
Watching the green spirit swords attack the lower class, a strong guard border is formed around the paladins. The green spirit swords constantly smash on the guard border, causing a fierce explosion. As long as all the paladins are together, they can break out a strong force. They are united together and are not afraid of the attack of the green spirit swords.

"It seems that only when they are together can they have some strength." Ling Feng said that at this time, all the paladins gathered their aura into Kun's hand. A long sword appeared in his hand again, which was very powerful.

"Master Ling, see if you can bear the anger of our paladins. If this sword goes on, you will surely die." Kun is a paladin's cold guidance, and then he waves his sword Qi directly. The sword Qi rushes to Ling Feng, and the space along the way is cut in half.

"Damned mole ants, they're looking for death."

Ling Feng is a little angry. He has a divine sense. The green spirit swords in the sky begin to gather together. In an instant, a huge green spirit sword is formed. The power of the sword soars to the sky and cuts directly at Kun's Paladin.


The fierce collision sounds, the air waves in the sky are constantly emitting, and the guard border is constantly shaking, as if to break. The paladins are very shocked. They didn't expect that master Ling's Qingling sword is so powerful that they almost broke their border. You know, this border is a gathering of all their spirits, which is very powerful.

But at this time, if Qingling sword attacks again or twice, I'm afraid the border will be red. Ling Feng stands there with a calm face. Qingling sword rushes past again, and the terrible sword power spreads out.


With a loud noise, the green spirit sword fell directly on the guard border. The border was cracked, and then it broke. It could not resist the attack of the green spirit sword. Paladins face changed, they did not expect that master Ling's strength is so terrible, even if they can not fight together.

Then, all the paladins were smashed and flew out, and then fell to the ground. They all suffered internal injuries. Maybe in the hearts of y people, they are very strong, they are the Royal Guard, but in Ling Feng's eyes, they are still too weak, they are not their opponents at all.

"We must not admit defeat. We must stand up and kill master Ling." Kun a paladin stood up and said that under his leadership, all paladins stood up. Although they were seriously injured, they had to protect the Y country behind them and kill master Ling.

"I thought the order of the paladins was nothing but praiseworthy of your spirit. You are too weak." Ling Feng cold said, this paladin is Ling Feng rebirth, the first time to see the heart of a strong will.

"The light is with us." All the paladins said loudly, what is spirit? It's a kind of faith, a kind of unswerving faith. This is the spirit of the paladin order.

"Warriors of the paladins, attack with me and kill master Ling." Kun a paladin said aloud, he led the rest of the paladins, directly rushed to Ling Feng, fearless of the green spirit sword group in the air. But their end is doomed.

"But you are too weak. Death is where you belong." Lingfeng cold said, and then overlooking the whole Paladin, green spirit sword group toward them constantly impact.


the sound of explosions was deafening. The dust covered the Paladins in the sky. It was a pity that they were in vain.

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