"What, what's going on?"

He was shocked when he dropped his sword. He couldn't resist it with his old sword.

Count blood and Thomas were shocked. They knew the terror power of huofalao very well. Otherwise, he would not be the leader of the team. But he was directly crushed by master Ling in the face-to-face confrontation.

"You are too weak. I thought there were some strong practitioners in the West. They were all vulnerable. Are you going to figure out how to die next? " Ling Feng is very disappointed in the book. He wanted to give each other a chance. Who knows they are so weak, so Ling Feng looks at count blood and Thomas with a strong murderous spirit.

Thomas and count blood join hands to attack. In the whole cave, they form a powerful energy attack. Count blood incarnates into several parts, holding the blood red blade in his hand, and rushes directly to Ling Feng. This is the secret skill of the blood clan, but count blood understands the most basic. There are only four parts. Thomas also used his best strength to attack Ling Feng with his unique skills. They cooperated perfectly and used their best skills one after another. They were confident that master Ling would do it.

However, this confidence only lasted for a few seconds. The Qingling sword group above the cave had attacked again and rushed towards them.


There was a huge explosion. Count blood and Thomas were pale, and a mouthful of blood gushed out directly. They had been defeated before they got close to each other. Before the blood count's body had attacked Ling Feng, it had been made into a hornet's nest by the green spirit swords. Thomas's left hand was cut off, and the blood was flowing.

"If we lose, please let master Ling go." The count of blood quickly begged for mercy. He was seriously injured, and his aura was used up. There was no sharp weapon on his whole body.

"Master Ling, we have given up. As the saying goes, we should forgive others. Let us go. " Thomas said.

"Die for me."

Ling Feng said coldly, and then he urged the green spirit sword group again, ready to kill them at one time, and then take the Millennium Snowman away. They knew that they could only run away now, and they did not have the courage and strength to fight at all.

Thomas spurted out his blood essence, and then tore the space to escape. However, all powerful practitioners have the ability to escape, but they will not use it until the last time, because they will pay a heavy price, even if they are seriously injured, or even die. Blood Earl also performed the blood clan's escape secret skill, before disappearing, he yelled: "master Ling, you wait for me, our blood clan will not let you go."

"Wanton mole ants."

Ling Feng was angry for the first time. He didn't expect that this damned mole ant would die. He even dared to threaten himself. It was a dead end. But when Ling Feng was ready to use aura to seal the whole cave space, a sudden change happened. The cave collapsed directly without any signs.


Countless huge stones fell down and sealed the whole cave. All this happened so fast that there was no buffer time at all. At this time, the whole ice valley became flat, and the two nearby mountains had collapsed, crushing the whole cave into ruins.

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