One day later, Ling Feng, Jiang yu'er and Jianling come to the European continent. Their goal is to destroy the blood clan. By the way, let them hang the whole European continent and let them know that not everyone in China can provoke them.

After a day's rest, Ling Feng is no longer in a big way. This time, the blood prince of the blood clan came to China in person and hurt Ling Feng's family. This is a capital crime. Ling Feng's anger must destroy the whole blood clan and make the whole European continent bow down before it can be calmed down.

Before leaving, Ling Feng asked Ling Dongmei and Zhou Yuxin to go to Ling's home in four or five cities. Now everything is unstable. Ling Feng is very worried that his opponents are all the strongmen of Shenjie, but Ling's home is very safe. With the protection of the big array and the God of war, even Shenjie can't easily enter, so Ling Feng is very relieved.

At Y country airport, Ling Feng walked out of the airport and attracted a lot of people's attention. No matter their appearance and temperament, they could attract other people's attention. Jiang yu'er and Jianling stood on both sides of Ling Feng and held Ling Feng's arm. It was difficult for them not to be noticed by others.

"This man is so handsome. He's my type. I really want to spend a romantic night with him."

A beauty who has committed a flower mania can't suppress her inner emotion, so she can speak it out loud.

"These two oriental beauties are really beautiful. They are so beautiful. They are in line with the image of goddess in my heart. But why are these two oriental beauties his own? It's so irritating."

Ling Feng did not care. As soon as he got off the plane, his divine sense directly spread out and enveloped the whole country y. with Ling Feng's divine sense, there was no escape for everything. He could feel some powerful and mysterious atmosphere. It seemed that this trip to country y would be very meaningful meaning.

In the history of more than two hundred years ago, country y has always been the most powerful country with profound foundation. At that time, they did not know how many national resources they plundered and established countless colonies. Up to now, country y is very powerful, and their top ten paladins are extraordinary.

Just after the meeting of Ling Feng's divine knowledge, the strong people hiding in all parts of the Y country felt that they were wrong, as if someone was watching them. They thought that the strong people were looking at the sky and said in doubt: "what's the matter? Is it difficult for anyone to dare to invade country y? "

"What's the matter? It's been more than 100 years. No strong person dares to enter Y country. It's hard for some people to break the contract they made at that time."

"I don't know what's going to happen this time? But I feel that the whole of Europe is going to change. "

Several strong people sigh that they think this is a major event. The whole country y has been quiet for hundreds of years. No strong people dare to enter easily, otherwise they will suffer a devastating blow. The pattern of the European continent has been stable for hundreds of years and has been very stable.

In a church in Y country, an old man suddenly raised his head and was shocked. There was a man standing beside him. The man was very surprised. He hadn't seen his teacher's shocked expression for many years, so he asked: "teacher, what's the matter with you?"

"My intuition tells me that an earth shaking event will take place in Y country immediately, and it will not be stable in the following days."

Harold was very worried and said that he was the owner of the Church of the state of Y, with a high status, and he was also the most famous diviner in the state of Y.

"Master, can you tell me what's going on? Who is going to target country y? " The man asked in doubt.

Harold took a look at the sky outside, and then said, "I can only calculate the relationship with the East, but I haven't figured out who it is. In a word, it's a postgraduate entrance examination for country y, and I hope it can be settled peacefully."

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