."

Master Wei quickly dissuades him, but it's too late, and Wei long rushes up.

"I'm looking for death."

Ling Feng's mind moves, and a white rainbow sword appears behind him. He rushes out to Wei long. The speed is so fast that Wei long has no time to respond.


The white rainbow sword directly penetrates Weilong's body. His body protection aura is like tofu, which can't resist the piercing of the white rainbow sword. Weilong flies out like a broken kite, then falls to the ground and kills in seconds.

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