"Sister Dongmei, I'll go back first." Zhou Yuxin said with a smile.

See Zhou Yuxin ready to leave, Ling Dongmei immediately said: "Yuxin, you wait for a while."

"Sister Dongmei, is there anything else?" Zhou Yuxin turns around and looks at Ling Dongmei suspiciously and asks.

"Nothing's wrong. You can come back to the apartment with me today. You haven't tasted my craft for a long time. We'll have a good meal." Ling Dongmei gently looked at Zhou Yuxin and said.

"Well, good." Zhou Yuxin nodded and said. Then they left directly from the Lingshi group building. Along the way, Ling Dongmei drove, while Zhou Yuxin sat on the co pilot. Behind their car, there was a black car.

Soon she arrived at Ling Dongmei's home. After she had parked her car, she got off with Zhou Yuxin. Her room was on the top floor. It was a house of more than 300 square meters, and the space was very large. Usually, Ling Dongmei lives in the group and seldom comes back. This time, it's also because of Zhou Yuxin.

Ling Dongmei greets Zhou Yuxin to sit down, and then goes to the kitchen to be busy. He prepares some good dishes and greets Zhou Yuxin well. There are too few people who can let Ling Dongmei cook in person. Zhou Yuxin wanted to go to the kitchen to help, but she was blown out by Ling Dongmei. She can only watch TV in the living room. All the TV shows are all kinds of love dramas with brain damage, and Zhou Yuxin is not interested.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Just when Zhou Yuxin was bored, suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Zhou Yuxin asked

But there was no one to talk to. She was puzzled. Could she defeat Dongmei's friend? So Zhou Yuxin immediately got up and went to open the door. As soon as she opened the door, before she saw the other side, she saw a punch coming.


Zhou Yuxin flies out and hits the ground. Although Zhou Yuxin is a warrior, he is just a warrior in the early stage of dark strength. How can he resist such a strong hand? A big mouthful of blood spurts out. His bones are almost broken, and the whole person faints to death.

Ling Dongmei, who is busy in the kitchen, hears the huge noise coming from the hall and comes out immediately. However, she sees Zhou Yuxin falling on the ground, dripping with blood. She quickly ran to Zhou Yuxin, picked her up, and then cried out: "Yuxin, Yuxin."

But Zhou Yuxin in her arms, has no breath, like a dead man.

"You don't have to shout. I've killed her."

A cold voice came out. Ling Dongmei looked up at the door. There was a Western man standing at the door. She looked cold in her fifties.

"Who are you and why do you want to kill Yuxin?" Ling Dongmei was very angry. She didn't know each other and stood up to the man in front of her Originally lying in Ling Dongmei's arms, Zhou Yuxin suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood again, and then said intermittently: "sister Dongmei... I... I can't do it... I want to tell you... The person I secretly love is... Ling Feng."

After that, Zhou Yuxin fell down. In the end, she had a smile on her face. Even Ling Dongmei didn't expect that the person Zhou Yuxin liked was Ling Feng. But now that Zhou Yuxin is dead, what's the use of knowing? Ling Dongmei regretted that if she didn't invite Zhou Yuxin to her home, she would not have died. She was indirectly killed She.

His good sister died in his arms like this, which made Ling Dongmei feel very guilty, and tears kept falling from the corner of her eyes.

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