All the members of the huofa old team have already fought with the snow ape. They show their strongest strength against the snow ape. The blood count takes out a blood red knife from his body and constantly kills the strong snow ape. His blood red knife can suck blood, and all the blood of the snow ape's body is sucked dry!

The spokesman of the king of AJ, whose body is like a ghost, is powerful. He also killed several snow ape strongmen, but he didn't get hurt at all. The most powerful one should be the living Falao. His staff has powerful magic power, which can instantly destroy the spirit of snow ape. It's very terrible.

But some of their team were killed by the snowapes, and both sides had great losses. Astuga, who was hiding nearby to watch the battle, watched the old group fighting with the snowapes, praying that they were all killed by the snowmen!

Of course, this is just his wishful thinking. In the end, all the snow apes were killed, leaving only bloodstains on the ground. However, the color of the branches of the Millennium snow ginseng is more and more bright, and even people can't help picking it directly! Huofa took a look at the situation of the battlefield. The snowman's corpses piled up like a mountain, and his team also died of many strong men. However, huofa didn't have any expression, or even the slightest regret!

For the living master, the dead people are just inferior to others. There is nothing to be pitied for. Moreover, it is better for them to die, which means that their share of snow ginseng does not need to be allocated. Even the living master wishes that all the people are dead and he is the only one left, so the whole snow ginseng is his!

All or all the strong people think so. They are a temporary team. They come together for the sake of the Millennium snowman. When the real Snowman appears, they will only consider themselves. After all, they all want to get more points!

"All the strong members of the snowman clan have died, so the next step is to dig out the snowman ginseng, and then we will distribute it!" Smith said faintly that he was more excited than anyone else. If the snowman got hold of it, then he could directly evolve into the black bear emperor, which made him eager to take the snow ginseng and find a place to break through the black bear emperor!

"Wait a minute, the snowman has the most powerful existence, he is the Snow King, his strength is the most terrible, we can't take it lightly!"

According to the ancient books, the Snow King's strength is very terrible. It is said that he has reached the divine level and protected the whole Snowman clan. But they didn't find the Snow King just now.

After hearing the words of huofa Lao, bear Smith quickly stopped. Although he wanted to dig out snow ginseng directly, he still endured his own impulse! After all, he is not sure that he can win and become the Snow King of God level, unless he can evolve into the black bear king! Blood count light said: "it seems that the next is our most difficult challenge, but we have a way to live, this King we are not afraid of!"

Thomas said: "this Snow King is not simple, I can feel his breath, everyone should be careful!"

Now everyone wants to keep their own strength, must not try their best, otherwise, even if they can kill Snow King in the end, they will be very dangerous, and even be killed by their team mates!

Because in the place you want to get a whole plant of snow ginseng, no one wants to get a little bit, everyone's heart. No one's moving forward!

"Everyone be ready, the Snow King has appeared!" Living method old constantly observe around, and then remind everyone, he has smelled the smell of Snow King!

At this time, all of a sudden, the whole Shandong force winds around, dust fascinated everyone's eyes, a tall figure rushed out!


With a loud noise, the three strong men at the end of the old team have been killed by one blow. The blood is dripping. Xue Wang killed the three strong men directly as soon as he took the hand. His strength is very terrible!

"Today, all the people who set foot in my ice Valley must die here!"

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