Ling Feng didn't show anything directly. Instead, he followed his servants to the guest room. When they got to the room, they left directly. Ling Feng was alone in the room. He planned to go to Lu Zhong to ask for the quarter of the parchment later. Ling Feng thought that Li Banxian would call Lu Zhong and make it clear. As soon as he came to Lu's house, they would send the parchment directly A parchment was sent up, but it's not available now.

Li Banxian did call Lu Zhong, but he didn't make it clear in detail. He just said that a Mr. Ling in four or five cities would come to get the scroll, and that the old man was able to go out of the house to receive Ling Feng in person, which had given Li Banxian a lot of face. Moreover, Ling Feng just called Lu's name directly, which made him very disgusted, so Ling Feng was naturally not welcomed because he didn't like it They only regard Ling Feng as Li Banxian's Apprentice.

Ling Feng didn't care so much. Anyway, it was in Lu's house. He could take it whenever he wanted. He was too busy these days and didn't study the scroll well. Then Ling Feng took out the scroll to see if it was research.

It's very interesting. Ling Feng feels that there is a mysterious smell in it. It seems that he has been guiding him. It's very unusual. In a flash, at noon, Ling Feng takes back the scroll and is ready to go directly to Lu Zhong to take the other quarter of the scroll. After all, this is his task when he comes to Lu's home. He doesn't need anything else, and he will go to the north in a month Ah, fight with the master of the northern school.

"Mohe Sanxiong came to visit Mr. Lu."

Just when Ling Feng is ready to go out, he suddenly hears a voice composed of powerful aura spread to the whole Lu family. The sound is still with a strong wind, even the trees are shaking violently.

At this time, a pale old man in the inner courtyard of Lu family heard the voice and trembled all over. He was Lu Zhong. Lu Zhong was seriously injured in his early years, and he has not recovered until now. With the increase of age, the injury is getting more and more serious. At this time, he has to walk on crutches. I'm afraid that Lu Yanzhong had to rely on his own help to survive, but he didn't have to die.

"Dad, are you ok? Don't be angry. Your health matters." Lu Xing, the second son, said quickly. Lu Zhong has seven sons, who play different roles in the whole family and support the development of the Lu family. They are all very capable people.

"They've advanced a few years. It seems that they can't survive today. Let them in." Lu Zhong sighed and said.

The old man said, "don't worry, master. I'm here. I won't let Mohe Sanxiong be reckless in the Lu family."

"I thank you, elder brother." Lu Zhong nodded. Qi is always a friend of Master Lu. He has been guarding the Lu family for decades.

"We two said that. That's what I should do. " The old man said with a smile.

"Well, let's go to the hall and meet the three heroes of Mohe."

At this time, there were many people in the hall of the Lu family. They were all the lineages of the Lu family. They all stood on both sides without saying a word, but the atmosphere was heavy. From their expressions, we could see that they were very wrong. Lu Zhong was sitting in the middle of the hall, and the old man was standing behind him. As like as two peas in the hall,

is standing in the hall, three middle-aged men, three of them are the triplets, and the most famous three heroes in Northeast Mohe County. Each of them is very powerful. They are named Tang, whose names are similar to those of Lingjia, which are Tangtian, Tangdi and Tanghai.

"Master Lu, long time no see." Tang Tian looked at Master Lu and said with a smile that he was the eldest of the three.

"Ha ha, please sit down and have tea." Lu said.

"Mr. Lu, I don't need the red tape. I think you should know what our three brothers came here for today." Tang Tian looks at Master Lu and says coldly.

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