"I said, Captain, I remember you still owe us a big meal. Do you want to give it back to us this time?" A driver of seven or eight said with a smile.

"Captain, you can't pretend you didn't hear me at this time. Captain


Some drivers were puzzled. Why did the cheery captain not speak just now. And then suddenly a very cold voice came out.

"You don't have to shout. Your captain is dead."

When everyone heard this, they looked out. Their captain's armor was cut into a company by a sword. Their proud hard armor was even worse than tofu in front of the strange sword. The Hellfire explosion just now did no harm to Ling Feng.

The aura field formed by aura armor can withstand the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees. The flames were useless in his eyes. Then Ling Feng with the fastest speed, directly flashed to up to 78 captain fighter in front of a sword cut into two sections. Then cold said: "scrap metal, vulnerable existence."

No matter how hard their GAODA mecha is, it's not Ling Feng's opponent. Master Ling chopped up to seven or eight pieces into two pieces with one sword, which was just photographed and then broadcast live all over the world.

The leaders of the M League have been silly and shocked. They had ordered Gao Da to return to the base, but they didn't expect that at this time, master Ling appeared again and killed the captain of the team up to 78 with one sword. It's too sudden for people to react.

"This... How is this possible? Master Ling should have been killed long ago. How can he still be alive?"

"Master Ling is so hateful. He was fake before. He must have let me relax my vigilance. Then he suddenly appeared and killed up to seven or eight people with a sword when he was not prepared. It's so hateful." Senior officials curse master Ling one after another.

And the Supreme Commander calm face, under the order: "tell them, quickly and master Ling keep a certain distance, and then fight back, master Ling must die today."

But even if he doesn't give the order, other Kodak robots know how to do it. After all, it's related to their lives. At this time, there was another comment explosion in the live broadcast room, which surprised many netizens.

"I said master Ling won't die, but it's just a gang of tiegada. How can they be master Ling's opponents? This time, the m-league was beaten in the face. Master Ling cut the Gundam robot in half with one sword. It's really shocking."

"Master Ling's invincible existence, ha ha ha, it's so exciting, full screen 6666."

Most of the netizens all over the world support master Ling. Although m-league is the world's Super League, they are too overbearing, provoking a lot of wars and disgusting countless people. What they want to see most is to fight m-league in the face. As long as m-league is shriveled, they will be very happy.

However, the netizens of M alliance are very scared. They are shocked by master Ling's strength and worry that master Ling will deal with them just like other alliance members.

"MAIGA. Master Ling is too powerful, isn't he a man? "

"I believe Gao Da, Gao Da will be able to destroy master Ling. He is our idol."

The netizens of M alliance say one after another that they all hope to let GAODA robot kill master Ling. At this time, on the sea, the remaining seven or eight have already fought back. They are very serious now and don't despise master Ling. They were too careless before, which led to the killing of their captain. If they were careful, what just happened would not have happened.

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