"Yes, the backstage of this auction is the Wei family. Every year, what they end up with is a spirit weapon. In previous years, it was a inferior spirit weapon. But this year, it was a medium spirit weapon, so it attracted people from all major forces." Mr. Mu said.

"It's like this."

"The purpose of the Wei family is to win over the people of the major forces through the auction to form a deep-seated cooperative relationship, so the auction is only superficial."

"It seems that the Wei family can really pull up the relationship." Ling Feng said with a smile, Wei family's network is very huge, plus three days of old guard's birthday, it seems that the whole Jiangnan dignitaries will come.

Wei family has been standing for a hundred years, and is becoming more and more powerful. In addition to his outstanding strength, he also makes friends with all kinds of allies and supports from many big figures. His network is another strength.

"Brother Ling is also interested in this magic weapon?" Asked Mr. mu.

"Of course." Ling Feng nodded and said.

"But I advise brother Ling to give up. Don't cause trouble, or you will be killed." Mr. Mu quickly dissuaded him, saying that Chinese spirit weapons can't be bought by money. Even if you buy them, all martial arts practitioners will remember you and bear the truth of their crimes.

Mr. Mu dissuaded him because he regarded Ling Feng as a rich young man from other places, so he told him not to participate in the fight for this magic weapon, so as not to cause trouble. At that time, he would be in trouble.

"Thank you for your reminding." Ling Feng said with a smile, also did not take this as one thing.

"It's too precious. We can only see it. It's wishful thinking and impossible to get it." Mr. Mu sighed that the value of Zhongpin Lingqi is not measured by money at all.

After that, several items were bought at high prices by the rich people in front of them. They are basically antiques, and these antiques are very popular with the rich people. The next thing to be auctioned is the focus of this auction, which is the medium quality artifact.

Standing in the center of the host said with a smile: "the next thing we want to auction is the focus of this auction, that is, we are looking forward to Zhongpin Lingqi."

Then the host picked up a fan, which exuded a strong aura. It looked very unusual, as if there was something hidden in the fan. The host began to introduce: "this fan is the focus of today, the ultimate medium-quality spirit tool, which can call the wind and rain, but also can launch lightning power, very powerful."

Hearing this, the rich people in front of them will not believe it. It's too outrageous. It's not an artifact to be able to call the wind and the rain and start lightning. They think it's a movie. A lot of rich people talk about it:

"how can it be? I've never heard of such a magic weapon before. I don't believe it."

"If that's the case, it's not a spirit weapon, it's an artifact."

Many rich people have a wide range of knowledge, but they have never heard of this kind of magic weapon. Naturally, the host also heard the comments of the rich people, so he immediately said, "I know it's hard for you to believe it. Well, I'll ask a friend with profound moral character to show it to you on stage, so how about you see it again?"

Yin Guimen nodded and said, "I'm a middle-aged man. I asked him to introduce himself."

"He turned out to be a disciple of the North ghost sect. The North ghost sect is a big sect in the north. In those days, the ghost sect was divided into two parts. The South ghost sect was destroyed by master Ling three years ago, and the North ghost sect is the only one. It's not simple."

"I didn't expect that the Wei family would be able to invite the disciples of the North ghost gate this time. It seems that their relationship is different."

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