
Shen Zhenhao shouts out, and his body is full of light. He wants to get rid of the shackles of the star chain, but how can it be. Then another chain rushed out, entangled Shen Zhenhao's other arm and pulled back.

Shen Zhenhao's training has no effect at all in front of the chain of the star. Under the chain of the star, any resistance is futile. It will only make the chain tighter and tighter, but Shen Zhenhao doesn't give up. He continues to resist. Ling Feng shakes his head. Two chains appear again in the sky, locking Shen Zhenhao's two thighs. Then, the chain began to contract, and Shen Zhenhao was suspended in mid air. No matter how he urged the body, it was useless.

This scene happened so quickly that people were dazzled. They didn't know what happened. They just knew that Shen Zhenhao was stopped by four transparent chains and hung in the air. He couldn't move at all.

Shen Zhenhao wants to break free, but he can't break free at all. Even Shen Zhenhao feels that the aura in his body is imprisoned, and he can't use any power. This powerlessness made him feel desperate.

"How is that possible? How can I lose to him? "

Shen Zhenhao's whole body was shaking. He didn't think about failure, but when the result came out, he couldn't accept it. Moreover, the failure was unbearable. Ling Feng's chain fell in the air and couldn't move. What face would he have in the future. But the result has come out, Shen Zhenhao lost.

Even the most powerful author of the imperial capital is not the opponent of master Ling. He is suspended in the air by chains. This scene looks very shocking. Everyone is stunned. The whole space is filled with the sound of air conditioning.

"I didn't expect that Shen Zhenhao was defeated. Master Ling was too strong. I didn't expect that."

"Master Ling defeated two tianzhijiao of the Shen family in a row, and also defeated the first strong Shen Zhenhao. It's really invincible. But today is master Shen's birthday, but it's the place where Master Ling shows his strength."

"What's Mr. Shen's mood now?"

A lot of people talked about it, and they were shocked by master Ling's strength. The Shen family on the scene looked very ugly. Even Mr. Shen was the bastard they once mocked, but today he has such strong strength. Was the Shen family's decision wrong?

Ling Feng takes a look at Mr. Shen, and then with a green spirit sword in his hand, goes directly to the two proud sons of the Shen family, Shen Qingtao and Shen qingran. At this time, they are shaking.

"Did you take it?" Ling Feng came to the two people, light said, and the two did not speak, but Ling Feng from their eyes to see, they are not convinced.

"Since you don't agree "Ling Feng said half of the time, but he was not polite. He directly stepped on Shen Qingtao's head, while the other corner stepped on Shen qingran's head, leaving no feelings at all. They want to resist, but they can't do anything. Their faces are close to the ground. No one can bear the shame of being trampled on by others, not to mention the two proud sons of heaven, but what they are facing is Ling Feng. In Ling Feng's eyes, they are all ants.

"How about now?" Ling Feng said again.

"I don't agree, I just don't agree." Shen Qingtao yells out loud to vent her fear. Although Shen qingran doesn't speak, she is as unwilling as Shen Qingtao. Ling Feng frowns. He wanted to give them a chance, but they don't cherish it. So Ling Feng aims at Shen Qingtao's head and raises his green spirit sword.

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