When snow apes saw that their companions were defeated by huofalao, they immediately became very angry. They opened their mouths, and a sharp frost breath rushed out to kill huofalao and others. They all opened Ganoderma lucidum. This frost breath is their talent and is very powerful.

Live method old looking at the snow apes, cold said: "we don't waste time, together to kill in the past, kill this group of snowmen."

His words with indifference, with strong breath despise this group of snow ape, and want to kill them all. Smith took the lead and gave a loud shout. His whole body strength suddenly reappeared. He was a mutant. After his strength came out, he directly turned into a bear man. He was more than three meters tall. His whole body was covered with hair and full of bloodthirsty breath. It was frightening.

After becoming a bear man, Smith was as tall as a snow ape. He smashed the Frost Breath directly with his fist, and then rushed to the snow ape in front of him. Although snow ape is powerful, it is not the opponent of bear Smith at all. Even if it is hard, snow ape has fallen behind.

Smith, the bear man, laughs and makes a quick punch. The speed is like lightning. Snowape can't prevent it.


He punched the snow ape in the chest directly. The snow ape was dripping with blood and splashed on Smith, who was very excited. For her, the blood was his tonic, which could nourish her body. Later, Smith escaped the heart of the snow ape with one paw, and the snow ape was very unwilling to fall down. He was not Smith's opponent at all, and was killed by Smith directly.

Smith directly engulfed the heart of the snow ape, and then looked at the way of living. The old man said with a smile, "boss, you are right. The heart of the snow ape is really a tonic, ha ha ha."

Astuga, who is hiding in the side, sees this scene with panic on his face. He has been scared by Smith and his cognition has been refreshed. There are bear people in the world, and they are bloodthirsty and terrible. Astuga was shaking.

At this time, all the fighting has ended, more than a dozen snow apes have been killed, or even not enough for this group.

"It's too weak. It's not as strong as they say." Said the count, a very handsome young man with no blood. Under his feet lay the bodies of two snow apes, which were all dried up and their blood was absorbed by the blood count.

On the other side, the successor of the AJ Kingdom's Pharaoh also had a snow ape body lying at his feet. He killed it with one move and cut it into two sections. There is also a snow ape, who was burned to ashes by the fire Wizard of M country on a snowy day dozens of degrees below zero. The rest of the snow ape bodies are under the feet of several other people, their ground is full of blood, very terrible.

This team is full of top Western powers with strong cultivation. It's just a small idea to deal with these snow apes. It's not worth mentioning at all. Smith looked at them and said, "I say you don't waste them. The heart of these things is a great tonic. If you don't want them, give them to me."

Just now, he killed a snow ape and ate each other's heart directly. He felt that his blood was abundant and his strength was much stronger. So he looked at the corpses at the feet of all the people and said, after hearing Smith's words, everyone began to deal with their prey and dug out their hearts for preservation.

Blood count disdain said: "OK, I give you, eat this kind of thing, you are really disgusting."

Seeing these people's bloodthirsty methods and the blood all over the ground, astuga felt very uncomfortable, even his whole stomach was rolling. These people are demons. After killing the snowman, they have to take the heart. Why should I bring them to ice Valley? I'm a sinner. Astuga confessed that he wanted the snowman to kill all the people in front of him, but he didn't expect that it was the snowman who was killed in the end.

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