"Well said, the special envoy of Shen family will definitely die under the attack of our biochemical soldiers. We can also let China know how strong our HC country is, and then China will be afraid of our HC country. Maybe the whole Asian and Asian States has the final say.

"Only country m is worth following. With country m behind us, we are not afraid of any enemy at all."

The rest of the senior members of the Jin family say that they seem to have seen the victory, so they boast. What they don't know is that it's just the beginning.

For Ling Feng, the attack just now is just a trial. Country m has been studying all kinds of high-tech weapons, and this biochemical warrior is just one branch. The energy of country m is too powerful. What people see in front of them is just the tip of the iceberg. No one knows how many cards they have and how much they want, because they are all hidden.

What Ling Feng is afraid of now is nuclear weapons, and the first country to develop successfully is country M. Ling Feng also knows that country m has been studying itself for a long time. They have been developing high-tech weapons against themselves, because their existence threatens their status.

Although up to now, Ling Feng has never played against m country, she knows that this day is not far away and will come soon. Ling Feng took a deep breath, then said with a smile: "but general mole ants, ready to die?"

Ling Feng waved his big hand again. Suddenly, chaos and black fire appeared on the blue ice sword group in the sky. The black flame swept the whole sword body and burned wildly. The whole fire aura was abundant in the air instantly. The whole back garden was like a stove, very hot. A few hundred meters around, there are all black flames, like a black ocean. Yu Mengmeng stands behind Ling Feng shaking. If Ling Feng's light shield hadn't protected her, she would have been unable to bear and collapsed.

"Since you biochemical soldiers have no feelings at all, I will give you the most powerful experiment. You are going to die for me." Lingfeng words fall, the blue ice sword group in the sky rushed down again, faster than the speed of sound before.

The air flow formed by the combustion of chaos black flame makes the whole space become a sea of fire, and the blue ice swords are overwhelming, directly pressing these biochemical soldiers into the Li sword array.

Chaos black flame burns the world. I'm afraid that biochemical soldiers will no longer exist. One after another, the sound of explosions rings. The armor of biochemical soldiers is punctured by swords. Many soldiers' heads are punctured, and some of them are wrapped by chaos black flame. Other biochemical soldiers retreat one after another. They can't resist the attack of chaos black flame. Although they have no soul, they still insist.

A few seconds later, hundreds of super soldiers rushed over again. Ling Feng was a little shocked and said loudly: "generally stubborn Xiaoqiang."

If it wasn't for the black armor, these biochemical soldiers would have been destroyed long ago, but they have several swords in their bodies now, and they have not fallen down. Even though they are attacked by chaos black inflammation, they still stand up. It can be seen that the armor is very powerful, but it consumes a lot of energy, and the color is much dimmer now.

Although powerful, but he also has the limit to bear, Ling Feng as long as the use of blue ice sword continuous attack, these hundreds of biochemical soldiers will become debris.

When the senior members of the Jin family saw this one meter, their faces changed. They didn't expect that the special envoy of the Shen family had such powerful moves.

Kim Youxian was very worried and said: "the consumption of biochemical soldiers is too serious. They can't support it for long. What should we do?"

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