The old count was very happy at the moment. Ling Feng stood there to let the missile fight. He was really ignorant. Did he think he could resist the missile?

There was a lot of laughter in the command room. No one could survive the heavy missile bombardment. Even if the flesh and blood were powerful, it was useless, because this was the power of technology.

But soon the old count couldn't laugh, because he saw from the screen that master Ling was standing in the sky unharmed, even intact. He was wearing a shining transparent armor, just like a real God.

"He's all right?"

The old count was stunned. He was shocked and said that he couldn't believe the result. He was shaking all over: "how can this be possible? Master Ling has been strangled by the missile model. How can he do nothing? How can he do it?"

"How is that possible? How can he be all right? He's not a man. He must be a devil. " When the commander saw this scene, he was shocked as if he had seen a ghost. It was a heavy missile. It was terrible in the whole army.

"No, master Ling is coming to us."

Command room to see the screen, Ling Feng is fast toward them, quickly said, other officers see this scene are flustered, trembling.

The old count said at this time: "don't panic, master Ling is coming, then we'll blow him with all our strength. There are other high-tech weapons on the warship, plus we have two missiles. Don't be stingy, as long as we can kill him."

There are many high-tech weapons on this warship. The old count is not afraid of master Ling at all. He guessed that master Ling must have used a lot of aura just now in order to resist the bombing of heavy missiles. Now, I'm afraid there's not much aura. It's just the end of a crossbow.

Moreover, the old count believed that he could bomb master Ling with the strength of his bloody warship, and let master Ling die. Just now, it was just a small episode, and more importantly, their next bombing. When the old count thought of this, his face was full of light.

At this time, over the Antarctic waters, Ling Feng flies fast towards the blood warship. He is wearing aura armor and surrounded by aura. Like a god of war, he is full of momentum. Ling Feng's face is very calm and his spirit has long locked the blood warship in the front waters.

At this time, all the fighters who watched the battle looked at the sky. They all knew that master Ling and the warships of the blood clan would never die. Whether the legendary master Ling was more powerful or the high-tech warships with amazing lethal weapons were stronger, we will soon know.

"If master Ling can destroy the warships of the blood clan, I'm afraid the whole world will shake, and the European continent will be in a panic. This kind of enemy is not controlled by them at all, and they will be very uneasy." Said a Western warrior.

"The result hasn't come out yet. Maybe the one who died was master Ling. What's more, there are so many talented people in Europe that even country m dare not act rashly. Let alone master Ling is just one person." Soon someone retorted.

"No one has ever been able to threaten the European continent, but they have controlled the resources of many projects in the world, and the inside information is very powerful. A master Ling is nothing more than that." Said the other warriors.

"After all you've said, it's still a question whether master Ling can survive." Some people even said with a smile.

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