"Well, when nobody is around, you don't have to be a ice beauty all the time. Give me a massage." Ling Feng looked at the side of Jiang yu'er said.

"Yes, young master." When Jiang yu'er heard Ling Feng's words, she seemed to be a different person. She showed a smile and then beat Ling Feng's back.

"Young master, what are we going to do next? Don't we come here to clean up the blood clan? Why don't you do it yet? " Jianling asked, because she had been in Lingyan Pavilion, she was more direct and didn't have so many ideas.

"Don't worry, you two find a time to go to the blood clan first. You can kill as many as you can, and you don't have to be in front of me. By the way, help me tell the blood clan that I want to destroy the clan. I'm waiting for your news here. Remember, this time is to experience you, so do you understand what I mean?" Ling Feng said easily, this time he came, one is to destroy the blood group, but to give y country and the European continent a little color to see, and the meaning of Ling Feng's words is to let them protect themselves.

"We see, young master."

Jiang yu'er and Jianling have a tacit understanding and look at each other. Then they leave the room. Ling Feng is sitting on the sofa, drinking red wine and smiling. He believes in the strength of the two women, so he doesn't have to do it so early. What's more, they need to practice. Now this is a good opportunity.

"Blood clan, Y country, and the European continent, I am very curious about how you meet me? I hope you can give me a surprise Feng Ling said lightly.

In the European continent, country y is just his first stop. He wants to kill the monkey and let the powerful countries have a good look at how the European continent is trampled under its feet and how it bears the anger of the sword emperor.

Kingdom y, the polar region of the blood clan at this time, the king of blood sat in the hall, silent and cold. In the morning, the death of Harold and brown, and the fire in the church, the king of blood naturally knew, and he also knew that master Ling had done it. Master Ling came to kingdom y.

After that, the person in charge of the surveillance told him that after master Ling killed Harold, he stayed in the Royal Hotel, which was also the presidential suite on the top floor, with two oriental girls.

"I didn't expect that master Ling's action was so fast. He arrived in country y so quickly and killed Harold as soon as he got off the plane. It seems that he is giving me a signal. It's just arrogant."

The blood King Jue said in surprise and anger, but master Ling's coming is also in line with his mind. Now that he's here, he's ready to die here. Just at this time, a servant came in flurried and reported, "Wang Jue, two Oriental women have come outside the door. They want to intrude into our polar region. Our people are resisting."

Blood prince's face has changed. He already knows the identity of the other party and the woman brought by master Ling. But blood prince didn't expect that master Ling had found his castle so quickly. Did he want to destroy the family? But the polar area of the blood clan is not so easy to break in, or no one has ever been able to break in.

"Is master ling here?" It's master Ling that the king of blood cares about.

"They are very strong, and we have no strength." Said the servant hastily.

The king of blood frowned and was very unhappy. He didn't expect that master Ling didn't come in person, but he asked her two servants to rush into the blood clan. It's too hard to pay attention to the blood clan. Is it so easy for the blood clan to rush in?

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