"Well, I'm watching." Jian Shuang said with a smile, and then there was an expression of watching. He doesn't believe that Bingling's teammates can beat Yang Kai, and Yang Kai's accomplishments are clear to him. Can ice Ling but a pair of very worried looking at Ling Feng, can Ling Feng a face of calm, he was relieved a lot.

At this time, Yang Kai is already good. He keeps waving his sword. He sees light coming out from the sky and the earth. With a strong sword power, Yang Kai's face shows a satisfied smile.

"This man's sword spirit is very powerful. He is worthy of being selected by Lingyan Pavilion. He is really powerful."

"The sword is so powerful that people can't look directly at it."

Around the loose repair have said, their heart is very amazing Yang Kai's strength, Yang Kai naturally enjoy everyone's praise, heart a little floating said: "how, today let you see my powerful."

Between the words, several swords have become stronger and stronger. When Yang Kai looks at Ling Feng in front of him, his eyes are full of joking smiles. He is not afraid of Ling Feng in front of him. He is confident that he can defeat Ling Feng in one move, and this confidence has been with her since she was born.

But Yang Kai looks at Ling Feng. At this time, Ling Feng's expression is still very calm. He doesn't show anything. Yang Kai is very surprised. Is this boy really not afraid of himself? In other words, he can really take his sword Qi, but Yang Kai quickly denied it, because it's impossible. The guy in front of him has no momentum at all. Even if he is powerful, he is only a local level. How can he defeat a person in the early days of the heaven level?

Thinking of this, Yang Kai moved. His sword was several meters long, and it was shining. He split directly at Ling Feng, like a flash of lightning. Jianwei charging, raised a large area of soil, dust all over the sky.

"Boy, you're dead."

Yang Kai coldly said that now he doesn't need to do anything, just this sword is enough to kill Ling Feng, and the onlookers are not interested. They know that the result is obvious. After all, an unknown little man and Ling Yange's people are killed by seconds, and there is no suspense.

But the reality of the results and they think is completely opposite, that several meters long sword gas quickly rushed to Ling Feng, immediately close to Ling Feng, Ling Feng just understand, he just gently pointed, a sword gas rushed out, the sword gas is very small, even looks very weak, but full of strong pressure.


Ling Feng's sword Qi directly destroyed Yang Kai's seemingly brilliant and invincible sword Qi, even fragmented. All around is full of domineering power. Yang Kai is very shocked. He didn't expect that his sword Qi would be destroyed by a sword Qi that seems to disappear at any time. This has never happened before. Yang Kai is very angry because it is an insult to him.

His heart has been telling himself that he must fight back and kill Ling Feng, so his aura has been mobilized. Facing Ling Feng is a sword, and the sword is powerful.

He has to chop Ling Feng's sword Qi to pieces, or even directly chop Ling Feng to death, in order to revive his reputation. Unfortunately, he is disappointed. The speed of his sword Qi is so fast that he can't imagine it. The powerful sword power of his colleagues is full of this space. Yang Kai feels that a powerful pressure falls on himself, and his colleagues' hands are numb.

At this moment, Yang Kai's face was very ugly and his heart was shocked. He didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him was so powerful.


Yang Kai's sword was broken directly. He couldn't bear the terrible power. After all, Ling Feng's sword spirit was formed by chaotic aura. Even the mountain could be split in two, which was very domineering.

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